Model checking temporal knowledge and commitments in multi-agent systems using reduction F Al-Saqqar, J Bentahar, K Sultan, W Wan, EK Asl Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 51, 45-68, 2015 | 42 | 2015 |
Efficient community formation for web services EK Asl, J Bentahar, H Otrok, R Mizouni IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 8 (4), 586-600, 2014 | 28 | 2014 |
A dynamic ant colony based routing algorithm for mobile ad-hoc networks E Khosrowshahi-Asl, M Noorhosseini, AS Pirouz Journal of information science and engineering 27 (5), 1581-1596, 2011 | 28 | 2011 |
Decision making under subjective uncertainty in argumentation-based agent negotiation O Marey, J Bentahar, E Khosrowshahi-Asl, K Sultan, R Dssouli Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 6, 307-323, 2015 | 27 | 2015 |
EMP-DSR: An enhanced multi-path dynamic source routing algorithm for MANETs based on ant colony optimization EK Asl, M Damanafshan, M Abbaspour, M Noorhosseini, K Shekoufandeh 2009 Third Asia International Conference on Modelling & Simulation, 692-697, 2009 | 25 | 2009 |
Raas: A reliable analyzer and archiver for snort intrusion detection system M Soleimani, EK Asl, M Doroud, M Damanafshan, A Behzadi, ... Proceedings of the 2007 ACM symposium on Applied computing, 259-263, 2007 | 17 | 2007 |
Agents’ uncertainty in argumentation-based negotiation: classification and implementation O Marey, J Bentahar, EK Asl, M Mbarki, R Dssouli Procedia Computer Science 32, 61-68, 2014 | 16 | 2014 |
Social network-based framework for web services discovery H Fallatah, J Bentahar, EK Asl 2014 international conference on future internet of things and cloud, 159-166, 2014 | 15 | 2014 |
Efficient coalition formation for web services EK Asl, J Bentahar, H Otrok, R Mizouni 2013 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing, 737-744, 2013 | 8 | 2013 |
To compete or cooperate? This is the question in communities of autonomous services EK Asl, J Bentahar, R Mizouni, B Khosravifar, H Otrok Expert Systems with Applications 41 (10), 4878-4890, 2014 | 6 | 2014 |
GASANT: An ant-inspired least-cost QoS multicast routing approach based on genetic and simulated annealing algorithms M Damanafshan, E Khosrowshahi-Asl, M Abbaspour International Journal of Computers Communications & Control 7 (3), 417-431, 2012 | 5 | 2012 |
Dynamic formation of service communities in the cloud under distribution and incomplete information settings E Khosrowshahi‐Asl, J Bentahar, R Estrada, H Otrok, R Mizouni, ... Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 32 (1), e4338, 2020 | 4 | 2020 |
Analyzing coopetition strategies of services within communities B Khosravifar, M Alishahi, E Khosrowshahi Asl, J Bentahar, R Mizouni, ... Service-Oriented Computing: 10th International Conference, ICSOC 2012 …, 2012 | 4 | 2012 |
Dynamic Formation and Strategic Management of Web Services Communities E Khosrowshahi Asl Concordia University, 2015 | | 2015 |