Samir Qouta
Samir Qouta
Doha Institute For Graduate Studies
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Resiliency factors predicting psychological adjustment after political violence among Palestinian children
RL Punamäki, S Qouta, E El-Sarraj
International journal of behavioral development 25 (3), 256-267, 2001
Child development and family mental health in war and military violence: The Palestinian experience
S Qouta, RL Punamäki, E El Sarraj
International Journal of Behavioral Development 32 (4), 310-321, 2008
Prevalence and determinants of PTSD among Palestinian children exposed to military violence
S Qouta, RL Punamäki, E El Sarraj
European child & adolescent psychiatry 12, 265-272, 2003
Models of traumatic experiences and children's psychological adjustment: The roles of perceived parenting and the children's own resources and activity
RL Punamäki, S Qouta, E El Sarraj
Child Development 68 (4), 718-728, 1997
Adult attachment, posttraumatic growth and negative emotions among former political prisoners
JA Salo, S Qouta, RL Punamäki
Anxiety, stress, and coping 18 (4), 361-378, 2005
Intervention effectiveness among war‐affected children: A cluster randomized controlled trial on improving mental health
SR Qouta, E Palosaari, M Diab, RL Punamäki
Journal of traumatic stress 25 (3), 288-298, 2012
The role of peritraumatic dissociation and gender in the association between trauma and mental health in a Palestinian community sample
RL Punamäki, IH Komproe, S Qouta, M Elmasri, JTVM De Jong
American Journal of Psychiatry 162 (3), 545-551, 2005
Does war beget child aggression? Military violence, gender, age and aggressive behavior in two Palestinian samples
S Qouta, RL Punamäki, T Miller, E El‐Sarraj
Aggressive Behavior: Official Journal of the International Society for …, 2008
Mother-child expression of psychological distress in war trauma
S Qouta, RL Punamäki, E El Sarraj
Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry 10 (2), 135-156, 2005
Predictors of psychological distress and positive resources among Palestinian adolescents: Trauma, child, and mothering characteristics
S Qouta, RL Punamäki, E Montgomery, E El Sarraj
Child abuse & neglect 31 (7), 699-717, 2007
Mental flexibility as resiliency factor among children exposed to political violence
S Qouta, E El-Sarraj, RL Punamäki
International Journal of Psychology 36 (1), 1-7, 2001
Intergenerational effects of war trauma among Palestinian families mediated via psychological maltreatment
E Palosaari, RL Punamäki, S Qouta, M Diab
Child abuse & neglect 37 (11), 955-968, 2013
The relations between traumatic experiences, activity, and cognitive and emotional responses among Palestinian children
S Qouta, RL Punamäki, EE Sarraj
International journal of Psychology 30 (3), 289-304, 1995
The impact of structured activities among Palestinian children in a time of conflict
M Loughry, A Ager, E Flouri, V Khamis, AH Afana, S Qouta
Journal of child psychology and psychiatry 47 (12), 1211-1218, 2006
Trauma and mental health of children in Gaza.
FA Hein, S Qouta, A Thabet, E El Sarraj
BMJ: British Medical Journal 306 (6885), 1130, 1993
Relationships between traumatic events, children's gender, and political activity, and perceptions of parenting styles
RL Punamaki, S Qouta, EE Sarraj
International Journal of Behavioral Development 21 (1), 91-110, 1997
The deterioration and mobilization effects of trauma on social support: childhood maltreatment and adulthood military violence in a Palestinian community sample
RL Punamäki, I Komproe, S Qouta, M El-Masri, JTVM de Jong
Child Abuse & Neglect 29 (4), 351-373, 2005
Trajectories of posttraumatic stress symptoms (PTSS) after major war among Palestinian children: Trauma, family-and child-related predictors
RL Punamäki, E Palosaari, M Diab, K Peltonen, SR Qouta
Journal of affective disorders 172, 133-140, 2015
The relation of appraisal, coping efforts, and acuteness of trauma to PTS symptoms among former political prisoners
K Kanninen, RL Punamäki, S Qouta
Journal of Traumatic Stress: Official Publication of The International …, 2002
Military trauma and social development: The moderating and mediating roles of peer and sibling relations in mental health
K Peltonen, S Qouta, E El Sarraj, RL Punamäki
International Journal of Behavioral Development 34 (6), 554-563, 2010
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