Teguh Putranto
Teguh Putranto
Department of Naval Architecture, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
在 na.its.ac.id 的电子邮件经过验证
Tensile analysis and assessment of carbon and alloy steels using fe approach as an idealization of material fractures under collision and grounding
R Ridwan, AR Prabowo, N Muhayat, T Putranto, JM Sohn
Curved and Layered Structures 7 (1), 188-198, 2020
Lift-drag coefficient and form factor analyses of hydrofoil due to the shape and angle of attack
T Putranto, A Sulisetyono
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 12 (21), 11152-11156, 2017
Investigation of hull design to quantify resistance criteria using Holtrop’s regression based method and Savitsky’s mathematical model: a study case of fishing vessels
RI Julianto, AR Prabowo, N Muhayat, T Putranto, R Adiputra
Journal of Engineering Science and Technology 16 (2), 1426-1443, 2021
Fracture and damage to the material accounting for transportation crash and accident
T Putranto, FB Laksono, AR Prabowo
Procedia Structural Integrity 27, 38-45, 2020
Ultimate strength assessment of stiffened panel under uni-axial compression with non-linear equivalent single layer approach
T Putranto, M Kõrgesaar, J Jelovica, K Tabri, H Naar
Marine Structures 78, 103004, 2021
Simulation of the behavior of a ship hull under grounding: Effect of applied element size on structural crashworthiness
AR Prabowo, T Putranto, JM Sohn
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 7 (8), 270, 2019
Drag penalty causing from the roughness of recently cleaned and painted ship hull using RANS CFD
ML Hakim, B Nugroho, RC Chin, T Putranto, IK Suastika, IKAP Utama
CFD Letters 12 (3), 78-88, 2020
Intact Stability Analysis of Crew Boat with Variation of Deadrise Angle
T Putranto, K Suastika, J Gunanta
IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series 3 (2), 124-127, 2017
Analisa Numerik Gerakan dan Kekuatan Kapal Akibat Beban Slamming Pada Kapal Perang Tipe Corvette
T Putranto, A Sulisetyono
Kapal: Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi Kelautan 12 (3), 158-164, 2015
Ultimate strength assessment of stiffened panels using Equivalent Single Layer approach under combined in-plane compression and shear
T Putranto, M Kõrgesaar, J Jelovica
Thin-Walled Structures 180, 109943, 2022
Crashworthiness performance of stiffened bottom tank structure subjected to impact loading conditions: Ship-rock interaction
A Rio Prabowo, JM Sohn, T Putranto
Curved and Layered Structures 6 (1), 245-258, 2019
Assessment of drag penalty resulting from the roughness of freshly cleaned and painted ship-hull using computational fluid dynamics
ML Hakim, B Nugroho, C Chin, T Putranto, I Suastika, I Utama
11th International Conference on Marine Technology (MARTEC), Kuala Lumpur …, 2018
Application of equivalent single layer approach for ultimate strength analyses of ship hull girder
T Putranto, M Kõrgesaar, K Tabri
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 10 (10), 1530, 2022
Analisis Tegangan Akibat Beban Gelombang pada Struktur Kapal Perang Tipe Corvette
PY Arianto, A Sulisetyono, T Putranto
Jurnal Teknik ITS 5 (2), G72-G78, 2016
Rancang bangun sistem otomasi pemberian nutrisi dan pencahayaan untuk tahap penyemaian benih selada pada perkebunan surabaya hidroponik
TD Putranto, B Rochman
Surabaya: Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, 2016
Fast ship prototype design simulation with fin stabilizer on hydrodynamic characteristics for ship realization planning
H Diatmaja, AR Prabowo, N Muhayat, T Tuswan, T Putranto
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1166 (1), 012047, 2023
Effect of bilge keel variations on the designed fast patrol boats to hull resistance and stability behaviours
T Rahmaji, AR Prabowo, N Muhayat, T Tuswan, T Putranto
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1166 (1), 012048, 2023
Analysis of hull performance on fast patrol boat with an extended study of survivability under damaged conditions
AS Pratama, AR Prabowo, N Muhayat, T Putranto, T Tuswan
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1166 (1), 012046, 2023
The hydrodynamics performance of aquaculture fishing vessel in variation of deadrise angle and sponson
WA Aryawan, T Putranto
International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and …, 2018
Kajian penentuan getaran sistem propulsi Kapal patroli dengan metode elemen hingga
T Putranto, A Imron, T Yulianto
J. Kelaut. Nas 13 (2), 99-105, 2018
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