Vistarani Arini Tiwow
Vistarani Arini Tiwow
Universitas Negeri Manado
在 unima.ac.id 的电子邮件经过验证
Characterization of magnetite (Fe3O4) minerals from natural iron sand of Bonto Kanang Village Takalar for ink powder (toner) application
MR Fahlepy, VA Tiwow
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 997 (1), 012036, 2018
Fabrication and characterization of activated carbon from charcoal coconut shell Minahasa, Indonesia
MJ Rampe, VA Tiwow
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1028 (1), 012033, 2018
Analysis of mineral content of iron sand deposit in Bontokanang Village and Tanjung Bayang Beach, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
VA Tiwow, M Arsyad, P Palloan, MJ Rampe
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 997 (1), 012010, 2018
Kajian suseptibilitas magnetik bergantung frekuensi terhadap pasir besi Kabupaten Takalar
VA Tiwow, MJ Rampe, M Arsyad
Jurnal Sainsmat 7 (2), 136-146, 2018
Analysis of magnetic minerals of iron sand deposit in Sampulungan Beach, Takalar Regency, South Sulawesi using the x-ray diffraction method
M Arsyad, VA Tiwow, MJ Rampe
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1120 (1), 012060, 2018
Potensi arang hasil pirolisis tempurung kelapa sebagai material karbon
MJ Rampe, VA Tiwow, HL Rampe
Jurnal Sains, Matematika, dan Pembelajarannya (SAINSMAT) 2 (2), 191-197, 2013
Magnetic susceptibility of surface sediment in the Tallo tributary of Makassar city
VA Tiwow, JD Malago, MJ Rampe, M Lapa
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1899 (1), 012124, 2021
Pemanfaatan aplikasi google form dalam monitoring kegiatan kuliah pada Program Studi Fisika Universitas Negeri Makassar
N Ihsan, VA Tiwow, M Saleh
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Fisika PPs Universitas Negeri Makassar 2, 21-24, 2020
Synthesis and Characterization of Nanopraticle Hematite (α-Fe2O3) Minerals from Natural Iron Sand Using Co-Precipitation Method and its Potential Applications …
MR Fahlepy, Y Wahyuni, M Andhika, AT Vistarani, S Subaer
Materials Science Forum 967, 259-266, 2019
Tiro, Analysis of magnetic mineral types of iron sand at Sampulungan Beach, Takalar Regency based on magnetic susceptibility values
VA Tiwow, M Arsyad, MJ Sulistiawaty, WIB Rampe
Mater Sci Forum 967, 292-298, 2019
Estimation of underground river water availability based on rainfall in the Maros karst region, South Sulawesi
M Arsyad, N Ihsan, VA Tiwow
AIP Conference Proceedings 1708 (1), 2016
A review of the magnetic susceptibility of guano deposits in caves
IA Sandi, MFA Fauzan, MJ Rampe, VA Tiwow
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1899 (1), 012125, 2021
Penerapan persamaan Navier-Stokes untuk kasus aliran fluida laminer pada pipa tidak horizontal
VA Tiwow, JD Malago
Jurnal Sains, Matematika, dan Pembelajarannya (SAINSMAT) 4 (1), 51-56, 2015
Infrared spectra patterns of coconut shell charcoal as result of pyrolysis and acid activation origin of Sulawesi, Indonesia
MJ Rampe, IRS Santoso, HL Rampe, VA Tiwow, A Apita
E3S Web of Conferences 328, 08008, 2021
Analysis of physical properties and mechanics of rocks in the karst region of Pangkep Regency
M Arsyad, VA Tiwow, IA Sahdian
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1572 (1), 012008, 2020
Analisis aliran fluida newtonian pada pipa tidak horizontal
VA Tiwow
Jurnal Sains dan Pendidikan Fisika (JSPF) 11 (1), 104-108, 2015
Suseptibilitas magnetik dan konsentrasi logam berat sedimen Sungai Tallo di Makassar
VA Tiwow, MJ Rampe, S Sulistiawaty
Jurnal Ilmiah Sains 22 (1), 60-66, 2022
Pola Inframerah Arang Tempurung Kelapa Hasil Pemurnian Menggunakan Asam
VA Tiwow, MJ Rampe, HL Rampe, A Apita
Chemistry Progress 14 (2), 116-123, 2022
Analysis of mineral sediment characteristics of bantimurung bulusaraung national park in the karst Maros region
M Arsyad, N Ihsan, VA Tiwow
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1572 (1), 012007, 2020
Of coconut shellwaste pyrolysis poten as a carbon material from minahasa charcoal cy, Indonesia
TMB Turangan, VA Tiwow, S Simandjuntak
Int J Appl Chem 13, 721-731, 2017
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