Sridevi Padmanabhan
Sridevi Padmanabhan
Professor ,Orthodontics,Sri Ramachandra University
在 sriramachandra.edu.in 的电子邮件经过验证
A comparison of shear bond strength and debonding characteristics of conventional, moisture-insensitive, and self-etching primers in vitro
R Rajagopal, S Padmanabhan, J Gnanamani
The Angle Orthodontist 74 (2), 264-268, 2004
Physical, mechanical, and flexural properties of 3 orthodontic wires: an in-vitro study
SR Juvvadi, V Kailasam, S Padmanabhan, AB Chitharanjan
American journal of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics 138 (5), 623-630, 2010
Evaluation of the genotoxic effects of fixed appliances on oral mucosal cells and the relationship to nickel and chromium concentrations: an in-vivo study
M Natarajan, S Padmanabhan, A Chitharanjan, M Narasimhan
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics 140 (3), 383-388, 2011
Systemic consumption of probiotic curd and use of probiotic toothpaste to reduce Streptococcus mutans in plaque around orthodontic brackets
JE Jose, S Padmanabhan, AB Chitharanjan
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics 144 (1), 67-72, 2013
Bisphenol A release from an orthodontic adhesive and its correlation with the degree of conversion on varying light-curing tip distances
C Sunitha, V Kailasam, S Padmanabhan, AB Chitharanjan
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics 140 (2), 239-244, 2011
Comparative evaluation of condylar position in symptomatic (TMJ dysfunction) and asymptomatic individuals
S Padala, S Padmanabhan, AB Chithranjan
Indian Journal of Dental Research 23 (1), 122, 2012
Comparative evaluation of Icon® resin infiltration and Clinpro™ XT varnish on colour and fluorescence changes of white spot lesions: a randomized controlled trial
A Kannan, S Padmanabhan
Progress in Orthodontics 20, 1-8, 2019
Allergy and orthodontics
S Chakravarthi, S Padmanabhan, AB Chitharanjan
Journal of orthodontic science 1 (4), 83-87, 2012
Effect of functional appliances on the airway dimensions in patients with skeletal class II malocclusion: A systematic review
A Kannan, HP Sathyanarayana, S Padmanabhan
Journal of Orthodontic Science 6 (2), 54-64, 2017
Evaluation of the accuracy of linear measurements on spiral computed tomography-derived three-dimensional images and its comparison with digital cephalometric radiography
S Varghese, V Kailasam, S Padmanabhan, B Vikraman, A Chithranjan
Dentomaxillofacial Radiology 39 (4), 216-223, 2010
Cytotoxicity and degree of conversion of orthodontic adhesives
N Jagdish, S Padmanabhan, AB Chitharanjan, J Revathi, G Palani, ...
The Angle Orthodontist 79 (6), 1133-1138, 2009
In-vivo evaluation of salivary nickel and chromium levels in conventional and self-ligating brackets
N Sahoo, V Kailasam, S Padmanabhan, AB Chitharanjan
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics 140 (3), 340-345, 2011
Comparative evaluation of salivary bisphenol A levels in patients wearing vacuum-formed and Hawley retainers: An in-vivo study
AS Raghavan, HP Sathyanarayana, V Kailasam, S Padmanabhan
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics 151 (3), 471-476, 2017
An in vitro evaluation of remineralization potential of Novamin® on artificial enamel sub-surface lesions around orthodontic brackets using energy dispersive x-ray analysis (EDX)
P Mohanty, S Padmanabhan, AB Chitharanjan
Journal of clinical and diagnostic research: JCDR 8 (11), ZC88, 2014
Salivary leptin levels in normal weight and overweight individuals and their correlation with orthodontic tooth movement
T Jayachandran, B Srinivasan, S Padmanabhan
The Angle Orthodontist 87 (5), 739-744, 2017
The effect of topical fluoride agents on the physical and mechanical properties of NiTi and copper NiTi archwires. An in vivo study
A Ramalingam, V Kailasam, S Padmanabhan, A Chitharanjan
Australasian Orthodontic Journal 24 (1), 26-31, 2008
Evaluation of titanium dioxide coating on surface roughness of nickel-titanium archwires and its influence on Streptococcus mutans adhesion and enamel mineralization: a …
K Venkatesan, V Kailasam, S Padmanabhan
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics 158 (2), 199-208, 2020
Assessment of antibacterial and cytotoxic effects of orthodontic stainless steel brackets coated with different phases of titanium oxide: An in-vitro study
RD Baby, S Subramaniam, I Arumugam, S Padmanabhan
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics 151 (4), 678-684, 2017
Streptococcus mutans adhesion on nickel titanium (NiTi) and copper-NiTi archwires: A comparative prospective clinical study
KS Abraham, N Jagdish, V Kailasam, S Padmanabhan
The Angle Orthodontist 87 (3), 448-454, 2017
Effectiveness of various interceptive treatments on palatally displaced canine–a systematic review
B Elangovan, HP Sathyanarayana, S Padmanabhan
International Orthodontics 17 (4), 634-642, 2019
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