Changing patterns of Alcohol Consumption in Nigeria: An Exploration of Responsible factors and consequences E Dumbili Medical Sociology Online 7 (1), 20-33, 2013 | 143 | 2013 |
The challenge of plastic pollution in Nigeria E Dumbili, L Henderson Plastic Waste and Recycling: Environmental Impacts, Societal Issues …, 2020 | 91 | 2020 |
Alcohol consumption, harms and policy developments in sub‐Saharan Africa: The case for stronger national and regional responses NK Morojele, EW Dumbili, IS Obot, CDH Parry Drug and Alcohol Review 40 (3), 402-419, 2021 | 90 | 2021 |
''What a man can do, a woman can do better'': gendered alcohol consumption and (de) construction of social identity among young Nigerians EW Dumbili BMC Public Health 15 (1), 167, 2015 | 88 | 2015 |
Cannabis normalization among young adults in a Nigerian city EW Dumbili Journal of Drug Issues 50 (3), 286-302, 2020 | 49 | 2020 |
The politics of alcohol policy in Nigeria: a critical analysis of how and why brewers use strategic ambiguity to supplant policy initiatives EW Dumbili Journal of Asian and African Studies 49 (4), 473-487, 2014 | 45 | 2014 |
Gendered sexual uses of alcohol and associated risks: a qualitative study of Nigerian University students EW Dumbili BMC Public Health 16 (1), 1, 2016 | 42 | 2016 |
A review of substance use among secondary school students in Nigeria: Implications for policies EW Dumbili Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy 22 (5), 387-399, 2015 | 40 | 2015 |
Drinking game participation, gender performance and normalization of intoxication among Nigerian university students EW Dumbili, C Williams Addictive Behaviors Reports 5, 1-8, 2017 | 36 | 2017 |
Mediating alcohol use in Eastern Nigeria: a qualitative study exploring the role of popular media in young people's recreational drinking EW Dumbili, L Henderson Health education research 32 (3), 279-291, 2017 | 35 | 2017 |
Patterns and determinants of alcohol use among Nigerian university students: an overview of recent developments EW Dumbili African Journal of Drug and Alcohol Studies 12 (1), 29-51., 2013 | 35 | 2013 |
Can brewer-sponsored “drink responsibly” warning message be effective without alcohol policies in Nigeria? EW Dumbili Drugs: education, prevention and policy 21 (6), 434-439, 2014 | 34 | 2014 |
“If she refuses to have sex with you, just make her tipsy”: A qualitative study exploring alcohol-facilitated sexual violence against Nigerian female students EW Dumbili, C Williams Journal of interpersonal violence 35 (17-18), 3355-3378, 2020 | 30 | 2020 |
Determinants of maternal and child healthcare service utilization among recently pregnant mothers in Ubulu-Okiti, Delta State Nigeria KK SALAMI, E DUMBILI, P EZEAH International Journal of Sociology of the Family, 115-127, 2013 | 29 | 2013 |
From “Codeine Diet” to “Gutter Water”: polydrug use among Nigerian young adults EW Dumbili, E Ezekwe, OW Odeigah Drugs and Alcohol Today 20 (2), 95-107, 2020 | 28 | 2020 |
New psychoactive substances in Nigeria: A call for more research in Africa EW Dumbili, ID Ebuenyi, KC Ugoeze Emerging trends in drugs, addictions, and health 1, 100008, 2021 | 26 | 2021 |
Awareness of alcohol advertisements and perceived influence on alcohol consumption: a qualitative study of Nigerian university students EW Dumbili, C Williams Addiction Research & Theory 25 (1), 74-82, 2017 | 26 | 2017 |
Intoxicating entertainment? The influence of “Star Music Trek” on the drinking practices of Nigerian students EW Dumbili Contemporary Drug Problems 43 (1), 62-78, 2016 | 23 | 2016 |
Use of mixed methods designs in substance research: a methodological necessity in Nigeria EW Dumbili Quality & Quantity 48, 2841-2857, 2014 | 23 | 2014 |
Drinking practices and alcohol-related problems among Nigerian students EW Dumbili Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy 27 (3), 238-247, 2020 | 20 | 2020 |