The implementation of Saccharomyces spp. n-2 isolate culture (isolation from traditional yeast culture) for improving feed quality and performance of male Bali duckling I Bidura, IG Mahardika, IP Suyadnya, IBG Partama, IGL Oka, ... Agricultural Science Research Journal 2 (9), 486-492, 2012 | 59 | 2012 |
Innovation of teaching and learning english applied to animal sciences' student with the combination of computer media and audio visual IGAI Aryani, NKS Rahayuni International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture 2 (1), 1-7, 2016 | 46 | 2016 |
Perubahan komposisi kimia daun ubi kayu yang difermentasi oleh EM4 U Santoso, I Aryani Jurnal Sain Peternakan Indonesia 2 (2), 53-56, 2007 | 42 | 2007 |
The effect of ragi tape fermentation products in diets on nutrients digestibility and growth performance of bali drake I Bidura, DA Warmadewi, D Candrawati, IGAI Aryani, IAP Utami, ... Proceeding. The 1st International Seminar on Animal Industry 2009 …, 2009 | 19 | 2009 |
Peningkatan kualitas jerami padi melalui penerapan teknologi amoniasi urea sebagai pakan sapi berkualitas di desa Bebalang Kabupaten Bangli A Trisnadewi, NLG Sumardani, BRT Putri, IGLO Cakra, IGAI Aryani clinical immunology (orlando, fla) 10 (2), --0, 2012 | 18 | 2012 |
Energy and protein retention of local rabbit housed in different cages IM Nuriyasa, IM Mastika, GD Mahardika, IW Kaqsa, I Aryani J Biol Chem Res 31, 800-807, 2014 | 12 | 2014 |
Toksoplasmosis kongenital I Aryani Continuing Medical Education 44 (8), 537-539, 2017 | 9 | 2017 |
Pollard in diets supplemented with yeast on broiler performance and ammonia-N concentration of excreta E Puspani, I Bidura, D Candrawati, IGAI Aryani Journal of Biological and Chemical Research 31 (2), 1048-1055, 2014 | 7 | 2014 |
Change in chemical composition of cassava leaves fermented by EM4 U Santoso, I Aryani JSPI 2 (2), 9-12, 2007 | 7 | 2007 |
Effect of Feeding “Ragi Tape”(Yeast culture) May Enhanced Protein, Metabolizable Energy, and Performance of Bali Drake I Bidura, DA Warmadewi, D Candrawati, E Puspani, IAP Utami, IGA Aryani The International Conference on “Biotechnology for a Sustainable Future, 2009 | 6 | 2009 |
Pengaruh penggantian penggunaan jagung kuning dalam ransum dengan campuran limbah roti dan tepung jerami bawang putih terhadap penampilan dan jumlah lemak abdomen itik bali jantan A Trisnadewi, IAP Utami, I Aryani, IBG Partama, I Bidura Majalah Ilmiah Peternakan 15 (1), 164320, 2012 | 5 | 2012 |
A rare case: genetically confirmed newborn with thanatophoric dysplasia type 1 (TD1) IGA Aryani, IM Arimbawa, A Kardana, NNA Dewi, PPY Anandasari International Journal of Genetics and Genomics 9 (1), 1-5, 2021 | 4 | 2021 |
Perubahan Komposisi Kimia Daun Ubi Kayu Yang Difermentasi EM4. I Jurusan Peternakan, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Bengkulu U Santoso, I Aryani | 4 | 2008 |
Perubahan Komposisi Kimia Daun Ubi Kayu yang Difermentasi EM4 U Santoso, I Aryani Jurnal Sains Peternakan Indonesia. Bengkulu 2 (2), 2007 | 4 | 2007 |
Moral values in folklore of Pan Balang Tamak story (sociolinguistic study) PEW Citrawati, GE Wahyu, IGAI Aryani International Research Journal of Management, IT and Social Sciences 3 (5 …, 2016 | 3 | 2016 |
Textual Metafunctions in Inauguration State Speech Text of President Joko Widodo. W Kusumawardani, AAP Putra Linguistika: Buletin Ilmiah Program Magister Linguistik Universitas Udayana …, 2021 | 2 | 2021 |
Grammatical Equivalence of Animal Science Terms Translation. I Aryani, IN Sudipa, IBP Yadnya, NM Dhanawaty English Language Teaching 12 (6), 199-208, 2019 | 2 | 2019 |
Women’s language in “Bring it on” movie VMD Susanti, I Aryani Humanis 22 (3), 836-841, 2018 | 2 | 2018 |
The effect of fermented purple sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) skin on blood malondialdehyde (MDA), sugar and uric acid concentration of Bali duck TGB Yadnya, IBG Partama, A Trisnadewi, IW Wirawan, I Aryani Int J Rec Biotech 3 (2), 1-6, 2015 | 2 | 2015 |
Meaning Search of Agricultural Technology Terms Internet Based-Learning in Translation and Learning English IGAI Aryani, MD Saientisna, NPEW Citrawati Basic and Applied Education Research Journal 3 (2), 85-97, 2022 | 1 | 2022 |