Thanh Nguyen
Thanh Nguyen
Sony, NASA GSFC, Catholic University of America
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Deep learning approach for Fourier ptychography microscopy
T Nguyen, Y Xue, Y Li, L Tian, G Nehmetallah
Optics express 26 (20), 26470-26484, 2018
Automatic phase aberration compensation for digital holographic microscopy based on deep learning background detection
T Nguyen, V Bui, V Lam, CB Raub, LC Chang, G Nehmetallah
Optics express 25 (13), 15043-15057, 2017
Quantitative assessment of cancer cell morphology and motility using telecentric digital holographic microscopy and machine learning
VK Lam, TC Nguyen, BM Chung, G Nehmetallah, CB Raub
Cytometry Part A 93 (3), 334-345, 2018
Accurate quantitative phase digital holographic microscopy with single-and multiple-wavelength telecentric and nontelecentric configurations
T Nguyen, G Nehmetallah, C Raub, S Mathews, R Aylo
Applied optics 55 (21), 5666-5683, 2016
Quantitative scoring of epithelial and mesenchymal qualities of cancer cells using machine learning and quantitative phase imaging
VK Lam, TC Nguyen, V Bui, BM Chung, LC Chang, G Nehmetallah, ...
Journal of biomedical optics 25 (2), 026002, 2020
Computational optical tomography using 3-D deep convolutional neural networks
TC Nguyen, V Bui, G Nehmetallah
Optical Engineering 57 (4), 043111, 2018
Computational Optical Tomography Using 3D Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (3D-DCNNs)
T Nguyen, V Bui, G Nehmetallah
Machine learning with optical phase signatures for phenotypic profiling of cell lines
VK Lam, T Nguyen, T Phan, BM Chung, G Nehmetallah, CB Raub
Cytometry Part A 95 (7), 757-768, 2019
Early Detection of Alzheimer’s Disease Using Patient Neuropsychological and Cognitive Data and Machine Learning Techniques
I Almubark, LC Chang, T Nguyen, RS Turner, X Jiang
2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 5971-5973, 2019
Fully automated, high speed, tomographic phase object reconstruction using the transport of intensity equation in transmission and reflection configurations
T Nguyen, G Nehmetallah, D Tran, A Darudi, P Soltani
Applied Optics 54 (35), 10443-10453, 2015
A 5-min Cognitive Task With Deep Learning Accurately Detects Early Alzheimer's Disease
I Almubark, LC Chang, KF Shattuck, T Nguyen, RS Turner, X Jiang
Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 2020
Non-interferometric tomography of phase objects using spatial light modulators
T Nguyen, G Nehmetallah
Journal of Imaging 2 (4), 30, 2016
MIMONet: Structured-light 3D shape reconstruction via multi-input multi-output
H Nguyen, K Ly, T Nguyen, Y Wang, Z Wang
Training 6 (4), 2.31, 2021
Virtual organelle self-coding for fluorescence imaging via adversarial learning
TC Nguyen, V Bui, A Thai, VK Lam, CB Raub, LC Chang, G Nehmetallah
Journal of Biomedical Optics 25 (9), 096009, 2020
Morphology, Motility, and Cytoskeletal Architecture of Breast Cancer Cells Depend on Keratin 19 and Substrate
VK Lam, P Sharma, T Nguyen, G Nehmetallah, CB Raub, BM Chung
Cytometry Part A, 2020
Autofocusing of fluorescent microscopic images through deep learning convolutional neural networks
T Nguyen, A Thai, P Adwani, G Nehmetallah
Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging, W3A. 32, 2019
Apparatus, optical system, and method for digital holographic microscopy
T Nguyen, G Nehmetallah, V Bui
US Patent 10,365,606, 2019
3D high speed characterization of phase objects using the transport of intensity equation
T Nguyen, G Nehmetallah, A Darudi, P Soltani
Three-Dimensional Imaging, Visualization, and Display 2015 9495, 949512, 2015
Latest advances in single and multiwavelength digital holography and holographic microscopy
G Nehmetallah, L Williams, T Nguyen
Holography for Breakthrough Applications, 2020
Portable flow device using Fourier ptychography microscopy and deep learning for detection in biosignatures
T Nguyen, S Aslam, D Bower, JL Eigenbrode, N Gorius, T Hewagama, ...
Real-Time Image Processing and Deep Learning 2020 11401, 114010H, 2020
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