khouloud gader
khouloud gader
Institut National Agronomique de Tunisie, Université de Carthage, Tunisie
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Drought assessment in a south Mediterranean transboundary catchment
K Gader, A Gara, M Vanclooster, S Khlifi, M Slimani
Hydrological Sciences Journal 65 (8), 1300-1315, 2020
The added value of spatially distributed meteorological data for simulating hydrological processes in a small Mediterranean catchment
A Gara, K Gader, S Khlifi, M Vanclooster, D Jendoubi, C Bouvier
Acta Geophysica 68, 133-153, 2020
Assessment of the hydrological response of the watershed through a distributed physically-based modeling for extreme events: application in the Raghay catchment (Medjerda …
A Gara, K Gader, M Bergaoui, MR Mahjoub
2015 6th International Conference on Modeling, Simulation, and Applied …, 2015
Study of spatio-temporal variability of the maximum daily rainfall
K Gader, A Gara, M Slimani, MM Raouf
2015 6th International Conference on Modeling, Simulation, and Applied …, 2015
Proposal of installations to protect watersheds in the lower valley of the Medjerda, Tunisia
G Khouloud, G Ahlem, MM Raouf
International Research Journal of Earth Sciences 3 (1), 54-65, 2015
Implementation of the Standardized Precipitation Index in semi-arid North African areas: reply to the discussion of “Drought assessment in a south Mediterranean transboundary …
K Gader, A Gara, M Vanclooster, S Khlifi, M Slimani
Hydrological Sciences Journal 67 (1), 157-160, 2022
Projected Drought under Climate Change Using Deep Learning in a Semiarid Mediterranean Region (Medjerda, Northern Tunisia).
K Gader, A Gara, S Khlifi, M Vanclooster
Soil and Water resources management for Combating Desertification in …, 2022
Quantifying Climate Variability for Actual and Projected Conditions in a Large South Mediterranean Catchment.
A Gara, K Gader, S Khlifi, M Vanclooster, C Bouvier
Soil and Water resources management for Combating Desertification in …, 2022
Assessment of rainfall and discharge data quality over a large southern Mediterranean catchment
A Gara, S Khlifi, A Jelassi, M Vanclooster
Webinaire, 815, 2020
Quantification of predictive uncertainty in climate change context using airGRpackages: case of Medjerda catchment, Tunisia
K Gader, A Gara, M Vanclooster, M Slimani
Webinaire, 814, 2020
Rainfall forecasting over a Mediterranean catchment using Empirical Statistical Downscaling techniques
K Gader
Assessing the Transferability of a Conceptual Rainfall Runoff Model within the Medjerda catchment (Tunisia)
A Gara, K Gader, S Khlifi, C Bouvier, M Vanclooster
10th International Congress on Environmental Modeling and Software, 2020
Climate Change assessment to quantify current and future hydrological behavior of a small Mediterranean catchment
A Gara, K Gader, S Khlifi, R Fehri, M Vanclooster, C Bouvier
Geophysical Research Abstracts 21, EGU2019, 2019
Evaluating the hydrological behavior of a Mediterranean catchment under climate change: Application in the Siliana upstream catchment
A Gara, K Gader, D Jendoubi, S Khlifi, M Vanclooster, C Bouvier
International Conference on Water Energy Environment and Society (ICWEES 2018), 2018
Protection against floods of the urban watersheds of Sidi Thabet in the lower valley of the Medjerda catchment (Tunisia)
A Gara, K Gader, D Jendoubi, M Bergaoui
Journal of Mediterranean Ecology 16, 2018
Impact of climate change on the hydrological regime in the medium valley of Medjerda-Tunisia
K Gader, A Gara, M Vanclooster, M Slimani
International Conference on Water Energy Environment and Society (ICWESS 2018), 2018
Assessing the Goodness of Fit of lumped and distributed daily implémentations of conceptual hydrological model at the Raghay catchment (North Western Tunisia)
A Gara, K Gader, D Jendoubi, S Khlifi, M Vanclooster, C Bouvier
Scientific Days of Medjerda 2017, 2017
Assessing the Goodness of Fit of lumped and distributed daily implémentations of conceptual hydrological model at the Raghay catchment (North Western Tunisia)
G Ahlem, K Gader, D Jendoubi, S Khlifi, M Vanclooster, C Bouvier
UCL-SST/ELI/ELIE-Environmental Sciences, 2017
Assessing the goodness of fit of lumped and distributed implémentations of conceptual and global hydrological models of the Medjerda basin
A Gara, K Gader, M Vanclooster, D Jendoubi, S Khlifi, C Bouvier
Journées scientifiques de la Medjerda 2016, 2016
Hydrologie et aménagement hydraulique de la basse Medjerda: Cas des bassins versants urbanisés de Sidi Thabet
A Gara, K Gader, M Bergaoui
Éditions universitaires européennes, 2015
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