Christian Baldwin
Christian Baldwin
Scotts Miracle Gro
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Heterologous expression of Arabidopsis H+‐pyrophosphatase enhances salt tolerance in transgenic creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera L.)
Z Li, CM Baldwin, Q Hu, H Liu, H Luo
Plant, Cell & Environment 33 (2), 272-289, 2010
Diversity of 42 bermudagrass cultivars in a reduced light environment
CM Baldwin, LB McCarty
II International Conference on Turfgrass Science and Management for Sports …, 2007
Impacts of altered light spectral quality on warm season turfgrass growth under greenhouse conditions
CM Baldwin, H Liu, LB McCarty, H Luo, CE Wells, JE Toler
Crop science 49 (4), 1444-1453, 2009
Nitrogen and plant growth regulator influence on ‘Champion’bermudagrass putting green under reduced sunlight
CM Baldwin, H Liu, LB McCarty, H Luo, JE Toler
Agronomy journal 101 (1), 75-81, 2009
Response of six bermudagrass cultivars to different irrigation intervals
CM Baldwin, H Liu, LB McCarty, WL Bauerle, JE Toler
HortTechnology 16 (3), 466-470, 2006
Effects of trinexapac-ethyl on the salinity tolerance of two ultradwarf bermudagrass cultivars
CM Baldwin, H Liu, LB McCarty, WL Bauerle, JE Toler
HortScience 41 (3), 808-814, 2006
Enhancing turfgrass nitrogen use under stresses
HB Liu
Handbook of turfgrass management and physiology, 557-601, 2007
Efficiency of foliar versus granular fertilization: A field study of creeping bentgrass performance
FW Totten, H Liu, LB McCarty, CM Baldwin, DG Bielenberg, JE Toler
Journal of Plant Nutrition 31 (5), 972-982, 2008
Painting dormant bermudagrass putting greens
H Liu, BL McCarty, CM Baldwin, WG Sarvis, SH Long
Golf Course Mgt 75 (11), 86-91, 2007
Foliar fertilization for turfgrasses.
HB Liu, CM Baldwin, FW Totten, LB McCarty
Effects of core cultivation tine entry angle on golf putting greens
CM Baldwin, H Liu, PJ Brown
HortTechnology 16 (2), 265-269, 2006
Aluminum tolerances of ten warm-season turfgrasses
CM Baldwin, H Liu, LB McCarty, WL Bauerle, JE Toler
International Turfgrass Society Research Journal 10, 811-817, 2005
Winter foot and equipment traffic impacts on a ‘L93’creeping bentgrass putting green
CM Baldwin, H Liu, LB McCarty, H Luo, J Toler, SH Long
HortScience 43 (3), 922-926, 2008
Quantifying a daily light integral for establishment of warm‐season cultivars on putting greens
BP Hodges, CM Baldwin, B Stewart, M Tomaso‐Peterson, JD McCurdy, ...
Crop Science 56 (5), 2818-2826, 2016
Plant growth regulator selection and application rate influence annual bluegrass control in creeping bentgrass putting greens. Appl Turf Sci doi: 10.1094
CM Baldwin, AD Brede
ATS-2011-0517-02-RS, 2011
Foliar uptake of nutrients applied in solution to Creeping Bentgrass (Agrostis palustris Huds.), Annual Bluegrass (Poa annua var. reptans (Hausskn.) Timm) and Ultra-Dwarf …
R Gaussoin, C Schmid, K Frank, T Butler, H Liu, W Jarvis III, C Baldwin
Preemergence herbicide effects on establishment and tensile strength of sprigged hybrid bermudagrass
EG Begitschke, JD McCurdy, TM Tseng, TC Barickman, BR Stewart, ...
Agronomy Journal 110 (6), 2243-2249, 2018
Altered light spectral qualities impact on warm-season turfgrass growth and development
C Baldwin, H Liu, LB McCarty, H Luo, CE Wells, JE Toler
Crop Sci 49, 1444-1453, 2009
‘JS501’and ‘Replay’perennial ryegrass glyphosate tolerance and rates required for annual bluegrass (Poa annua L.) control
CM Baldwin, AD Brede, JJ Mayer
HortScience 47 (7), 932-935, 2012
Plant growth regulator selection and application rate influence annual bluegrass control in creeping bentgrass putting greens
CM Baldwin, AD Brede
Applied Turfgrass Science 8 (1), 1-8, 2011
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