Zuzana Fellegi, Ph.D., LL.M.
Zuzana Fellegi, Ph.D., LL.M.
Senior Lecturer and Research Fellow
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Work and Family Balance in Top Diplomacy: The Case of the Czech Republic
Z Fellegi, K Kočí, K Benešová
Politics & Gender 19 (1), 220-246, 2023
Gender Strategies of Czech Female Diplomats
Z Fellegi, K Kočí, K Benešová
The Hague Journal of Diplomacy 17 (3), 431-462, 2022
The Quota Debate In The Czech Republic and Post-Communist Legacy
L Hrbková, Z Fellegi
It's About People 2022: Embracing Digital Transformation: For a Sustainable …, 2022
Feminism and Understanding of the Gender Roles in the Czech Republic.
Z Fellegi
In Bolcha, P., Brucken, R. M. (eds.):Proceedings of the Interdisciplinary …, 2019
Women's political power: Global progress, persistent challenges
Z Fellegi, L Hrbková, J Dubrow
Women's Studies International Forum, 102818, 2023
Gender Impact of Public Policies in the Czech Republic during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Z Fellegi, V Maufras-Černohorská
European Conference on Politics and Gender (ECPG), University of Ljubljana, 2022
Positive Action in the EU Gender Equality Law: Potential and Challenges in the Czech Republic
Z Fellegi
Univerzita Karlova, Právnická fakulta, 2021
Istanbul Convention Between Populism and Conservativism. The Case of the Czech Republic.
Z Fellegi
The Joint Sessions of Workshops 17 – 28 May 2021, Virtual event, 2021
Kdo se bojí Istanbulské úmluvy? (Who is Afraid of the Istanbul Convention?)
Z Fellegi
In Šimáčková, K., Havelková, B., Špondrová, P. (eds.).: Mužské právo. Jsou …, 2020
Rovnost žen a mužů v České republice – jak dospět od formální úpravy k praktické aplikaci (Equality between Women and Men in the Czech Republic – How To Advance from Formal …
Z Fellegi
In Šmíd, M. (eds.): Právo na rovné zacházení. Deset let antidiskriminačního …, 2020
Women in Diplomacy: A Case Study of the Czech Foreign Service
Z Fellegi, K Kočí, K Benešová
ECPR General Conference, Wroclaw, Resistance to Women in Politics, 2019
Gender Strategies of the Czech Norm-makers
Z Fellegi
14th ESA Conference, Europe and Beyond: Boundaries, Barriers and Belonging …, 2019
Obavy z Istanbulské úmluvy nejsou odůvodněné (Concerns about the Istanbul Convention are not Justified).
Z Fellegi
In Office of the Czech Government, Department of Equality of Women and Men …, 2019
Proč ratifikovat Istanbulskou úmluvu aneb mezinárodní lidskoprávní smlouvy jako český národní zájem (Why to ratify the Istanbul Convention or International Human Rights …
Z Fellegi
In Kizeková, A. (eds.): České zájmy v roce 2019: Analýzy ÚMV (Czech …, 2019
Application of the European Gender Standards in the Czech Republic
Z Fellegi
ECPR General Conference, Hamburg, Promoting Gender Equality? Multi-Level …, 2018
Influence of the European Gender Acquis on the Czech Legislation.
Z Fellegi
in Giertl, A., Beckova, D. (eds.): The Place, Role and Significance of …, 2018
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