Trausti Jonsson
Trausti Jonsson
在 simnet.is 的电子邮件经过验证
Extension to the North Atlantic Oscillation using early instrumental pressure observations from Gibraltar and south‐west Iceland
PD Jones, T Jónsson, D Wheeler
International Journal of Climatology: A Journal of the Royal Meteorological …, 1997
" Little Ice Age" research: a perspective from Iceland
AEJ Ogilvie, T Jónsson
Climatic Change 48, 9-52, 2001
Manual for operational correction of Nordic precipitation data
EJ Førland, P Allerup, B Dahlström, E Elomaa, T Jónsson, H Madsen, ...
DNMI-Reports 24 (96), 66, 1996
Daily mean sea level pressure reconstructions for the European–North Atlantic region for the period 1850–2003
TJ Ansell, PD Jones, RJ Allan, D Lister, DE Parker, M Brunet, A Moberg, ...
Journal of Climate 19 (12), 2717-2742, 2006
Estimating the spatial distribution of precipitation in Iceland using a linear model of orographic precipitation
P Crochet, T Jóhannesson, T Jónsson, O Sigurðsson, H Björnsson, ...
Journal of Hydrometeorology 8 (6), 1285-1306, 2007
Nordic temperature maps
OE Tveito, E Førland, R Heino, I Hanssen-Bauer, H Alexandersson, ...
DNMI report 9 (00), 2000
Monthly mean pressure reconstructions for Europe for the 1780–1995 period
PD Jones, TD Davies, DH Lister, V Slonosky, T Jónsson, L Bärring, ...
International Journal of Climatology: A Journal of the Royal Meteorological …, 1999
An analysis of Icelandic climate since the nineteenth century
E Hanna, T Jónsson, JE Box
International journal of Climatology 24 (10), 1193-1210, 2004
The international surface pressure databank version 2
TA Cram, GP Compo, X Yin, RJ Allan, C McColl, RS Vose, JS Whitaker, ...
Geoscience Data Journal 2 (1), 31-46, 2015
Recent observed changes in severe storms over the United Kingdom and Iceland
LV Alexander, SFB Tett, T Jonsson
Geophysical Research Letters 32 (13), 2005
Wintertime European circulation patterns during the Late Maunder Minimum cooling period (1675–1704)
H Wanner, C Pfister, R Brazdil, P Frich, K Frydendahl, T Jónsson, ...
Theoretical and Applied Climatology 51, 167-175, 1995
Nordic climate maps
OE Tveito, EJ Førland, H Alexandersson, A Drebs, T Jónsson, ...
DNMI report 6 (01), 2001
New insights into North European and North Atlantic surface pressure variability, storminess, and related climatic change since 1830
E Hanna, J Cappelen, R Allan, T Jónsson, F Le Blancq, T Lillington, ...
Journal of Climate 21 (24), 6739-6766, 2008
Relation between glacier-termini variations and summer temperature in Iceland since 1930
O Sigurđsson, T Jónsson, T Jóhannesson
Annals of Glaciology 46, 170-176, 2007
Icelandic coastal sea surface temperature records constructed: putting the pulse on air–sea–climate interactions in the northern North Atlantic. Part I: comparison with …
E Hanna, T Jónsson, J Ólafsson, H Valdimarsson
Journal of climate 19 (21), 5652-5666, 2006
Climate change scenarios for the Nordic countries
T Jóhannesson, T Jónsson, E Källén, E Kaas
Climate Research 5 (3), 181-195, 1995
The effect of radiation screens on Nordic time series of mean temperature
PØ Nordli, H Alexandersson, P Frich, EJ Førland, R Heino, T Jonsson, ...
International Journal of Climatology: A Journal of the Royal Meteorological …, 1997
A daily Azores–Iceland North Atlantic Oscillation index back to 1850
T Cropper, E Hanna, MA Valente, T Jónsson
Geoscience Data Journal 2 (1), 12-24, 2015
Forecasting and monitoring a subglacial eruption in Iceland
KS Vogfjörd, SS Jakobsdóttir, GB Gudmundsson, MJ Roberts, ...
Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union 86 (26), 245-248, 2005
Loftslagsbreytingar og áhrif þeirra á Íslandi–Skýrsla vísindanefndar um loftslagsbreytingar 2018
H Björnsson, BD Sigurðsson, B Davíðsdóttir, J Ólafsson, ÓS Ástþórsson, ...
Veðurstofa Íslands, 2018
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