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Hematology and Plasma Chemistry Reference Intervals for Cultured Tilapia (Oreochromis Hybrid) TC Hrubec, JL Cardinale, SA Smith Veterinary clinical pathology 29 (1), 7-12, 2000 | 539 | 2000 |
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Practices that support data use in urban high schools MA Lachat, S Smith Journal of education for students placed at risk 10 (3), 333-349, 2005 | 497 | 2005 |
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The Horseshoe Crab, Limulus polyphemus: 200 Million Years of Existence, 100 Years of Study EA Walls, J Berkson, SA Smith Reviews in Fisheries Science 10 (1), 39-73, 2002 | 252 | 2002 |
The prevalence and intensity of internal parasites of horses in the USA CR Reinemeyer, SA Smith, AA Gabel, RP Herd Veterinary Parasitology 15 (1), 75-83, 1984 | 209 | 1984 |
Nonlesions, misdiagnoses, missed diagnoses, and other interpretive challenges in fish histopathology studies: a guide for investigators, authors, reviewers, and readers JC Wolf, WA Baumgartner, VS Blazer, AC Camus, JA Engelhardt, ... Toxicologic pathology 43 (3), 297-325, 2015 | 203 | 2015 |
Age‐Related Changes in Hematology and Plasma Chemistry Values of Hybrid Striped Bass (Morone chrysops × Morone saxatilis) TC Hrubec, SA Smith, JL Robertson Veterinary Clinical Pathology 30 (1), 8-15, 2001 | 201 | 2001 |
PFIESTERIA PISCICIDA GEN. ET SP. NOV. (PFIESTERIACEAE FAM. NOV.), A NEW TOXIC DINOFLAGELLATE WITH A COMPLEX LIFE CYCLE AND BEHAVIOR1 KA Steidinger, JAM Burkholder, HB Glasgow Jr, CW Hobbs, JK Garrett, ... Journal of Phycology 32 (1), 157-164, 1996 | 200 | 1996 |
Chronic toxicity of nitrate to Pacific white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei: impacts on survival, growth, antennae length, and pathology DD Kuhn, SA Smith, GD Boardman, MW Angier, L Marsh, GJ Flick Jr Aquaculture 309 (1-4), 109-114, 2010 | 192 | 2010 |
Marine mammal neoplasia: a review SJ Newman, SA Smith Veterinary Pathology 43 (6), 865-880, 2006 | 171 | 2006 |
WRAP53 is essential for Cajal body formation and for targeting the survival of motor neuron complex to Cajal bodies S Mahmoudi, S Henriksson, I Weibrecht, S Smith, O Söderberg, ... PLoS biology 8 (11), e1000521, 2010 | 166 | 2010 |
The state of carbon dioxide removal SM Smith, O Geden, G Nemet, M Gidden, WF Lamb, C Powis, R Bellamy, ... The State of Carbon Dioxide Removal, 2023 | 144 | 2023 |
Mechanisms of action of Pseudomonas aeruginosa pyocyanin on human ciliary beat in vitro K Kanthakumar, G Taylor, KW Tsang, DR Cundell, A Rutman, S Smith, ... Infection and immunity 61 (7), 2848-2853, 1993 | 142 | 1993 |
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Hematology and plasma chemistry reference intervals for cultured shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum) S Knowles, TC Hrubec, SA Smith, RS Bakal Veterinary clinical pathology 35 (4), 434-440, 2006 | 122 | 2006 |
Removal of Toxoplasma gondii Oocysts from Sea Water by Eastern Oysters (Crassostrea virginica) DS LINDSAY, KK PHELPS, SA SMITH, G FLICK, SS SUMNER, JP Dubey Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 48, 197s-198s, 2001 | 120 | 2001 |