Genaro Ochoa Cruz
Genaro Ochoa Cruz
Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Tierra Blanca
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Structure Regulator for the Perturbations Attenuation in a Quadrotor
JF Rubio, J.J., Ochoa, G., Mujica-Vargas, D., Garcia, E., Balcazar, R ...
IEEE Access, 1-9, 2019
Novel nonlinear hypothesis for the delta parallel robot modeling
G Aquino, JDJ Rubio, J Pacheco, GJ Gutierrez, G Ochoa, R Balcazar, ...
IEEE Access 8, 46324-46334, 2020
Adapting H-infinity controller for the desired reference tracking of the sphere position in the maglev process
J de Jesús Rubio, E Lughofer, J Pieper, P Cruz, DI Martinez, G Ochoa, ...
Information Sciences 569, 669-686, 2021
Stabilization of robots with a regulator containing the sigmoid mapping
DI Martinez, JJ De Rubio, TM Vargas, V Garcia, G Ochoa, R Balcazar, ...
IEEE Access 8, 89479-89488, 2020
Optimization of sliding mode control to save energy in a SCARA robot
LA Soriano, JJ Rubio, E Orozco, DA Cordova, G Ochoa, R Balcazar, ...
Mathematics 9 (24), 3160, 2021
Uniform stable observer for the disturbance estimation in two renewable energy systems
J de Jesús Rubio, G Ochoa, R Balcazar, J Pacheco
ISA transactions 58, 155-164, 2015
Convergent newton method and neural network for the electric energy usage prediction
J de Jesús Rubio, MA Islas, G Ochoa, DR Cruz, E Garcia, J Pacheco
Information Sciences 585, 89-112, 2022
ANFIS system for classification of brain signals
JJ Rubio, DR Cruz, I Elias, G Ochoa, R Balcazar, A Aguilar
Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 37 (3), 4033-4041, 2019
The regulation of an electric oven and an inverted pendulum
R Balcazar, JJ Rubio, E Orozco, D Andres Cordova, G Ochoa, E Garcia, ...
Symmetry 14 (4), 759, 2022
A fuzzy logic model for hourly electrical power demand modeling
MA Islas, JJ Rubio, S Muñiz, G Ochoa, J Pacheco, JA Meda-Campaña, ...
Electronics 10 (4), 448, 2021
The perturbations estimation in two gas plants
JDJ Rubio, DI Martinez, V Garcia, GJ Gutierrez, TM Vargas, G Ochoa, ...
IEEE Access 8, 83081-83091, 2020
Hessian with mini-batches for electrical demand prediction
I Elias, JJ Rubio, DR Cruz, G Ochoa, JF Novoa, DI Martinez, S Muñiz, ...
Applied Sciences 10 (6), 2036, 2020
An Electricity Generator Based on the Interaction of Static and Dynamic Magnets
RBJL J. de J. Rubio, A. Aguilar, J. A. Meda-Campaña, G. Ochoa
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2019
Stabilization of two electricity generators
DI Martinez, JJ Rubio, A Aguilar, J Pacheco, GJ Gutierrez, V Garcia, ...
Complexity 2020 (1), 8683521, 2020
Unscented Kalman filter for learning of a solar dryer and a greenhouse
J de Jesús Rubio, E Garcia, G Ochoa, I Elias, DR Cruz, R Balcazar, ...
Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 37 (5), 6731-6741, 2019
Disturbance rejection in two mechatronic systems
J de Jesus Rubio, G Ochoa, R Balcazar, J Pacheco
IEEE Latin America Transactions 14 (2), 485-492, 2016
Robust Gaussian‐base radial kernel fuzzy clustering algorithm for image segmentation
D Mújica‐Vargas, B Carvajal‐Gámez, G Ochoa, J Rubio
Electronics letters 55 (15), 835-837, 2019
Acquisition system and analytic fuzzy model of a manufactured wind turbine
J de Jesus Rubio, G Ochoa, VI Rangel, JA Meda, J Pacheco
IEEE Latin America Transactions 13 (12), 3879-3884, 2015
Modeling of four nonlinear electronic circuits
G Ochoa, G Gutierrez, JJ Rubio, R Rivera, J Pacheco
Recent Patents on Electrical & Electronic Engineering (Formerly Recent …, 2010
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