Gerald Wiest MD, Associate Professor
Gerald Wiest MD, Associate Professor
Department of Neurology, Medical University of Vienna, Austria
在 meduniwien.ac.at 的电子邮件经过验证
Panic attacks in an individual with bilateral selective lesions of the amygdala
G Wiest, E Lehner-Baumgartner, C Baumgartner
Archives of neurology 63 (12), 1798-1801, 2006
Vestibular processing in human paramedian precuneus as shown by electrical cortical stimulation
G Wiest, F Zimprich, D Prayer, T Czech, W Serles, C Baumgartner
Neurology 62 (3), 473-475, 2004
Covered versus bare self-expanding stents for endovascular treatment of carotid artery stenosis: a stopped randomized trial
M Schillinger, P Dick, G Wiest, S Gentzsch, S Sabeti, M Haumer, A Willfort, ...
Journal of Endovascular Therapy 13 (3), 312-319, 2006
The origins of vestibular science
G Wiest
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1343 (1), 1-9, 2015
Effect of aging on the human initial interaural linear vestibulo-ocular reflex
JR Tian, BT Crane, G Wiest, JL Demer
Experimental brain research 145, 142-149, 2002
Neural and mental hierarchies
G Wiest
Frontiers in psychology 3, 516, 2012
Migraine and vertigo–a prospective diary study
S Salhofer, D Lieba-Samal, E Freydl, S Bartl, G Wiest, C Wöber
Cephalalgia 30 (7), 821-828, 2010
Otolith function in cerebellar ataxia due to mutations in the calcium channel gene CACNA1A
G Wiest, JR Tian, RW Baloh, BT Crane, JL Demer
Brain 124 (12), 2407-2416, 2001
Initiation of the human heave linear vestibulo-ocular reflex
BT Crane, J Tian, G Wiest, JL Demer
Experimental brain research 148, 247-255, 2003
Ocular flutter and truncal ataxia may be associated with enterovirus infection
G Wiest, G Safoschnik, G Schnaberth, C Mueller
Journal of neurology 244, 288-292, 1997
Abolished tilt suppression of the vestibulo-ocular reflex caused by a selective uvulo-nodular lesion
G Wiest, L Deecke, S Trattnig, C Mueller
Neurology 52 (2), 417-417, 1999
Thalamic astasia from isolated centromedian thalamic infarction
K Elwischger, P Rommer, D Prayer, C Mueller, E Auff, G Wiest
Neurology 78 (2), 146-147, 2012
Selective loss of vergence control secondary to bilateral paramedian thalamic infarction
G Wiest, R Mallek, C Baumgartner
Neurology 54 (10), 1997-1999, 2000
New tests of vestibular function
JL Demer, BT Crane, JUNRU TIAN, G Wiest
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 942 (1), 428-445, 2001
Vestibular function in severe bilateral vestibulopathy
G Wiest, JL Demer, J Tian, BT Crane, RW Baloh
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 71 (1), 53-57, 2001
Cortical responses to object-motion and visually-induced self-motion perception
G Wiest, MA Amorim, D Mayer, S Schick, L Deecke, W Lang
Cognitive Brain Research 12 (1), 167-170, 2001
Monocular elevation paresis and contralateral downgaze paresis from unilateral mesodiencephalic infarction.
G Wiest, C Baumgartner, P Schnider, S Trattnig, L Deecke, C Mueller
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 60 (5), 579-581, 1996
The pioneering work of Josef Breuer on the vestibular system
G Wiest, RW Baloh
Archives of neurology 59 (10), 1647-1653, 2002
Visually induced vertical self-motion sensation is altered in microgravity adaptation.
C Mueller, L Kornilova, G Wiest, L Deecke
Journal of Vestibular Research: Equilibrium & Orientation 4 (2), 161-167, 1994
FMRI reveals functional cortex in a case of inconclusive Wada testing
R Lanzenberger, G Wiest, A Geissler, M Barth, H Ringl, C Wöber, ...
Clinical neurology and neurosurgery 107 (2), 147-151, 2005
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