Maurizio Rigamonti
Maurizio Rigamonti
Université de Fribourg, Unidistance
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Xed: a new tool for extracting hidden structures from electronic documents
K Hadjar, M Rigamonti, D Lalanne, R Ingold
First International Workshop on Document Image Analysis for Libraries, 2004 …, 2004
Extended excentric labeling
E Bertini, M Rigamonti, D Lalanne
Computer Graphics Forum 28 (3), 927-934, 2009
XCDF: a canonical and structured document format
JL Bloechle, M Rigamonti, K Hadjar, D Lalanne, R Ingold
Document Analysis Systems VII: 7th International Workshop, DAS 2006, Nelson …, 2006
Towards a canonical and structured representation of PDF documents through reverse engineering
M Rigamonti, JL Bloechle, K Hadjar, D Lalanne, R Ingold
Eighth International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR …, 2005
DocMining: A cooperative platform for heterogeneous document interpretation according to user-defined scenarios
E Clavier, G Masini, M Delalandre, M Rigamonti, K Tombre, J Gardes
Graphics Recognition. Recent Advances and Perspectives: 5th International …, 2004
The IM2 multimodal meeting browser family
D Lalanne, A Lisowska, E Bruno, M Flynn, M Georgescul, M Guillemot, ...
Interactive Multimodal Information Management Tech. Report, Margtiny …, 2005
Modifying food items valuation and weight with gamified executive control training
H Najberg, M Rigamonti, M Mouthon, L Spierer
Royal Society Open Science 8 (5), 191288, 2021
Ocd dolores-recovering logical structures for dummies
JL Bloechle, M Rigamonti, R Ingold
2012 10th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems, 245-249, 2012
Faericworld: browsing multimedia events through static documents and links
M Rigamonti, D Lalanne, R Ingold
Human-Computer Interaction–INTERACT 2007: 11th IFIP TC 13 International …, 2007
A framework for cooperative and interactive analisys of technical documents
M Rigamonti, O Hitz, R Ingold
GREC 3, 407-414, 2003
Docmining: A document analysis system builder
S Adam, M Rigamonti, E Clavier, E Trupin, JM Ogier, K Tombre, J Gardes
Document Analysis Systems VI: 6th International Workshop, DAS 2004, Florence …, 2004
Browsing multimedia archives through intra-and multimodal cross-documents links
M Rigamonti, D Lalanne, F Evéquoz, R Ingold
Machine Learning for Multimodal Interaction: Second International Workshop …, 2006
An ego-centric and tangible approach to meeting indexing and browsing
D Lalanne, F Evequoz, M Rigamonti, B Dumas, R Ingold
Machine Learning for Multimodal Interaction: 4th International Workshop …, 2008
Xed: un outil pour l'extraction et l'analyse de documents PDF
M Rigamonti, K Hadjar, D Lalanne, R Ingold
Conférence Internationale Francophone sur l'Ecrit et le Document (CIFED 04), 2004
Reverse-engineering of PDF files
R Ingold, JL Bloechle, M Rigamonti
Advances in Digital Document Processing and Retrieval, 249-285, 2014
Document Inquisitor: un système de validation des structures et d'élicitation de modèles de documents.
F Evéquoz, M Rigamonti, D Lalanne, R Ingold
CIDE 6, 18-22, 2006
XCDF: Un format canonique pour la représentation de documents
JL Bloechle, M Rigamonti, D Lalanne, R Ingold
Actes du 9ème Colloque International Francophone sur l'Ecrit et le Document …, 2006
A framework for structuring multimedia archives and for browsing efficiently through multimodal links
M Rigamonti
Docmining: Une plate-forme de conception de systèmes d'analyse de documents
E Clavier, S Adam, P Héroux, M Rigamonti
Conférence Internationale Francophone sur l'Ecrit et le Document (CIFED 04), 2004
Technique for controlling a human machine interface
L Spierer, M Rigamonti, H Najberg
US Patent 11,837,107, 2023
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