G. P. Zhou
G. P. Zhou
National Astronomical Observatories of China
在 nao.cas.cn 的电子邮件经过验证 - 首页
A statistical study on the geoeffectiveness of Earth‐directed coronal mass ejections from March 1997 to December 2000
YM Wang, PZ Ye, S Wang, GP Zhou, JX Wang
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 107 (A11), SSH 2-1-SSH 2-9, 2002
Correlation between halo coronal mass ejections and solar surface activity
G Zhou, J Wang, Z Cao
Astronomy & Astrophysics 397 (3), 1057-1067, 2003
Satellite observations of separator-line geometry of three-dimensional magnetic reconnection
CJ Xiao, XG Wang, ZY Pu, ZW Ma, H Zhao, GP Zhou, JX Wang, ...
Nature Physics 3 (9), 609-613, 2007
Helicity patterns of coronal mass ejection-associated active regions
J Wang, G Zhou, J Zhang
The Astrophysical Journal 615 (2), 1021, 2004
Large-scale source regions of earth-directed coronal mass ejections
GP Zhou, JX Wang, J Zhang
Astronomy & Astrophysics 445 (3), 1133-1141, 2006
Two successive coronal mass ejections driven by the kink and drainage instabilities of an eruptive prominence
GP Zhou, JX Wang, J Zhang, PF Chen, HS Ji, K Dere
The Astrophysical Journal 651 (2), 1238, 2006
Magnetic changes in the course of the X7. 1 solar flare on 2005 January 20
J Wang, M Zhao, G Zhou
The Astrophysical Journal 690 (1), 862, 2008
Transequatorial filament eruption and its link to a coronal mass ejection
JX Wang, GP Zhou, YY Wen, YZ Zhang, HN Wang, YY Deng, J Zhang, ...
Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics 6 (2), 247, 2006
Solar intranetwork magnetic elements: evolution and lifetime
GP Zhou, JX Wang, CL Jin
Solar Physics 267, 63-73, 2010
A magnetic null geometry reconstructed from Cluster spacecraft observations
JS He, CY Tu, H Tian, CJ Xiao, XG Wang, ZY Pu, ZW Ma, MW Dunlop, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 113 (A5), 2008
Solar trans-equatorial activity
J Wang, Y Zhang, G Zhou, LK Harra, DR Williams, Y Jiang
Solar Physics 244, 75-94, 2007
A study of the orientation of interplanetary magnetic clouds and solar filaments
Y Wang, G Zhou, P Ye, S Wang, J Wang
The Astrophysical Journal 651 (2), 1245, 2006
The interplanetary responses to the great solar activities in late October 2003
Y Wang, P Ye, G Zhou, S Wang, S Wang, Y Yan, J Wang
Solar Physics 226, 337-357, 2005
Solar intranetwork magnetic elements: flux distributions
G Zhou, J Wang, C Jin
Solar Physics 283, 273-282, 2013
The properties of horizontal magnetic elements in quiet solar intranetwork
C Jin, J Wang, G Zhou
The Astrophysical Journal 697 (1), 693, 2009
Quasi-simultaneous flux emergence in the events of October–November 2003
G Zhou, J Wang, Y Wang, Y Zhang
Solar Physics 244, 13-24, 2007
Magnetic non-potentiality on the quiet Sun and the filigree
M Zhao, JX Wang, CL Jin, GP Zhou
Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics 9 (8), 933, 2009
Solar intranetwork magnetic elements: bipolar flux appearance
J Wang, G Zhou, C Jin, H Li
Solar Physics 278, 299-322, 2012
Observations of magnetic flux-rope oscillation during the precursor phase of a solar eruption
GP Zhou, J Zhang, JX Wang
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 823 (1), L19, 2016
Multiple magnetic reconnections driven by a large-scale magnetic flux rope
GP Zhou, CM Tan, YN Su, CL Shen, BL Tan, CL Jin, JX Wang
The Astrophysical Journal 873 (1), 23, 2019
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