Researching'race'and ethnicity: Methods, knowledge and power Y Gunaratnam Sage, 2003 | 1261 | 2003 |
Go home?: The politics of immigration controversies H Jones, Y Gunaratnam, G Bhattacharyya, W Davies, S Dhaliwal, ... Manchester University Press, 2017 | 254 | 2017 |
The research priorities of patients attending UK cancer treatment centres: findings from a modified nominal group study J Corner, D Wright, J Hopkinson, Y Gunaratnam, JW McDonald, C Foster British journal of cancer 96 (6), 875-881, 2007 | 172 | 2007 |
Narrative and stories in health care: illness, dying and bereavement Y Gunaratnam, D Oliviere OUP Oxford, 2009 | 150 | 2009 |
Death and the migrant: Bodies, borders and care Y Gunaratnam Bloomsbury Academic, 2013 | 147 | 2013 |
Culture is not enough Y Gunaratnam Death, gender and ethnicity, 166-186, 1997 | 140 | 1997 |
Racialising emotional labour and emotionalising racialised labour: Anger, fear and shame in social welfare Y Gunaratnam, G Lewis Journal of Social Work Practice 15 (2), 131-148, 2001 | 103 | 2001 |
Earthing the Anthropos? From ‘socializing the Anthropocene’ to geologizing the social N Clark, Y Gunaratnam European Journal of Social Theory 20 (1), 146-163, 2017 | 84 | 2017 |
Intercultural palliative care: do we need cultural competence? Y Gunaratnam International journal of palliative nursing 13 (10), 470-477, 2007 | 62 | 2007 |
Where is the love? Art, aesthetics and research Y Gunaratnam Journal of Social Work Practice 21 (3), 271-287, 2007 | 54 | 2007 |
Culture is a priority for research in end-of-life care in Europe: a research agenda M Gysels, N Evans, A Menaca, EVW Andrew, C Bausewein, C Gastmans, ... Journal of pain and symptom management 44 (2), 285-294, 2012 | 53 | 2012 |
From competence to vulnerability: care, ethics, and elders from racialized minorities Y Gunaratnam Mortality 13 (1), 24-41, 2008 | 53 | 2008 |
Introduction the wherewithal of feminist methods Y Gunaratnam, C Hamilton Feminist Review 115 (1), 1-12, 2017 | 51 | 2017 |
‘We mustn’t judge people... but’: staff dilemmas in dealing with racial harassment amongst hospice service users Y Gunaratnam Sociology of Health & Illness 23 (1), 65-84, 2001 | 44 | 2001 |
Eating into multiculturalism: hospice staff and service users talk food,‘race’, ethnicity, culture and identity Y Gunaratnam Critical Social Policy 21 (3), 287-310, 2001 | 43 | 2001 |
Cultural vulnerability: A narrative approach to intercultural care Y Gunaratnam Qualitative Social Work 12 (2), 104-118, 2013 | 42 | 2013 |
Breaking the silence: Asian carers in Britain Y Gunaratnam Macmillan in Association with The Open University, 1993 | 37 | 1993 |
Learning to be affected: social suffering and total pain at life's borders Y Gunaratnam The Sociological Review 60, 108-123, 2012 | 36 | 2012 |
Pre-race post-race: Climate change and planetary humanism Y Gunaratnam, N Clark Dark Matter 9 (1), 2012 | 32 | 2012 |
Auditory space, ethics and hospitality:‘Noise’, alterity and care at the end of life Y Gunaratnam Body & Society 15 (4), 1-19, 2009 | 31 | 2009 |