Student worksheet with ar videos: Physics learning media in laboratory for senior high school students F Bakri, H Permana, S Wulandari, D Muliyati JOTSE: Journal of Technology and Science Education 10 (2), 231-240, 2020 | 71 | 2020 |
PENGEMBANGAN PERANGKAT E-LEARNING UNTUK MATAKULIAH FISIKA DASAR II MENGGUNAKAN LMS CHAMILO F Bakri, D Muliyati Jurnal Wahana Pendidikan Fisika 2 (1), 25-30, 2017 | 50 | 2017 |
The Design of Augmented Reality Application as Learning Media Marker-Based for Android Smartphone D Ambarwulan, D Muliyati Jurnal Penelitian & Pengembangan Pendidikan Fisika 2 (1), 73-80, 2016 | 48 | 2016 |
Textbooks equipped with augmented reality technology for physics topic in high-school F Bakri, O Marsal, D Muliyati Jurnal Penelitian & Pengembangan Pendidikan Fisika 5 (2), 113-122, 2019 | 42 | 2019 |
Integrating augmented reality into worksheets: Unveil learning to support higher-order thinking skills F Bakri, D Sumardani, D Muliyati AIP Conference Proceedings 2169 (1), 2019 | 39 | 2019 |
The development of an electricity book based on augmented reality technologies AH Permana, D Muliyati, F Bakri, BP Dewi, D Ambarwulan Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1157 (3), 032027, 2019 | 39 | 2019 |
The development of blended learning model using Edmodo to train student critical thinking skills on impulse-momentum topic YR Denny, IS Utami, S Rohanah, D Muliyati Jurnal Penelitian & Pengembangan Pendidikan Fisika 6 (1), 113-120, 2020 | 37 | 2020 |
Practice the higher-order thinking skills in optic topic through physics worksheet equipped with augmented reality F Bakri, E Ervina, D Muliyati AIP Conference Proceedings 2169 (1), 2019 | 36 | 2019 |
Pengembangan Buku Pembelajaran Yang Dilengkapi Augmented Reality Pada Pokok Bahasan Gelombang Bunyi Dan Optik F Bakri, D Ambarwulan, D Muliyati Gravity: Jurnal Ilmiah Penelitian dan Pembelajaran Fisika 4 (2), 2018 | 36 | 2018 |
APLIKASI ANDROID MODUL DIGITAL FISIKA BERBASIS DISCOVERY LEARNING D Muliyati, F Bakri, D Ambarwulan Wahana Pendidikan Fisika 3 (1), 74-79, 2018 | 32 | 2018 |
Virtual reality media: the simulation of relativity theory on smartphone D Sumardani, A Putri, RR Saraswati, D Muliyati, F Bakri Formatif: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan MIPA 10 (1), 2020 | 29 | 2020 |
Pengembangan komik biografi sir isaac newton sebagai media pembelajaran fisika menggunakan aplikasi paint tool sai F Savila, IM Astra, D Muliyati Gravity: Jurnal Ilmiah Penelitian Dan Pembelajaran Fisika 4 (2), 2018 | 29 | 2018 |
Virtual reality technology in physics learning: Possibility, trend, and tools AS Budi, D Sumardani, D Muliyati, F Bakri, PS Chiu, M Mutoharoh, ... Jurnal Penelitian & Pengembangan Pendidikan Fisika 7 (1), 23-34, 2021 | 28 | 2021 |
E-learning model for problem based learning on heat and thermodynamic topics in high school F Bakri, S Sunaryo, VF Irawan, D Muliyati Jurnal Penelitian & Pengembangan Pendidikan Fisika 4 (2), 101-112, 2018 | 27 | 2018 |
E-learning using wordpress on physics materials with the 5E learning cycle strategy D Muliyati, H Marizka, F Bakri Jurnal Penelitian & Pengembangan Pendidikan Fisika 5 (2), 101-112, 2019 | 23 | 2019 |
System implementation of augmented reality application in student worksheet D Sumardani, RR Saraswati, A Putri, F Bakri, D Muliyati Informatika 8 (1), 10-18, 2020 | 21 | 2020 |
Website e-learning berbasis modul: bahan pembelajaran fisika sma dengan pendekatan discovery learning F Bakri, D Muliyati, I Nurazizah WaPFi (Wahana Pendidikan Fisika) 3 (1), 90-95, 2018 | 21 | 2018 |
Video-enriched worksheet based on augmented reality technology: The heat experiment is easier F Bakri, S Pratiwi, D Muliyati AIP Conference Proceedings 2169 (1), 2019 | 20 | 2019 |
The design of physics learning video as joyful-based learning media enrichment by Powtoon F Bakri, A Rodhiyah, M Nurindrasari, S Pratiwi, D Muliyati Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1491 (1), 012061, 2020 | 19 | 2020 |
“Tempera-Tour”: Developing an Alternative Comic as Media Learning for Temperature and Heat Topics Through Traveling Story S Siswoyo, G Mustokoweni, D Muliyati Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1491 (1), 012060, 2020 | 19 | 2020 |