Sreevatsan Raghavan
Sreevatsan Raghavan
Project Coordinator, GIISER; THSTI, Faridabad
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Comparison of rate of tooth movement and pain perception during accelerated tooth movement associated with conventional fixed appliances with micro-osteoperforations–a …
S Attri, R Mittal, P Batra, S Sonar, K Sharma, S Raghavan, KS Rai
Journal of orthodontics 45 (4), 225-233, 2018
Aesthetic perceptions and psychosocial impact of malocclusion: comparison between cleft and non-cleft patients and their parents
S Raghavan, K Philip, P Batra, A Marcusson
European journal of orthodontics 41 (1), 38-45, 2019
OrthoAligner “NAM”: a case series of presurgical infant orthopedics (PSIO) using clear aligners
P Batra, BF Gribel, BA Abhinav, A Arora, S Raghavan
The Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal 57 (5), 646-655, 2020
A comparative assessment of transfer accuracy of two indirect bonding techniques in patients undergoing fixed mechanotherapy: a randomised clinical trial
V Chaudhary, P Batra, K Sharma, S Raghavan, V Gandhi, A Srivastava
Journal of Orthodontics 48 (1), 13-23, 2021
Self-illuminating cheek retractor
S Raghavan, MS Gahlot
US Patent App. 15/544,659, 2018
Rise and exacerbation of oral lichen planus in the background of SARS-CoV-2 infection
A Sood, S Raghavan, P Batra, K Sharma, A Talwar
Medical Hypotheses 156, 110681, 2021
Comparison of rate of orthodontic tooth movement in adolescent patients undergoing treatment by first bicuspid extraction and en-mass retraction, associated with low level …
H Lalnunpuii, P Batra, K Sharma, A Srivastava, S Raghavan
International Orthodontics 18 (3), 412-423, 2020
Comparative study of presurgical infant orthopedics by modified Grayson method and dynacleft with nasal elevators in patients with unilateral cleft lip and palate—a clinical …
BA Abhinav, P Batra, S Chander Sood, K Sharma, A Srivastava, ...
The Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal 58 (2), 189-201, 2021
Comparison of orthodontic space closure using micro-osteoperforation and passive self-ligating appliances or conventional fixed appliances: A randomized controlled trial
R Mittal, S Attri, P Batra, S Sonar, K Sharma, S Raghavan
The Angle Orthodontist 90 (5), 634-639, 2020
Digital photography in general and clinical dentistry-technical aspects and accessories
R Sreevatsan, K Philip, E Peter, K Singh, MS Gahlot
International Dental Journal of Students Research 3 (1), 17-24, 2015
Periodontically accelerated orthodontic tooth movement: a narrative review
K Sharma, P Batra, S Sonar, A Srivastava, S Raghavan
Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology 23 (1), 5-11, 2019
Dentists' Attitudes and perceptions toward protective mouthguards
S Raghavan, P Dayal, K Philip, MS Gahlot
Nigerian journal of clinical practice 21 (3), 318-326, 2018
Comparative assessment of the rate of orthodontic tooth movement in adolescent patients undergoing treatment by first bicuspid extraction and en mass retraction, associated …
V Kumar, P Batra, K Sharma, S Raghavan, A Srivastava
International Orthodontics 18 (4), 696-705, 2020
Comparative evaluation of microhardness between giomer, compomer, composite and resin-modified GIC.
M Vijayan, R Rajendran, R Sreevatsan
International Dental Journal of Students' Research 6 (3), 2018
Evaluation of Alt-RAMEC With Facemask in Patients With Unilateral Cleft lip and Palate (UCLP) Using Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) and Finite Element Modeling—A Clinical …
S Singh, P Batra, S Raghavan, K Sharma, A Srivastava
The Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal 59 (2), 166-176, 2022
Early management of class III malocclusion with bonded maxillary expansion and facemask therapy-A case report.
A Abraham, E Peter, K Philip, V Mukundan, J George, R Sreevatsan
International Dental Journal of Students' Research 4 (4), 2017
Clinical and experimental evidence suggest omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2 is inherently less pathogenic than delta variant independent of previous immunity
R Thiruvengadam, ZA Rizvi, S Raghavan, DR Murugesan, M Gosain, ...
European journal of medical research 28 (1), 421, 2023
A new frame for orienting infants with cleft lip and palate during 3-Dimensional facial scanning
KH Alisha, P Batra, S Raghavan, K Sharma, A Talwar
The Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal 59 (7), 946-950, 2022
Smart orthodontic bracket
S Raghavan, P Jain
US Patent App. 15/544,674, 2018
A prospective randomized controlled trial on the comparative clinical efficiency and hygiene of a ceramic inter locking retainer and a flexible spiral wire bonded retainer
A Sinha, S Sonar, P Batra, S Raghavan
Indian Journal of Dental Research 32 (2), 174-180, 2021
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