David K. Hall
David K. Hall
在 psu.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
N+ 3 aircraft concept designs and trade studies, final report
EM Greitzer, PA Bonnefoy, E De la Rosa Blanco, CS Dorbian, M Drela, ...
Nasa cr-2010-216794/vol2, NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio 44135, 2010
Boundary layer ingestion propulsion benefit for transport aircraft
DK Hall, AC Huang, A Uranga, EM Greitzer, M Drela, S Sato
Journal of Propulsion and Power 33 (5), 1118-1129, 2017
Boundary layer ingestion benefit of the D8 transport aircraft
A Uranga, M Drela, EM Greitzer, DK Hall, NA Titchener, MK Lieu, NM Siu, ...
AIAA Journal 55 (11), 3693-3708, 2017
Analysis of fan stage conceptual design attributes for boundary layer ingestion
DK Hall, EM Greitzer, CS Tan
Journal of Turbomachinery 139 (7), 2017
Analysis of the aerodynamic benefit from boundary layer ingestion for transport aircraft
A Uranga, M Drela, DK Hall, EM Greitzer
AIAA Journal 56 (11), 4271-4281, 2018
Analysis of civil aircraft propulsors with boundary layer ingestion
DK Hall
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2015
Feasibility of Electrified Propulsion for Ultra-Efficient Commercial Aircraft Final Report
DK Hall, E Greitzer, A Dowdle, JJ Gonzalez, WW Hoburg, J Lang, ...
National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Glenn Research Center, 2019
Performance limits of axial compressor stages
DK Hall, EM Greitzer, CS Tan
Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air 44748, 479-489, 2012
Conceptual design of an N+ 3 hybrid wing body subsonic transport
P Mody, S Sato, D Hall, E De la Rosa Blanco, J Hileman, E Wen
28th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference, 4812, 2010
Electrified Aircraft Trade-Space Exploration
M Kruger, S Byahut, A Uranga, J Gonzalez, DK Hall, A Dowdle
2018 Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations Conference, 4227, 2018
Fan performance scaling with inlet distortions
JJ Defoe, M Etemadi, DK Hall
Journal of Turbomachinery 140 (7), 2018
Assessment of a boundary layer ingesting turboelectric aircraft configuration using signomial programming
DK Hall, A Dowdle, J Gonzalez, L Trollinger, W Thalheimer
2018 Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations Conference, 3973, 2018
Performance limits of axial turbomachine stages
DK Hall
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2011
N+ 3 aircraft concept designs and trade studies. volume 2; appendices-design methodologies for aerodynamics, structures, weight, and thermodynamic cycles
EM Greitzer, PA Bonnefoy, E DelaRosaBlanco, CS Dorbian, M Drela, ...
Inlet Flow Distortion in an Advanced Civil Transport Boundary Layer Ingesting Engine Installation
DK Hall, EM Greitzer, A Uranga, M Drela, SA Pandya
Journal of Turbomachinery 144 (10), 101002, 2022
Propulsor Models for Computational Analysis of Aircraft Aerodynamic Performance with Boundary Layer Ingestion
DK Hall, M Lieu
AIAA Scitech 2021 Forum, 0991, 2021
N+ 3 aircraft concept designs and trade studies, final report volumes 1 and 2
EM Greitzer, PA Bonnefoy, ED Blanco, CS Dorbian, M Drela, DK Hall, ...
Rep. CR—2010-216794, NASA, Hampton, VA, 2010
Analysis of fan stage design attributes for boundary layer ingestion
DK Hall, EM Greitzer, CS Tan
Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air 49699, V02AT37A047, 2016
Conceptual Design of Distributed Electrified Boundary Layer Ingesting Propulsors for the CHEETA Aircraft Concept
D Chandel, EM Greitzer, DK Hall, J Reband, T Balachandran, J Xiao, ...
AIAA Propulsion and Energy 2021 Forum, 3287, 2021
Electrified aircraft propulsion
JS Langford, DK Hall
The Bridge 50 (2), 2020
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