Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Brawijaya
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The role of work motivation as a mediator on the influence of education-training and leadership style on employee performance
L Guterresa, A Armanu, R Rofiaty
Management Science Letters 10 (7), 1497-1504, 2020
The relational model of entrepreneurship and knowledge management toward innovation, strategy implementation and improving Islamic boarding school performance
R Rofiaty
Journal of Modelling in Management 14 (3), 662-685, 2019
The effect of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and social influence on the use of mobile banking through the mediation of attitude toward use
DI Prastiawan, S Aisjah, R Rofiaty
APMBA (Asia Pacific Management and Business Application) 9 (3), 243-260, 2021
Focusing on complaints handling for customer satisfaction and loyalty: The case of Indonesian public banking
A Salim, M Setiawan, R Rofiaty, F Rohman
European Research Studies 21 (3), 404-416, 2018
Peran Komitmen Organisasional Dalam Memediasi Pengaruh Kompetensi, Pelatihan Dan Budaya Organisasi Terhadap Kinerja Perawat
IC Kurniasari, A Thoyib, R Rofiaty
Mix: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen 8 (2), 352-371, 2018
Job satisfaction and employee engagement as mediators of the relationship between talent development and intention to stay in generation Z workers
LI Achmad, N Noermijati, R Rofiaty, DW Irawanto
International Journal of Professional Business Review: Int. J. Prof. Bus …, 2023
The mediating role of destination value, tourist satisfaction, and tourist engagement on the relationship between destination image and tourist loyalty in Maluku, Indonesia
VE Huwae, N Noermijati, R Rofiaty, AS Husein
Leisure/loisir 44 (4), 587-620, 2020
The Effect Of Brand Trust And Brand Loyalty (Studies In The University Of Budi Luhur Jakarta)
D Murtiningsih, M Moeljadi, N Noermijati, R Rofiaty
International Journal of Business, Economics and Law 11 (2), 57-61, 2016
The influence of situasional leadership, organizational culture and training on employee performance and work motivation of millenial generation at the inspection office of Bri …
M Reza, R Rofiaty, A Djazuli
Wacana Journal of Social and Humanity Studies 21 (2), 2018
The influence of working environment to employee performance mediated by work motivation: A study of Malang, Indonesia retails stores
IP Sadewo, S Surachman, R Rofiaty
International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147-4478 …, 2021
Pengaruh Pengalaman Merek Terhadap Loyalitas Merek Melalui Mediasi Kepuasan Merek Dan Kepercayaan Merek (Studi Pada Kuliner Khas Kota Malang)
AOY Panjaitan, R Rofiaty, S Sudjatno
Jurnal Bisnis dan Manajemen 3 (2), 2016
Investigating the influence of entrepreneurial orientation and transformational leadership on organisational performance with the mediation of innovation: evidences from a …
IA Putra, R Rofiaty, D Djumahir
International Journal of Innovation Management 24 (07), 2050085, 2020
The role of organizational commitment in mediating the influence of competence, training and organizational culture on nurse performance
I Kurniasari, A Thoyib, R Rofiaty
MIX: Scientific Journal of Management 8 (2), 352-371, 2018
Study on the relationship between Islamic leadership style, work ethics, job satisfaction, and employee performance
F Rizki, T Armanu, S Surachman, R Rofiaty
Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences 61 (1), 238-248, 2017
The effect of green marketing strategy on customer loyalty mediated by brand image
ASV Kewakuma, R Rofiaty, K Ratnawati
JBTI: Jurnal Bisnis: Teori Dan Implementasi 12 (1), 1-11, 2021
The Effect Of Transformational Leadershipto Organizational Citizenship Behavior (Ocb) Andemployees’ Performance (Study Case To Pt. Pln (Persero) Pamekasan Area)
C Chamariyah, A Sudiro, N Noermijati, R Rofiaty
International Journal of Business and Behavioral Sciences 5 (4), 1-9, 2015
The effect of manufacturing agility competencies on lean manufacturing in increasing operational performance
B Budianto, S Surachman, D Hadiwidjojo, R Rofiaty
Uncertain Supply Chain Management 9 (1), 195-204, 2021
The Impact of training on front liners performance: Moderating effect of job satisfaction
CP Nurani, N Noermijati, R Rofiaty
International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147-4478 …, 2020
Influence of Organizational Culture Organizational Trust and Self-Efficacy on Knowledge Sharing Behavior by Mediating Organizational Commitments Study on Auditors of District …
D Wahyudi, U Salim, A Djazuli, R Rofiaty
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 15 (2), 2020
The effect of entrepreneurship orientation and flexibility toward adaptive innovation and improved firm performance
R Rofiaty, S Aisjah, C Susilowati
BISMA (Bisnis dan Manajemen) 15 (1), 96-118, 2022
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