Vinicius Muller Reis Weber
Vinicius Muller Reis Weber
在 uel.br 的电子邮件经过验证
Mechanisms and biological effects of caffeine on substrate metabolism homeostasis: a systematic review
LA da Silva, J Wouk, VMR Weber, C da Luz Eltchechem, P de Almeida, ...
Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 7 (6), 215-221, 2017
Relative age in female futsal athletes: Implications on anthropometric profile and starter status
SA Ferreira, MA Nascimento, TG Cavazzotto, VMR Weber, MP Tartaruga, ...
Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte 26 (1), 34-38, 2020
Effect of myofascial release on lower limb range of motion, sit and reach and horizontal jump distance in male university students
MR Queiroga, LS Lima, LEC de Oliveira, DZ Fernandes, VMR Weber, ...
Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 25, 140-145, 2021
Body size, maturation and motor performance in young soccer players: relationship to technical actions in small-sided games
JC da Costa, PH Borges, LF Ramos-Silva, VMR Weber, A Moreira, ...
Biology of Sport 40 (1), 51-61, 2023
Relative age effect in Brazilian handball selections
JC Costa, FA Montes, VMR Weber, PH Borges, LF Ramos-Silva, ...
Journal of physical education 32, e3227, 2022
Adaptation of anaerobic field-based tests for wheelchair basketball athletes
VMR Weber, DZ Fernandes, ER Vieira, SA Ferreira, DF da Silva, ...
Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport 92 (4), 715-722, 2021
Characterization of Reproductive and Morphological Variables in Female Elite Futsal Players
MR Queiroga, DF da Silva, SA Ferreira, VMR Weber, DZ Fernandes, ...
Frontiers in psychology 12, 625354, 2021
Relation between diabetes mellitus, thyroid hormones and caffeine
LA da Silva, J Wouk, VMR Weber, CRM Malfatti, R Osiecki
Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 7 (3), 212-216, 2017
Effects of blood flow restriction training on handgrip strength and muscular volume of young women
DZ Fernandes, VMR Weber, MPA da Silva, NG de Lima Stavinski, ...
International journal of sports physical therapy 15 (6), 901, 2020
Morphological profile of athlete starters and nonstarters of feminine futsal
MR Queiroga, FM Mezalira, WC Souza, VMR Weber, MFM Carvalhaes, ...
Journal of Physical Education 29, e2965, 2018
Efeitos do chá verde e do exercício físico sobre a composição corporal de pessoas obesas
DZ Fernandes, PN Faix, L Lemke, L Perussolo, V Weber, AL Kihn, ...
Cinergis. Santa Cruz do Sul 18 (2), 156-159, 2017
Association between cardiorrespiratory fitness and cognitive control: is somatic maturity an important mediator?
VMR Weber, JC da Costa, LA Volpato, M Romanzini, J Castro-Piñero, ...
BMC pediatrics 22 (1), 699, 2022
Development of cardiorespiratory fitness standards for working memory using receiver operating curves in 15-year-old adolescents
VMR Weber, DZ Fernandes, LA Volpato, MR de Oliveira Bueno, ...
BMC pediatrics 21 (1), 208, 2021
Clínica e academia escola de educação física: prescrição de exercícios físicos baseados em evidências científicas
MR Queiroga, SA Ferreira, E dos Santos Vaz, SCS Souza, ...
Extensio: Revista Eletrônica de Extensão 16 (33), 111-122, 2019
Perfil morfológico de atletas titulares e reservas de futsal feminino
MR Queiroga, FM Mezalira, WC de Souza, VMR Weber, ...
J Phys Educ 29 (1), 2018
Do motor performance and specific-skill tests discriminate technical efficiency in small-sided games?
JC Costa, PH Borges, LF Ramos-Silva, VMR Weber, FA Moura, A Moreira, ...
Motriz: Revista de Educação Física 27, e10210016320, 2021
Caffeine prevents exercise-induced hypoglycemia in trained runners
VMR Weber, MR Queiroga, AL Kiihn, CRM Malfatti, J Wouk, SA Ferreira, ...
Universidad de Alicante. Área de Educación Física y Deporte, 2019
Strength indicators and usual physical activity among university administrative employees
VMR Weber, MR Queiroga, AL Kiihn, LA da-Silva, SA Ferreira, BS Portela
Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Trabalho 17 (1), 39, 2019
Impacts of food consumption on biochemical markers and anthropometric variables of women with metabolic syndrome
KC Michalichen, VMR Weber, MR Queiroga, DZ Fernandes, CM Carreira, ...
BMC women's health 22 (1), 423, 2022
Percepção dos efeitos da hidratação em idosos durante o exercício aeróbico
AEA Caldas, FAS Martins, JCL Martins, VMR Weber, LA da Silva
Journal Health NPEPS 4 (2), 345-356, 2019
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