Bridget Goodman
Bridget Goodman
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Making the shift from a codeswitching to a translanguaging lens in English language teacher education
B Goodman, S Tastanbek
TESOL Quarterly 55 (1), 29-53, 2021
Implementing English as a medium of instruction in a Ukrainian University: Challenges, adjustments, and opportunities
BA Goodman
International Journal of Pedagogies and learning 9 (2), 130-141, 2014
The ecology of language in classrooms at a university in eastern Ukraine
OB Tarnopolsky, BA Goodman
Language and Education 28 (4), 383-396, 2014
The ecology of language in Ukraine
B Goodman
Working Papers in Educational Linguistics (WPEL) 24 (2), 2, 2009
Bottom up and top down: Comparing language-in-education policy in Ukraine and Kazakhstan
B Goodman, L Karabassova
Comparing post-socialist transformations: Education in Eastern Europe and …, 2018
Language practices and attitudes in EFL and English-medium classes at a university in eastern Ukraine
O Tarnopolsky, B Goodman
Working Papers in Educational Linguistics (WPEL) 27 (2), 1, 2012
Towards a multilingual future: The ecology of language at a university in Eastern Ukraine
BA Goodman
Translanguaging and transfer of academic skills: Views of Kazakhstani students in an English-medium university.
B Goodman, S Kerimkulova, DP Montgomery
English-Medium instruction and translanguaging, 141-157, 2021
“Now I always try to stick to the point”: Socialization to and from genre knowledge in an English-medium university in Kazakhstan
BA Goodman, DP Montgomery
Journal of English for Academic Purposes 48, 100913, 2020
The ecology of language and translanguaging in a Ukrainian university
B Goodman
Translanguaging practices in higher education: Beyond monolingual ideologies …, 2017
Cross Cultural Varieties of Politeness.
J Hondo, B Goodman
Texas Papers in Foreign Language Education 6 (1), 163-170, 2001
Institutional Supports for Language Development through English‐Medium Instruction: A Factor Analysis
B Goodman, A Kambatyrova, K Aitzhanova, S Kerimkulova, ...
TESOL Quarterly 56 (2), 713-749, 2022
Multilevel drivers of human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immune deficiency syndrome among Black Philadelphians: exploration using community ethnography and geographic …
BM Brawner, JL Reason, BA Goodman, JJ Schensul, B Guthrie
Nursing research 64 (2), 100-110, 2015
Ukraine and the Bologna Process: convergence, pluralism, or both?
BA Goodman
12th Berlin Roundtables on Transnationality “cultural pluralism revisited …, 2010
Ukrainian, Russian, English: Language Use and Attitudes of Students at a Ukraninan University
BA Goodman, NA Lyulkun
Working Papers in Educational Linguistics (WPEL) 25 (1), 5, 2010
Both necessary and irrelevant: political economy and linguistic injustice of English in higher education in Kazakhstan
B Goodman, A Kambatyrova
International Journal of the Sociology of Language 2022 (277), 77-94, 2022
Text, talk, and stance: Nigerian and Ukrainian student presentations in English-medium classes at a Ukrainian university
BA Goodman
Linguistics and Education 53, 100757, 2019
Acts of Negotiation: Governmentality and Medium of Instruction in an Eastern Ukrainian University
B Goodman
Anthropology & Education Quarterly 49 (1), 36-52, 2018
Kazakh, Russian, and Uyghur child language literacy: The role of the updated curriculum on longitudinal growth trajectories in Kazakhstan
MGR Courtney, Z Rakhymbayeva, A Shilibekova, D Ziyedenova, ...
Studies in Educational Evaluation 75, 101189, 2022
Multilingual academic genre knowledge: Insights from a mixed-method study of post-graduate students in Kazakhstan
A Chsherbakov, B Goodman, D Kapashev
Journal of Second Language Writing 55, 100872, 2022
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