Gunnar Schmitz
Gunnar Schmitz
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TURBOMOLE: Modular program suite for ab initio quantum-chemical and condensed-matter simulations
SG Balasubramani, GP Chen, S Coriani, M Diedenhofen, MS Frank, ...
The Journal of Chemical Physics 152 (18), 184107, 2020
Explicitly correlated PNO-MP2 and PNO-CCSD and their application to the S66 set and large molecular systems
G Schmitz, C Hättig, DP Tew
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 16 (40), 22167-22178, 2014
Perturbative triples correction for local pair natural orbital based explicitly correlated CCSD (F12*) using Laplace transformation techniques
G Schmitz, C Hättig
The Journal of Chemical Physics 145 (23), 234107, 2016
A cubic scaling PNO–MP2 method using a hybrid OSV–PNO approach with an iterative direct generation of OSVs
G Schmitz, B Helmich, C Haettig
Molecular Physics 111 (16-17), 2463-2476, 2013
Machine learning for potential energy surfaces: An extensive database and assessment of methods
G Schmitz, IH Godtliebsen, O Christiansen
The Journal of Chemical Physics 150 (24), 244113, 2019
Auxiliary basis sets for density-fitted correlated wavefunction calculations: weighted core-valence and ECP basis sets for post-d elements
C Hättig, G Schmitz, J Koßmann
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 14 (18), 6549-6555, 2012
Gaussian process regression to accelerate geometry optimizations relying on numerical differentiation
G Schmitz, O Christiansen
The Journal of Chemical Physics 148 (24), 241704, 2018
Assessment of the DLPNO Binding Energies of Strongly Noncovalent Bonded Atmospheric Molecular Clusters
G Schmitz, J Elm
ACS omega 5 (13), 7601-7612, 2020
Approximate high mode coupling potentials using Gaussian process regression and adaptive density guided sampling
G Schmitz, DG Artiukhin, O Christiansen
The Journal of Chemical Physics 150 (13), 131102, 2019
Accuracy of explicitly correlated local PNO-CCSD (T)
G Schmitz, C Hättig
Journal of chemical theory and computation 13 (6), 2623-2633, 2017
The PNO–MP2 gradient and its application to molecular geometry optimisations
MS Frank, G Schmitz, C Hättig
Molecular Physics 115 (3), 343-356, 2017
A Gaussian process regression adaptive density guided approach for potential energy surface construction
G Schmitz, EL Klinting, O Christiansen
The Journal of Chemical Physics 153 (6), 064105, 2020
Massive assessment of the binding energies of atmospheric molecular clusters
AB Jensen, J Kubečka, G Schmitz, O Christiansen, J Elm
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 18 (12), 7373-7383, 2022
Combining Accuracy and Efficiency: An Incremental Focal-Point Method Based on Pair Natural Orbitals
B Fiedler, G Schmitz, C Hättig, J Friedrich
Journal of chemical theory and computation 13 (12), 6023-6042, 2017
Can Small Polyaromatics Describe Their Larger Counterparts for Local Reactions? A Computational Study on the H-Abstraction Reaction by an H-Atom from Polyaromatics
O Yönder, G Schmitz, C Hättig, R Schmid, P Debiagi, C Hasse, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2020
Atomic-batched tensor decomposed two-electron repulsion integrals
G Schmitz, NK Madsen, O Christiansen
The Journal of Chemical Physics 146 (13), 134112, 2017
An automatized workflow from molecular dynamic simulation to quantum chemical methods to identify elementary reactions and compute reaction constants
G Schmitz, Ö Yönder, B Schnieder, R Schmid, C Hättig
Journal of Computational Chemistry 42 (32), 2264-2282, 2021
Implementation of the iterative triples model CC3 for excitation energies using pair natural orbitals and Laplace transformation techniques
MS Frank, G Schmitz, C Hättig
The Journal of Chemical Physics 153 (3), 034109, 2020
Gaussian Process Regression Adaptive Density-Guided Approach: Towards Calculations of Potential Energy Surfaces for Larger Molecules
DG Artiukhin, IH Godtliebsen, G Schmitz, O Christiansen
arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.15188, 2023
Accuracy of frequencies obtained with the aid of explicitly correlated wave function based methods
G Schmitz, O Christiansen
Journal of chemical theory and computation 13 (8), 3602-3613, 2017
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