Michelle Ernst
Michelle Ernst
在 cchmc.org 的电子邮件经过验证
Problem solving in the treatment of childhood obesity.
LH Epstein, RA Paluch, CC Gordy, BE Saelens, MM Ernst
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 68 (4), 717, 2000
Maternal child feeding practices and obesity: a discordant sibling analysis
BE Saelens, MM Ernst, LH Epstein
International Journal of Eating Disorders 27 (4), 459-463, 2000
Developmental and psychosocial issues in cystic fibrosis
MM Ernst, MC Johnson, LJ Stark
Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics 19 (2), 263-283, 2010
Changes in eating disorder symptoms with pediatric obesity treatment
LH Epstein, RA Paluch, BE Saelens, MM Ernst, DE Wilfley
The Journal of pediatrics 139 (1), 58-65, 2001
Habituation of responding for food in humans
MM Ernst, LH Epstein
Appetite 38 (3), 224-234, 2002
Open-loop feedback to increase physical activity in obese children
GS Goldfield, LE Kalakanis, MM Ernst, LH Epstein
International journal of obesity 24 (7), 888-892, 2000
Biopsychosocial predictors of quality of life outcomes in pediatric congenital heart disease
MM Ernst, BS Marino, A Cassedy, C Piazza-Waggoner, RC Franklin, ...
Pediatric cardiology 39, 79-88, 2018
Disorders of sex development/intersex: gaps in psychosocial care for children
MM Ernst, LM Liao, AB Baratz, DE Sandberg
Pediatrics 142 (2), 2018
Cognitive‐behavioral therapy: How medical providers can increase patient and family openness and access to evidence‐based multimodal therapy for pediatric migraine
MM Ernst, HL O'Brien, SW Powers
Headache: The Journal of Head and Face Pain 55 (10), 1382-1396, 2015
Using quality improvement science to implement a multidisciplinary behavioral intervention targeting pediatric inpatient airway clearance
MM Ernst, JL Wooldridge, E Conway, K Dressman, J Weiland, K Tucker, ...
Journal of Pediatric Psychology 35 (1), 14-24, 2010
Tangle equations II
C Ernst
Journal of Knot Theory and its ramifications 6 (01), 1-11, 1997
Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) to foster resilience in pediatric chronic illness
MM Ernst, MW Mellon
Child and adolescent resilience within medical contexts: Integrating …, 2016
Assessing psychosocial risk in pediatric inflammatory bowel disease: Validation of the Psychosocial Assessment Tool 2.0 _General
ALH Pai, A Tackett, EA Hente, MM Ernst, LA Denson, KA Hommel
Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition 58 (1), 51-56, 2014
Psychosocial functioning of parents of children with heart disease—Describing the landscape
J Wray, A Cassedy, MM Ernst, RC Franklin, K Brown, BS Marino
European Journal of Pediatrics 177, 1811-1821, 2018
Similarities and differences between migraine in children and adults: presentation, disability, and response to treatment
AM Kroon Van Diest, MM Ernst, S Slater, SW Powers
Current pain and headache reports 21, 1-6, 2017
Case studies in Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology: The “why” and “how to”.
MM Ernst, LR Barhight, ML Bierenbaum, C Piazza-Waggoner, BD Carter
Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology 1 (2), 108, 2013
Inpatient pediatric psychology consultation-liaison program development: 5-year practice patterns and implications for trends in health care.
C Piazza-Waggoner, A Roddenberry, G Yeomans-Maldonado, J Noll, ...
Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology 1 (1), 28, 2013
Adapting pediatric psychology interventions: Lessons learned in treating families from the Middle East
ME Hilliard, MM Ernst, WN Gray, SA Saeed, S Cortina
Journal of pediatric psychology 37 (8), 882-892, 2012
CBT for pediatric migraine: a qualitative study of patient and parent experience
AM Kroon Van Diest, MM Ernst, L Vaughn, S Slater, SW Powers
Headache: The Journal of Head and Face Pain 58 (5), 661-675, 2018
Individualized care for patients with intersex (disorders/differences of sex development): Part 3
KB Krishna, BA Kogan, MM Ernst, RLP Romao, F Mohsin, ...
Journal of Pediatric Urology 16 (5), 598-605, 2020
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