Fabienne Guillon
Fabienne Guillon
在 inrae.fr 的电子邮件经过验证
Structural and physical properties of dietary fibres, and consequences of processing on human physiology
F Guillon, M Champ
Food research international 33 (3-4), 233-245, 2000
Hydration properties of dietary fibre and resistant starch: a European collaborative study
JA Robertson, FD de Monredon, P Dysseler, F Guillon, R Amado, ...
LWT-Food Science and Technology 33 (2), 72-79, 2000
Wheat arabinoxylans: exploiting variation in amount and composition to develop enhanced varieties
L Saulnier, PE Sado, G Branlard, G Charmet, F Guillon
Journal of Cereal Science 46 (3), 261-281, 2007
Carbohydrate fractions of legumes: uses in human nutrition and potential for health
F Guillon, MMJ Champ
British Journal of Nutrition 88 (S3), 293-306, 2002
Physical and chemical transformations of cereal food during oral digestion in human subjects
C Hoebler, A Karinthi, MF Devaux, F Guillon, DJG Gallant, B Bouchet, ...
British Journal of Nutrition 80 (5), 429-436, 1998
GDP‐d‐mannose 3,5‐epimerase (GME) plays a key role at the intersection of ascorbate and non‐cellulosic cell‐wall biosynthesis in tomato
L Gilbert, M Alhagdow, A Nunes‐Nesi, B Quemener, F Guillon, B Bouchet, ...
The Plant Journal 60 (3), 499-508, 2009
Effect of grinding and experimental conditions on the measurement of hydration properties of dietary fibres
A Auffret, MC Ralet, F Guillon, JL Barry, JF Thibault
LWT-Food Science and Technology 27 (2), 166-172, 1994
Changes in texture, cellular structure and cell wall composition in apple tissue as a result of freezing
S Chassagne-Berces, C Poirier, MF Devaux, F Fonseca, M Lahaye, ...
Food Research International 42 (7), 788-797, 2009
Digestion of carbohydrate from white beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in healthy humans
L Noah, F Guillon, B Bouchet, A Buleon, C Molis, M Gratas, M Champ
The Journal of nutrition 128 (6), 977-985, 1998
FT-IR investigation of cell wall polysaccharides from cereal grains. Arabinoxylan infrared assignment
P Robert, M Marquis, C Barron, F Guillon, L Saulnier
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 53 (18), 7014-7018, 2005
Emulsification and lipolysis of triacylglycerols are altered by viscous soluble dietary fibres in acidic gastric medium in vitro
B Pasquier, M Armand, C Castelain, F Guillon, P Borel, H Lafont, D Lairon
Biochemical Journal 314 (1), 269-275, 1996
Monoclonal antibodies to rhamnogalacturonan I backbone
MC Ralet, O Tranquet, D Poulain, A Moïse, F Guillon
Planta 231, 1373-1383, 2010
Down-Regulation of the CSLF6 Gene Results in Decreased (1,3;1,4)-β-d-Glucan in Endosperm of Wheat
C Nemeth, J Freeman, HD Jones, C Sparks, TK Pellny, MD Wilkinson, ...
Plant physiology 152 (3), 1209-1218, 2010
Physico-chemical properties of food plant cell walls
JF Thibault, M Lahaye, F Guillon
Dietary fibre—A component of food: Nutritional function in health and …, 1992
Enzymic hydrolysis of the “hairy” fragments of sugar-beet pectins
F Guillon, JF Thibault, FM Rombouts, AGJ Voragen, W Pilnik
Carbohydrate Research 190 (1), 97-108, 1989
Arabinoxylan and (1→ 3),(1→ 4)-β-glucan deposition in cell walls during wheat endosperm development
S Philippe, L Saulnier, F Guillon
Planta 224 (2), 449-461, 2006
Cell wall deposition and metabolism in wheat grain
L Saulnier, F Guillon, AL Chateigner-Boutin
Journal of Cereal Science 56 (1), 91-108, 2012
Viscous soluble dietary fibers alter emulsification and lipolysis of triacylglycerols in duodenal medium in vitro
B Pasquier, M Armand, F Guillon, C Castelain, P Borel, JL Barry, ...
The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry 7 (5), 293-302, 1996
Brachypodium distachyon grain: characterization of endosperm cell walls
F Guillon, B Bouchet, F Jamme, P Robert, B Quéméner, C Barron, C Larré, ...
Journal of Experimental Botany 62 (3), 1001-1015, 2011
Generation of polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies against arabinoxylans and their use for immunocytochemical location of arabinoxylans in cell walls of endosperm of wheat
F Guillon, O Tranquet, L Quillien, JP Utille, JJO Ortiz, L Saulnier
Journal of Cereal Science 40 (2), 167-182, 2004
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