Alexei Konoplev
Alexei Konoplev
Fukushima University, Institute of Environmental Radioactivity
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Temporal and spatial variabilities of atmospheric polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), organochlorine (OC) pesticides and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the Canadian …
H Hung, P Blanchard, CJ Halsall, TF Bidleman, GA Stern, P Fellin, ...
Science of the Total Environment 342 (1-3), 119-144, 2005
Thirty years after the Chernobyl accident: What lessons have we learnt?
NA Beresford, S Fesenko, A Konoplev, L Skuterud, JT Smith, G Voigt
Journal of environmental radioactivity 157, 77-89, 2016
Prediction of solid/liquid distribution coefficients of radiocaesium in soils and sediments. Part one: a simplified procedure for the solid phase characterisation
J Wauters, A Elsen, A Cremers, AV Konoplev, AA Bulgakov, RNJ Comans
Applied Geochemistry 11 (4), 589-594, 1996
Mercury in the Arctic atmosphere: An analysis of eight years of measurements of GEM at Alert (Canada) and a comparison with observations at Amderma (Russia) and Kuujjuarapik …
A Steffen, W Schroeder, R Macdonald, L Poissant, A Konoplev
Science of the total environment 342 (1-3), 185-198, 2005
Behaviour of long-lived Chernobyl radionuclides in a soil–water system
AV Konoplev, AA Bulgakov, VE Popov, TI Bobovnikova
Analyst 117 (6), 1041-1047, 1992
Behavior of accidentally released radiocesium in soil–water environment: Looking at Fukushima from a Chernobyl perspective
A Konoplev, V Golosov, G Laptev, K Nanba, Y Onda, T Takase, ...
Journal of environmental radioactivity 151, 568-578, 2016
Spatial and seasonal variations of hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs) and hexachlorobenzene (HCB) in the Arctic atmosphere
Y Su, H Hung, P Blanchard, GW Patton, R Kallenborn, A Konoplev, ...
Environmental science & technology 40 (21), 6601-6607, 2006
A circumpolar perspective of atmospheric organochlorine pesticides (OCPs): Results from six Arctic monitoring stations in 2000–2003
Y Su, H Hung, P Blanchard, GW Patton, R Kallenborn, A Konoplev, ...
Atmospheric Environment 42 (19), 4682-4698, 2008
Influence of agricultural countermeasures on the ratio of different chemical forms of radionuclides in soil and soil solution
AV Konoplev, NV Viktorova, EP Virchenko, VE Popov, AA Bulgakov, ...
Science of the Total Environment 137 (1-3), 147-162, 1993
Strong contrast of cesium radioactivity between marine and freshwater fish in Fukushima
T Wada, A Konoplev, Y Wakiyama, K Watanabe, Y Furuta, D Morishita, ...
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 204, 132-142, 2019
Application of fertilisers and ameliorants to reduce soil to plant transfer of radiocaesium and radiostrontium in the medium to long term—a summary
AF Nisbet, AV Konoplev, G Shaw, JF Lembrechts, R Merckx, E Smolders, ...
Science of the total Environment 137 (1-3), 173-182, 1993
Migration and bioavailability of 137Cs in forest soil of southern Germany
I Konopleva, E Klemt, A Konoplev, G Zibold
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 100 (4), 315-321, 2009
Measuring the specific caesium sorption capacity of soils, sediments and clay minerals
A De Koning, AV Konoplev, RNJ Comans
Applied Geochemistry 22 (1), 219-229, 2007
Radiocesium distribution and fluxes in the typical Cryptomeria japonica forest at the late stage after the accident at Fukushima Dai-Ichi Nuclear Power Plant
V Yoschenko, T Takase, A Konoplev, K Nanba, Y Onda, S Kivva, ...
Journal of environmental radioactivity 166, 45-55, 2017
The “AQUASCOPE” simplified model for predicting 89, 90Sr, 131I, and 134,137 Cs in surface waters after a large-scale radioactive fallout
JT Smith, NV Belova, AA Bulgakov, RNJ Comans, AV Konoplev, ...
Health Physics 89 (6), 628-644, 2005
Natural attenuation of Fukushima-derived radiocesium in soils due to its vertical and lateral migration
A Konoplev, V Golosov, Y Wakiyama, T Takase, V Yoschenko, ...
Journal of environmental radioactivity 186, 23-33, 2018
Comparative study of 137Cs partitioning between solid and liquid phases in Lakes Constance, Lugano and Vorsee
A Konoplev, S Kaminski, E Klemt, I Konopleva, R Miller, G Zibold
Journal of environmental radioactivity 58 (1), 1-11, 2002
Watershed wash-off of atmospherically deposited radionuclides: a review of normalized entrainment coefficients
L Garcia-Sanchez, AV Konoplev
Journal of environmental radioactivity 100 (9), 774-778, 2009
Radionuclide migration in forest ecosystems–results of a model validation study
G Shaw, A Venter, R Avila, R Bergman, A Bulgakov, P Calmon, ...
Journal of environmental radioactivity 84 (2), 285-296, 2005
Vertical distribution of radiocesium in soils of the area affected by the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant accident
AV Konoplev, VN Golosov, VI Yoschenko, K Nanba, Y Onda, T Takase, ...
Eurasian Soil Science 49, 570-580, 2016
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