Weights in multidimensional indices of wellbeing: An overview K Decancq, MA Lugo Econometric Reviews 32 (1), 7-34, 2013 | 1070* | 2013 |
Economic mobility and the rise of the Latin American middle class FHG Ferreira, J Messina, J Rigolini, LF López-Calva, MA Lugo, R Vakis, ... World Bank Publications, 2012 | 762 | 2012 |
Globalization for development: trade, finance, aid, migration, and policy I Goldin, KA Reinert World Bank Publications, 2006 | 335 | 2006 |
The information basis of multivariate poverty assessments E Maasoumi, MA Lugo Quantitative approaches to multidimensional poverty measurement, 1-29, 2008 | 330* | 2008 |
Income and beyond: Multidimensional poverty in six Latin American countries D Battiston, G Cruces, LF Lopez-Calva, MA Lugo, ME Santos Social indicators research 112, 291-314, 2013 | 320 | 2013 |
Multidimensional poverty analysis: Looking for a middle ground FHG Ferreira, MA Lugo The World Bank Research Observer 28 (2), 220-235, 2013 | 257 | 2013 |
Inequality of wellbeing: A multidimensional approach K Decancq, MA Lugo Economica 79 (316), 721-746, 2012 | 162* | 2012 |
Comparing multidimensional indices of inequality: Methods and application MA Lugo Inequality and poverty 14, 213-236, 2007 | 106 | 2007 |
Inequality of opportunity and economic growth: A cross-country analysis FHG Ferreira, C Lakner, MA Lugo, B Ozler World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, 2014 | 87 | 2014 |
Inequality of opportunity and economic growth: how much can cross‐country regressions really tell us? FHG Ferreira, C Lakner, MA Lugo, B Özler Review of Income and Wealth 64 (4), 800-827, 2018 | 77 | 2018 |
Growth, poverty and distribution in Tanzania AB Atkinson, MA Lugo International Growth Centre, 2010 | 75 | 2010 |
Piecing together the poverty puzzle D Jolliffe, MA Lugo (No Title), 2018 | 72 | 2018 |
The informal economy in developing countries: An introduction D Blades, FHG Ferreira, MA Lugo Review of Income and Wealth 57, S1-S7, 2011 | 62 | 2011 |
Multidimensional indicators of inequality and poverty SR Chakravarty, MA Lugo Poverty, social exclusion and stochastic dominance, 223-259, 2019 | 57 | 2019 |
Chapter 1 Refining the basic needs approach: A multidimensional analysis of poverty in Latin America M Emma Santos, M Ana Lugo, L Felipe López-Calva, G Cruces, ... Studies in applied welfare analysis: Papers from the Third ecineq Meeting, 1-29, 2010 | 51 | 2010 |
Distributional effects of reducing energy subsidies: Evidence from recent policy reform in Argentina F Giuliano, MA Lugo, A Masut, J Puig Energy Economics 92, 104980, 2020 | 30 | 2020 |
Paraguay: Análisis del sistema fiscal y su impacto en la pobreza y la equidad L Giménez, MA Lugo, S Martínez, H Colman, JJ Galeano, G Farfán Documento de trabajo, 2017 | 22 | 2017 |
La población urbana argentina, 1960-1991: revisión metodológica y resultados estadísticos J Lindenboim, N Ramondo, MA Lugo Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas …, 1997 | 17 | 1997 |
Heterogenous peer effects, segregation and academic attainment MA Lugo World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, 2011 | 16 | 2011 |
Opportunity-sensitive poverty measurement P Brunori, MA Lugo, V Peragine, FHG Ferreira World Bank Policy Research working paper, 2013 | 15 | 2013 |