Leah K. Berkman
Leah K. Berkman
Missouri Department of Conservation
在 mdc.mo.gov 的电子邮件经过验证
A rangewide population genetic study of trumpeter swans
SJ Oyler-McCance, FA Ransler, LK Berkman, TW Quinn
Conservation Genetics 8 (6), 1339-1353, 2007
Resistance is futile: effects of landscape features on gene flow of the northern bobwhite
LK Berkman, CK Nielsen, CL Roy, EJ Heist
Conservation Genetics 14 (2), 323-332, 2013
Comparative genetic structure of sympatric leporids in southern Illinois
LK Berkman, CK Nielsen, CL Roy, EJ Heist
Journal of Mammalogy 96 (3), 552-563, 2015
Population genetic structure among bobwhite in an agriculturally modified landscape
LK Berkman, CK Nielsen, CL Roy, EJ Heist
The Journal of wildlife management 77 (7), 1472-1481, 2013
Genetic structure and recovery of white‐tailed deer in Missouri
K Budd, LK Berkman, M Anderson, J Koppelman, LS Eggert
The Journal of Wildlife Management 82 (8), 1598-1607, 2018
Hybridization and polymorphic microsatellite markers for two lagomorph species (Genus Sylvilagus): implications for conservation
LK Berkman, MJ Saltzgiver, EJ Heist, CK Nielsen, CL Roy, PD Scharine
Conservation Genetics Resources 1 (1), 419-424, 2009
A Comparison of eDNA and Visual Survey Methods for Detection of Longnose Darter Percina nasuta in Missouri
JT Westhoff, LK Berkman, KE Klymus, NL Thompson, CA Richter
Fishes 7 (2), 70, 2022
Complex patterns of genetic and morphological differentiation in the Smallmouth Bass subspecies (Micropterus dolomieu dolomieu and M. d. velox) of the Central Interior Highlands
JC Gunn, LK Berkman, J Koppelman, AT Taylor, S Brewer, JM Long, ...
Conservation Genetics 21 (5), 891-904, 2020
Acclimation of elk mating system following restoration to the Missouri Ozarks, USA
EM Pero, MC Chitwood, AM Hildreth, LK Berkman, BJ Keller, JA Sumners, ...
Restoration Ecology 30 (7), e13623, 2022
Sylvilagus aquaticus (Bachman, 1837); Swamp rabbit
CK Nielsen, LK Berkman
Lagomorphs, pikas, rabbits, and hares of the world. Johns Hopkins University …, 2018
Landscape genetics of northern bobwhite and swamp rabbits in Illinois
LK Berkman
Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, 2012
Preliminary characterization of little brown bats (Myotis lucifugus) immune MHC II DRB alleles using next-generation sequencing
JM Palmer, LK Berkman, PE Marquardt, DM Donner, MA Jusino, ...
PeerJ PrePrints 4, e1662v1, 2016
Genomic divergence, local adaptation, and complex demographic history may inform management of a popular sportfish species complex
JC Gunn, LK Berkman, J Koppelman, AT Taylor, SK Brewer, JM Long, ...
Ecology and evolution 12 (10), e9370, 2022
A Genetic Assessment of Missouri's Lake Sturgeon after 30 Years of Restoration Releases
LK Berkman, MR Anderson, DP Herzog, TL Moore, LS Eggert
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 40 (3), 700-712, 2020
Sylvilagus floridanus (JA Allen, 1890): Eastern Cottontail
CK Nielsen, LK Berkman
In Lagomorphs: Pikas, Rabbits, and Hares of the World, 137-140, 2018
A landscape genetic analysis of swamp rabbits (Sylvilagus aquaticus) suggests forest canopy cover enhances gene flow in an agricultural matrix
LK Berkman, CK Nielsen, CL Roy, EJ Heist
Canadian Journal of Zoology 96 (6), 622-632, 2018
One size does not fit all: Genetic considerations from the Missouri elk restoration
EM Pero, DA Bell, ZL Robinson, MC Chitwood, AM Hildreth, LK Berkman, ...
Conservation Science and Practice 4 (2), e598, 2022
Genetic analyses of the parasitic nematode, Parelaphostrongylus tenuis, in Missouri and Kentucky reveal unexpected levels of diversity and population differentiation
LS Eggert, LK Berkman, K Budd, BJ Keller, AM Hildreth, JJ Millspaugh
Parasitology 148 (1), 31-41, 2021
Comparison of trumpeter swan populations using nuclear and mitochondrial genetic markers
S Oyler-McCance, FA Ransler, LK Berkman, TW Quinn
USGS, 2006
Spatial genetic analysis of coyotes in New York State
LK Berkman, JL Frair, PE Marquardt, DM Donner, JC Kilgo, CM Whipps
Wildlife Society Bulletin 43 (1), 21-30, 2019
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