The impact of mandatory versus voluntary auditor switches on stock liquidity: Some Korean evidence S Choi, YS Choi, FA Gul, WJ Lee The British Accounting Review 47 (1), 100-116, 2015 | 32 | 2015 |
Audit pricing of shared leadership YS Choi, J Hyeon, T Jung, WJ Lee Emerging Markets Finance and Trade 54 (2), 336-358, 2018 | 26 | 2018 |
The effect of information asymmetry and participative target setting on target ratcheting and incentives TS Ahn, YS Choi, I Hwang, J Hyeon Public Performance & Management Review 41 (3), 439-468, 2018 | 22* | 2018 |
Auditors' strategic audit pricing: evidence from the pre-and post-IFRS Periods S Choi, YS Choi, BJ Kim AUDITING: A Journal of Practice & Theory 37 (4), 75-94, 2018 | 15 | 2018 |
성과평가시스템에서의 목표설정 An Examination of Target-Setting: How a Rator Revises a Ratee's Target [printed in Korean] 안태식 Tae-Sik Ahn, 최연식 Youn-Sik Choi권대현 Dae-Hyun Kwon 회계학연구 Korean Accounting Review 36 (1), 183-223, 2011 | 13* | 2011 |
공공기관의 하방경직적 지출행태에 관한 연구 A Study on Sticky Expense Behavior of Public Organization [printed in Korean] 김미옥 Mi-Ok Kim, 최연식 Youn-Sik Choi윤주철 Ju-Chul Yoon정형록 Hyung-Rok Jung 한국행정연구 The Korean Journal of Public Administration 23 (4), 59-88, 2014 | 12* | 2014 |
공공기관 경영실적 평가제도에서 목표설정에서의 불확실성이 공공기관의 노력 감소 인센티브에 미치는 영향 The Effect of Target-Setting Uncertainty in Performance Evaluation of … 최연식 Youn-Sik Choi, 황인이 Iny Hwang윤주철 Joo-Chul Yoon 한국행정학보 Korean Public Administration Review 49 (3), 219-246, 2015 | 10* | 2015 |
Bargaining power and budget ratcheting: Evidence from South Korean local governments YS Choi, MO Kim, HR Jung, H Cho Management Accounting Research 53, 100767, 2021 | 9 | 2021 |
연결재무제표와 개별재무제표의 회계정보의 차이에 관한 연구 Is Accounting Information Different between Non-Consolidated and Consolidated Financial Statements? [printed in Korean] 최연식 Youn-Sik Choi, 정형록 Hyung-Rok Jung, 박진하 Jin-Ha Park권대현 Dae ... 회계저널 Korean Accounting Journal 20 (4), 185-223, 2011 | 7* | 2011 |
The Effect of Divergence between Cash Flow and Voting Rights on the Relevance of Fair Disclosure and Credit Ratings Jin-Ha Park, Jiyeon Lee, Youn-Sik Choi Sustainability 11 (13), 3657, 2019 | 5 | 2019 |
피평가자의 인센티브가 성과분포에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 Ratee Incentive and Performance Distribution [printed in Korean] 최연식Youn-Sik Choi, 황인이 Iny Hwang송승아 SeungAh Song 회계학연구 Korean Accounting Review 37 (4), 327-361, 2012 | 5* | 2012 |
연결감사품질의 결정요인에 관한 연구 What determines Audit Quality of Consolidated Financial Statements? [printed in Korean] 최연식 Youn-Sik Choi, 최종학 Jong-Hag Choi나경원 Kyung-Won Na 경영학연구 Korean Management Review 38 (6), 1659-1690, 2009 | 5* | 2009 |
다차원적 업무하에서 CEO 의 노력배분 CEO Effort Allocation under a Multi-Task Setting [printed in Korean] 안태식 Tae-Sik Ahn, 최연식 Youn-Sik Choi서민정 Min-Jung Seo 회계저널 Korean Accounting Journal 18 (2), 313-342, 2009 | 5* | 2009 |
Target-setting in performance evaluation and public institutions’ incentives YS Choi Public Management in Korea, 227-250, 2018 | 4* | 2018 |
공동경영자 구조와 상호견제효과: 이익조정을 중심으로 Co-CEO Structure and Mutual Monitoring Effect: Focusing on Earnings Management [printed in Korean] 이지연 Jiyeon Lee, 현지원 Jiwon Hyun, 최연식 Youn-Sik Choi이문영 Moony Lee 한국창업학회지 Journal of the Korean Entrepreneurship 13, 55-84, 2018 | 4* | 2018 |
정보이용자 관점에서의 국가 재무보고 사례 분석-한국과 미국의 국가결산보고서 비교분석을 중심으로 A Case Study on Governmental Financial Reports from the Perspective of … 최연식 Youn-Sik Choi, 윤주철 Joo-Chul Yoon, 이문영 Moon-Young Lee권대현 Dae ... 회계저널 Korean Accounting Journal 24 (2), 347-390, 2015 | 4* | 2015 |
The Determinants of Nonfinancial Information Disclosure in Management Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) [printed in English] JHH Jiwon Hyeon, Tae-Sik Ahn, Youn-Sik Choi 회계학연구 Korean Accounting Review 39 (2), 179-219, 2014 | 4* | 2014 |
감사인의 내부회계관리제도 구축과 관련한 비감사 서비스 제공과 감사품질 사이의 관계 The Provision of Non-Audit Service by Auditor Related to the Establishment of Internal Control … 조희도 Hee-Do Cho최종학 Jong-Hag Choi최연식 Youn-Sik Choi 회계ㆍ세무와 감사 연구 Accounting and Auditing Research, 1-42, 2009 | 4 | 2009 |
교육서비스 가격책정 방법론의 개발과 적용: 전문대학원 등록금 책정 사례 Development and Applications of Tuition Estimation Methodologies of Professional Schools [printed in Korean] 안태식 Tae-Sik Ahn, 곽수근 Su-Keun Kwak, 최연식 Youn-Sik Choi, 이병희 Byung ... 관리회계연구 Korean Journal of Management Accounting Research 8 (2), 123-151, 2008 | 3* | 2008 |
경영환경 불확실성과 실제이익조정 Business Environment Uncertainty and Real Earnings Management [printed in Korean] 허성준 Sungjoon Huh, 이지연 Jiyeon Lee, 최연식 Youn-Sik Choi현지원 Jiwon Hyeon 기업경영연구 Korean Corporation Management Review 82, 77-101, 2018 | 2* | 2018 |