Jinseok Ko
Jinseok Ko
Principal Research Scientist, National Fusion Research Institute
在 nfri.re.kr 的电子邮件经过验证
An overview of KSTAR results
JG Kwak, YK Oh, HL Yang, KR Park, YS Kim, WC Kim, JY Kim, SG Lee, ...
Nuclear Fusion 53 (10), 104005, 2013
Lower hybrid current drive experiments on Alcator C-Mod: Comparison with theory and simulation
PT Bonoli, J Ko, R Parker, AE Schmidt, G Wallace, JC Wright, CL Fiore, ...
Physics of Plasmas 15 (5), 2008
Overview of KSTAR research progress and future plans toward ITER and K-DEMO
HK Park, MJ Choi, SH Hong, Y In, YM Jeon, JS Ko, WH Ko, JG Kwak, ...
Nuclear fusion 59 (11), 112020, 2019
Full wave effects on the lower hybrid wave spectrum and driven current profile in tokamak plasmas
S Shiraiwa, J Ko, O Meneghini, R Parker, AE Schmidt, S Scott, ...
Physics of Plasmas 18 (8), 2011
Rotational resonance of nonaxisymmetric magnetic braking in the KSTAR tokamak
JK Park, YM Jeon, JE Menard, WH Ko, SG Lee, YS Bae, M Joung, KI You, ...
Physical review letters 111 (9), 095002, 2013
Lower hybrid heating and current drive on the Alcator C-Mod tokamak
JR Wilson, R Parker, M Bitter, PT Bonoli, C Fiore, RW Harvey, K Hill, ...
Nuclear Fusion 49 (11), 115015, 2009
A sustained high-temperature fusion plasma regime facilitated by fast ions
H Han, SJ Park, C Sung, J Kang, YH Lee, J Chung, TS Hahm, B Kim, ...
Nature 609 (7926), 269-275, 2022
Formation of the internal transport barrier in KSTAR
J Chung, HS Kim, YM Jeon, J Kim, MJ Choi, J Ko, KD Lee, HH Lee, S Yi, ...
Nuclear Fusion 58 (1), 016019, 2017
Overview of results from the MST reversed field pinch experiment
JS Sarff, AF Almagri, JK Anderson, M Borchardt, D Carmody, K Caspary, ...
Nuclear Fusion 53 (10), 104017, 2013
Overview of the Alcator C-Mod research program
E Marmar, A Bader, M Bakhtiari, H Barnard, W Beck, I Bespamyatnov, ...
Nuclear fusion 49 (10), 104014, 2009
Instrumentation for a multichord motional Stark effect diagnostic in KSTAR
J Chung, J Ko, MFM De Bock, RJE Jaspers
Review of Scientific Instruments 85 (11), 2014
Validation of the ‘full reconnection model’of the sawtooth instability in KSTAR
YB Nam, JS Ko, GH Choe, Y Bae, MJ Choi, W Lee, GS Yun, S Jardin, ...
Nuclear Fusion 58 (6), 066009, 2018
Diagnostic development for current density profile control at KSTAR
J Ko, J Chung, MCC Messmer
Fusion Engineering and Design 109, 742-746, 2016
Sensitivity of magnetic field-line pitch angle measurements to sawtooth events in tokamaks
J Ko
Review of Scientific Instruments 87 (11), 2016
Disruption event characterization and forecasting in tokamaks
SA Sabbagh, JW Berkery, YS Park, J Butt, JD Riquezes, JG Bak, RE Bell, ...
Physics of Plasmas 30 (3), 2023
Initial operation of a newly developed multichord motional Stark effect diagnostic in KSTAR
J Chung, J Ko, H Wi, M Messmer, S Schenkelaars, M Scheffer, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 87 (11), 2016
Simulation of the motional Stark effect diagnostic gas-filled torus calibration
HY Yuh, FM Levinton, SD Scott, J Ko
Review of Scientific Instruments 79 (10), 2008
Disruption event characterization ex/p6-26 and forecasting in tokamaks
SA Sabbagh, JW Berkery, YS Park, JH Ahn, Y Jiang, JD Riquezes, ...
IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, 2018
Intrashot motional stark effect calibration technique for lower hybrid current drive experiments
J Ko, S Scott, S Shiraiwa, M Greenwald, R Parker, G Wallace
Review of Scientific Instruments 81 (3), 2010
Kinetic equilibrium reconstruction and the impact on stability analysis of KSTAR plasmas
Y Jiang, SA Sabbagh, YS Park, JW Berkery, JH Ahn, JD Riquezes, ...
Nuclear Fusion 61 (11), 116033, 2021
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