Moritz Ingendahl
Moritz Ingendahl
在 ruhr-uni-bochum.de 的电子邮件经过验证
A many-analysts approach to the relation between religiosity and well-being
S Hoogeveen, A Sarafoglou, B Aczel, Y Aditya, AJ Alayan, PJ Allen, ...
Religion, Brain & Behavior 13 (3), 237-283, 2023
Who can be nudged? Examining nudging effectiveness in the context of Need for Cognition and Need for Uniqueness
M Ingendahl, D Hummel, T Vogel, A Maedche
Journal of Consumer Behaviour 20, 324-336, 2021
The architecture of prototype preferences: Typicality, fluency, and valence.
T Vogel, M Ingendahl, P Winkielman
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 150 (1), 187, 2021
Fluency in the in-out effect: The role of structural mere exposure effects
M Ingendahl, T Schöne, M Wänke, T Vogel
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 92, 104079, 2021
Brand placements in video games: How local in‐game experiences influence brand attitudes
M Ingendahl, T Vogel, A Maedche, M Wänke
Psychology & Marketing 40, 274-287, 2023
The articulatory in-out effect: replicable, but inexplicable
M Ingendahl, T Vogel, S Topolinski
Trends in Cognitive Sciences 26 (1), 8-10, 2022
Stimulus evaluation in the eye of the beholder: Big five personality traits explain variance in normed picture sets
M Ingendahl, T Vogel
Personality Science 3, 2022
The articulatory in-out effect: Driven by consonant preferences?
M Ingendahl, T Vogel
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 122 (2), e1-e10, 2022
(Why) Do Big Five Personality Traits Moderate Evaluative Conditioning? The Role of US Extremity and Pairing Memory
M Ingendahl, T Vogel
Collabra: Psychology 9 (1), 74812, 2023
Choosing a brand name that's “in”–disgust sensitivity, preference for intuition, and the articulatory in-out effect
M Ingendahl, T Vogel
Personality and Individual Differences 185, 111276, 2022
Pseudocontingencies: Flexible contingency inferences from base rates
T Vogel, M Ingendahl, L McCaughey
Judgment and Decision Making 17 (2), 400-424, 2022
The articulatory in-out effect: Driven by articulation fluency?
M Ingendahl, T Vogel, M Wänke
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 99, 104273, 2022
From which direction does the empire strike (back)?
KT Halicki, M Ingendahl, M Mayer, M John, MR Schreiner, M Wänke
Frontiers in Psychology 12, 625554, 2021
Articulation dynamics and evaluative conditioning: investigating the boundary conditions, mental representation, and origin of the in-out effect
M Ingendahl, IT Maschmann, N Embs, A Maulbetsch, T Vogel, M Wänke
Cognition and Emotion, 2023
Transparent by choice: Proactive disclosures increase compliance with digital defaults
Y Paunov, T Vogel, M Ingendahl, M Wänke
Frontiers in Psychology, 6255, 2022
Can sequencing explain the in–out effect?
M Ingendahl, T Vogel, S Topolinski
Trends in Cognitive Sciences 26 (6), 449-450, 2022
Just Playing the Role of Good Study Participants? Evaluative Conditioning, Demand Compliance, and Agreeableness
M Ingendahl, J Woitzel, H Alves
Social Psychological and Personality Science, 19485506231198653, 2023
From Deviant Likes Lead to Reversed Effects: Re-Investigating the Contribution of Unaware Evaluative Conditioning To Attitude Formation
M Ingendahl, J Woitzel, N Propheter, M Wänke, H Alves
Collabra: Psychology, 2023
On the emergence of the in–out effect across trials: two items do the trick
S Topolinski, L Boecker, CS Löffler, B Gusmão, M Ingendahl
Psychological Research 87, 1180–1192, 2023
The role of category valence in prototype preference
M Ingendahl, N Propheter, T Vogel
Cognition and Emotion, 1-7, 2024
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