Christine Mueller
Christine Mueller
其他姓名Christine Heine
在 umn.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
The association of registered nurse staffing levels and patient outcomes: systematic review and meta-analysis
RL Kane, TA Shamliyan, C Mueller, S Duval, TJ Wilt
Medical care 45 (12), 1195-1204, 2007
Value-added outcomes: the use of advanced practice nurses in long-term care facilities
MB Ryden, M Snyder, CR Gross, K Savik, V Pearson, K Krichbaum, ...
The Gerontologist 40 (6), 654-662, 2000
Nursing home staffing standards: Their relationship to nurse staffing levels
C Mueller, G Arling, R Kane, J Bershadsky, D Holland, A Joy
The Gerontologist 46 (1), 74-80, 2006
Complexity compression: nurses under fire
K Krichbaum, C Diemert, L Jacox, A Jones, P Koenig, C Mueller, J Disch
Nursing forum 42 (2), 86-94, 2007
Future development of nursing home quality indicators
G Arling, RL Kane, T Lewis, C Mueller
The Gerontologist 45 (2), 147-156, 2005
Nursing effort and quality of care for nursing home residents
G Arling, RL Kane, C Mueller, J Bershadsky, HB Degenholtz
The Gerontologist 47 (5), 672-682, 2007
Moving the agenda forward: a person‐centred framework in long‐term care
KS McGilton, H Heath, CH Chu, AM Boström, C Mueller, V M. Boscart, ...
International Journal of Older People Nursing 7 (4), 303-309, 2012
Improving quality assessment through multilevel modeling: the case of nursing home compare
G Arling, T Lewis, RL Kane, C Mueller, S Flood
Health services research 42 (3p1), 1177-1199, 2007
Delegation in long-term care: Scope of practice or job description?
KN Corazzini, RA Anderson, CG Rapp, C Mueller, ES McConnell, ...
Online journal of issues in nursing 15 (2), 2010
Recommendations from the international consortium on professional nursing practice in long-term care homes
KS McGilton, BJ Bowers, H Heath, K Shannon, ME Dellefield, D Prentice, ...
Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 17 (2), 99-103, 2016
ANA nurse sensitive quality indicators for long-term care facilities
C Mueller, SL Karon
Journal of nursing care quality 19 (1), 39-47, 2004
Improving resident outcomes with GAPN organization level interventions
K Krichbaum, V Pearson, K Savik, C Mueller
Western Journal of Nursing Research 27 (3), 322-337, 2005
Licensed practical nurse scope of practice and quality of nursing home care
KN Corazzini, RA Anderson, C Mueller, JM Thorpe, ES McConnell
Nursing Research 62 (5), 315-324, 2013
The pivotal role of the director of nursing in nursing homes
EO Siegel, C Mueller, KL Anderson, ME Dellefield
Nursing Administration Quarterly 34 (2), 110-121, 2010
A quality-based payment strategy for nursing home care in Minnesota
RL Kane, G Arling, C Mueller, R Held, V Cooke
The Gerontologist 47 (1), 108-115, 2007
Prevalence of incontinence by race and ethnicity of older people admitted to nursing homes
DZ Bliss, S Harms, JM Garrard, K Cunanan, K Savik, O Gurvich, C Mueller, ...
Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 14 (6), 451. e1-451. e7, 2013
Are primary care residents adequately prepared to care for women of reproductive age?
T Conway, TC Hu, E Mason, C Mueller
Family Planning Perspectives, 66-70, 1995
Falls and nursing home residents with cognitive impairment: new insights into quality measures and interventions
A Nazir, C Mueller, A Perkins, G Arling
Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 13 (9), 819. e1-819. e6, 2012
Effective delegation: Understanding responsibility, authority, and accountability
C Mueller, A Vogelsmeier
Journal of Nursing Regulation 4 (3), 20-27, 2013
Licensed nurse responsibilities in nursing homes: A scope-of-practice issue
C Mueller, RA Anderson, ES McConnell, K Corazzini
Journal of Nursing Regulation 3 (1), 13-20, 2012
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