Luo Wang
Luo Wang
KLCGE, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Science. China
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Delayed build-up of Arctic ice sheets during 400,000-year minima in insolation variability
Q Hao, L Wang, F Oldfield, S Peng, L Qin, Y Song, B Xu, Y Qiao, ...
nature 490 (7420), 393-396, 2012
LSB based quantum image steganography algorithm
N Jiang, N Zhao, L Wang
International Journal of Theoretical Physics 55 (1), 107-123, 2016
Modern pollen distributions in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and the development of transfer functions for reconstructing Holocene environmental changes
H Lu, N Wu, K Liu, L Zhu, X Yang, T Yao, L Wang, Q Li, X Liu, C Shen, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 30 (7-8), 947-966, 2011
Rice domestication and climatic change: phytolith evidence from East China
H Lu, Z Liu, N Wu, S Berné, Y Saito, B Liu, LUO Wang
Boreas 31 (4), 378-385, 2002
The East Asian winter monsoon over the last 15,000 years: its links to high-latitudes and tropical climate systems and complex correlation to the summer monsoon
L Wang, J Li, H Lu, Z Gu, P Rioual, Q Hao, AW Mackay, W Jiang, B Cai, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 32, 131-142, 2012
Quantum image scaling using nearest neighbor interpolation
N Jiang, L Wang
Quantum Information Processing 14, 1559-1571, 2015
The quantum realization of Arnold and Fibonacci image scrambling
N Jiang, WY Wu, L Wang
Quantum information processing 13 (5), 1223-1236, 2014
Quantum Hilbert image scrambling
N Jiang, L Wang, WY Wu
International Journal of Theoretical Physics 53, 2463-2484, 2014
Enhancing sketch-based image retrieval by cnn semantic re-ranking
L Wang, X Qian, Y Zhang, J Shen, X Cao
IEEE transactions on cybernetics 50 (7), 3330-3342, 2019
Natural and anthropogenic forest fires recorded in the Holocene pollen record from a Jinchuan peat bog, northeastern China
W Jiang, SAG Leroy, N Ogle, G Chu, L Wang, J Liu
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 261 (1-2), 47-57, 2008
Holocene cyclic climatic variations and the role of the Pacific Ocean as recorded in varved sediments from northeastern China
G Chu, Q Sun, M Xie, Y Lin, W Shang, Q Zhu, Y Shan, D Xu, P Rioual, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 102, 85-95, 2014
Diatom‐based inference of variations in the strength of Asian winter monsoon winds between 17,500 and 6000 calendar years BP
L Wang, H Lu, J Liu, Z Gu, J Mingram, G Chu, J Li, P Rioual, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 113 (D21), 2008
Quantum image translation
J Wang, N Jiang, L Wang
Quantum Information Processing 14 (5), 1589-1604, 2015
Spatial pattern of Abies and Picea surface pollen distribution along the elevation gradient in the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau and Xinjiang, China
H Lu, N Wu, X Yang, C Shen, L Zhu, L Wang, Q Li, D Xu, G Tong, X Sun
Boreas 37 (2), 254-262, 2008
Earliest tea as evidence for one branch of the Silk Road across the Tibetan Plateau
H Lu, J Zhang, Y Yang, X Yang, B Xu, W Yang, T Tong, S Jin, C Shen, ...
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 18955, 2016
Analysis and improvement of the quantum Arnold image scrambling
N Jiang, L Wang
Quantum information processing 13 (7), 1545-1551, 2014
Aquatic ecosystem responses to Holocene climate change and biome development in boreal, central Asia
AW Mackay, EV Bezrukova, MJ Leng, M Meaney, A Nunes, N Piotrowska, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 41, 119-131, 2012
A novel strategy for quantum image steganography based on Moiré pattern
N Jiang, L Wang
International Journal of Theoretical Physics 54, 1021-1032, 2015
Asynchronous marine-terrestrial signals of the last deglacial warming in East Asia associated with low-and high-latitude climate changes
D Xu, H Lu, N Wu, Z Liu, T Li, C Shen, L Wang
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (24), 9657-9662, 2013
Extra-long interglacial in Northern Hemisphere during MISs 15-13 arising from limited extent of Arctic ice sheets in glacial MIS 14
H Qingzhen, W Luo, O Frank, G Zhengtang
Scientific Reports 5, 12103, 2015
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