Rune Høigaard
Rune Høigaard
Professor Universitetet i Agder, Norway
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Newly qualified teachers’ work engagement and teacher efficacy influences on job satisfaction, burnout, and the intention to quit
R Høigaard, R Giske, K Sundsli
European Journal of Teacher Education 35 (3), 347-357, 2012
Academic self-efficacy mediates the effects of school psychological climate on academic achievement.
R Høigaard, VB Kovač, NC Øverby, T Haugen
School Psychology Quarterly 30 (1), 64, 2015
The relationship between group cohesion, group norms, and perceived social loafing in soccer teams
R Høigaard, R Säfvenbom, FE Tønnessen
Small group research 37 (3), 217-232, 2006
Do perceived justice and need support of the coach predict team identification and cohesion? Testing their relative importance among top volleyball and handball players in …
M De Backer, F Boen, T Ceux, B De Cuyper, R Høigaard, F Callens, ...
Psychology of Sport and Exercise 12 (2), 192-201, 2011
Preferred coach leadership behaviour in elite soccer in relation to success and failure
R Høigaard, GW Jones, DM Peters
International journal of sports science & coaching 3 (2), 241-250, 2008
Self-reported learning difficulties and dietary intake in Norwegian adolescents
NC Øverby, EVA Lüdemann, R Høigaard
Scandinavian journal of public health 41 (7), 754-760, 2013
Benefits of formal mentoring for female leaders.
R Høigaard, P Mathisen
International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching & Mentoring 7 (2), 2009
A team fares well with a fair coach: Predictors of social loafing in interactive female sport teams
M De Backer, F Boen, B De Cuyper, R Høigaard, G Vande Broek
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports 25 (6), 897-908, 2015
Diet and behavioral problems at school in Norwegian adolescents
N Øverby, R Høigaard
Food & nutrition research 56 (1), 17231, 2012
Role satisfaction mediates the relation between role ambiguity and social loafing among elite women handball players
R Høigaard, S Fuglestad, DM Peters, BD Cuyper, MD Backer, F Boen
Journal of Applied Sport Psychology 22 (4), 408-419, 2010
Group cohesion, needs satisfaction, and self-regulated learning: A one-year prospective study of elite youth soccer players' perceptions of their club team
MK Erikstad, LJ Martin, T Haugen, R Høigaard
Psychology of Sport and Exercise 39, 171-178, 2018
Performance progress and leadership behavior
F Moen, R Høigaard, DM Peters
International Journal of Coaching Science 8 (1), 69-81, 2014
The solution-focused approach in sport psychology
R Høigaard, BT Johansen
The Sport Psychologist 18 (2), 218-228, 2004
Social loafing in interactive groups: The effects of identifiability on effort and individual performance in floorball
R Høigaard, RP Ingvaldsen
Athletic Insight 8 (2), 52-63, 2006
Team identification reduces social loafing and promotes social laboring in cycling
R Høigaard, F Boen, B De Cuyper, DM Peters
International Journal of Applied Sports Sciences 25 (1), 33-40, 2013
Mental toughness in elite and sub-elite female soccer players
LD Danielsen, SE Rodahl, R Giske, R Høigaard
Korea Institute of Sport Science, 2017
Talent development environments in football: Comparing the top-five and bottom-five-ranked football academies in Norway
K Gangsø, NP Aspvik, I Mehus, R Høigaard, SA Sæther
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (3), 1321, 2021
Childhood football play and practice in relation to self-regulation and national team selection; a study of Norwegian elite youth players
MK Erikstad, R Høigaard, BT Johansen, NB Kandala, T Haugen
Journal of sports sciences 36 (20), 2304-2310, 2018
Mental toughness moderates social loafing in cycle time-trial performance
T Haugen, M Reinboth, KJ Hetlelid, DM Peters, R Høigaard
Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport 87 (3), 305-310, 2016
Normative data of BMI and physical fitness in a Norwegian sample of early adolescents
T Haugen, R Høigaard, S Seiler
Scandinavian journal of public health 42 (1), 67-73, 2014
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