Silvia Macia
Silvia Macia
Associate Professor of Biology, Barry University
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Coral communities of Biscayne Bay, Florida and adjacent offshore areas: diversity, abundance, distribution, and environmental correlates
D Lirman, B Orlando, S Maciá, D Manzello, L Kaufman, P Biber, T Jones
Aquatic Conservation: marine and freshwater ecosystems 13 (2), 121-135, 2003
Experimental dispersal of recovering Diadema antillarum increases grazing intensity and reduces macroalgal abundance on a coral reef
S Maciá, MP Robinson, A Nalevanko
Marine Ecology Progress Series 348, 173-182, 2007
The effects of sea urchin grazing and drift algal blooms on a subtropical seagrass bed community
S Macia
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 246 (1), 53-67, 2000
Salinity reduction from freshwater canal discharge: effects on mortality and feeding of an urchin (Lytechinus variegatus) and a gastropod (Lithopoma tectum)
E Irlandi, S Macia, J Serafy
Bulletin of Marine Science 61 (3), 869-879, 1997
Design and analysis of multiple choice feeding preference data
JS Prince, WG LeBlanc, S Maciá
Oecologia 138, 1-4, 2004
Back from the dead: the resilience of Siderastrea radians to severe stress
D Lirman, D Manzello, S Maciá
Coral Reefs 21, 291-292, 2002
Destruction of Florida Bay seagrasses by a grazing front of sea urchins
S Maciá, D Lirman
Bulletin of Marine Science 65 (2), 593-601, 1999
The influence of freshwater runoff on biomass, morphometrics, and production of Thalassia testudinum
E Irlandi, B Orlando, S Maciá, P Biber, T Jones, L Kaufman, D Lirman, ...
Aquatic Botany 72 (1), 67-78, 2002
Effects of habitat heterogeneity in seagrass beds on grazing patterns of parrotfishes
S Maciá, MP Robinson
Marine Ecology Progress Series 303, 113-121, 2005
New observations on airborne jet propulsion (flight) in squid, with a review of previous reports
S Maciá, MP Robinson, P Craze, R Dalton, JD Thomas
Journal of molluscan studies 70 (3), 297-299, 2004
Why be cryptic? Choice of host urchin is not based on camouflage in the caridean shrimp Gnathophylloides mineri
S Maciá, MP Robinson
acta ethologica 12, 105-113, 2009
Reproductive Pattern in the Caridean Shrimp Gnathophylloides Mineri Schmitt (Gnathophyllidae), a Symbiont of Sea Urchins
S Maciá, MP Robinson
Journal of Crustacean Biology 32 (5), 727-732, 2012
Habitat-dependent growth in a Caribbean sea urchin Tripneustes ventricosus: the importance of food type
S Maciá, MP Robinson
Helgoland Marine Research 62 (4), 303-308, 2008
Growth rates of the tropical sea urchins Tripneustes ventricosus and Lytechinus variegatus based on natural recruitment events
S Maciá, MP Robinson
Caribbean Journal of Science 45 (1), 64-68, 2009
Population dynamics and growth rate of the turbinid gastropod Lithopoma americanum (Mollusca) in Biscayne Bay, Florida, USA
S Macia
Nautilus 115 (2), 62-67, 2001
Competitive interactions between the sea urchin lytechinus variegatus and epifaunal gastropod grazers in a subtropical seagrass bed
S Maciá
Florida Scientist, 216-225, 2004
Effects of temperature on seagrass Thalassia testudinum seedling survival and growth
K Centeno, O Marita, S Macia
Florida Scientist 85 (2), 56-56, 2022
New foliose and gelatinous red macroalgae (Rhodophycota) from the Azores: morphological and geographical observations AI Neto, MR Terra (Ponta Delgada, Portugal) and RJ Haroun …
M Antonielli, S Pasqualini, P Batini, L Ederli, A Massacci, E Irlandi, ...
Aquatic Botany 72, 405-407, 2002
The role of the sea urchin Lytechinus variegatus in the community ecology of seagrass beds (Thalassia testudinum, Syringodium filiforme)
SM Macia
The role of the sea urchin Lytechinus variegatus in the community ecology of seagrass beds
SM Macia
University of Miami, 2000
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