Christina W. Yao
Christina W. Yao
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Exploring the intersection of transnationalism and critical race theory: A critical race analysis of international student experiences in the United States
CW Yao, CA George Mwangi, VK Malaney Brown
Race Ethnicity and Education 22 (1), 38-58, 2019
“It is not my fault”: Exploring experiences and perceptions of racism among international students of color during COVID-19.
KK Koo, CW Yao, HJ Gong
Journal of Diversity in Higher Education 16 (3), 284, 2023
Unfulfilled expectations: Influence of Chinese international students’ roommate relationships on sense of belonging
CW Yao
Journal of International Students 6 (3), 762-778, 2016
" They don't care about you": First-year Chinese international students' experiences with neo-racism and othering on a US campus
CW Yao
Journal of the First-Year Experience & Students in Transition 30 (1), 87-101, 2018
Sense of Belonging in International Students: Making the Case against Integration to US Institutions of Higher Education
CW Yao
Comparative and International Higher Education, 2015
Soft skill development for employability: A case study of stem graduate students at a Vietnamese transnational university
CW Yao, MD Tuliao
Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning 9 (3), 250-263, 2019
US higher education internationalization through an equity-driven lens: An analysis of concepts, history, and research
CA George Mwangi, CW Yao
Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research: Volume 36, 1-62, 2020
Reflexivity in international contexts: Implications for US doctoral students international research preparation
CW Yao, LM Vital
In the aftermath of a racialized incident: Exploring international students of color’s perceptions of campus racial climate.
CW Yao, KL Briscoe, JN Rutt
Journal of Diversity in Higher Education 14 (3), 386, 2021
The role of an online first-year seminar in higher education doctoral students' scholarly development
CE Garcia, CW Yao
The Internet and Higher Education 42, 44-52, 2019
"Better English is the Better Mind": Influence of Language Skills on Sense of Belonging in Chinese International Students
CW Yao
Journal of College and University Student Housing 43 (1), 74-88, 2016
Yellow Peril and cash cows: the social positioning of Asian international students in the USA
CW Yao, CAG Mwangi
Higher education, 1-18, 2022
Interest convergence and the commodification of international students and scholars in the United States
CW Yao, T Viggiano
Journal Committed to Social Change on Race and Ethnicity (JCSCORE) 5 (1), 82-109, 2019
US power in international higher education
RD Trilokekar, E Hazelkorn, GL Blanco, JP Haupt, B Cantwell, ...
Rutgers University Press, 2021
Early career professionals' perceptions of higher education and student affairs graduate programs: Preparation to work with international students
LJ Shelton, CW Yao
Journal of College Student Development 60 (2), 156-172, 2019
Enhancing undergraduate education: Examining faculty experiences during their first year in a residential college and exploring the implications for student affairs professionals
J Jessup-Anger, MR Wawrzynski, CW Yao
Journal of College and University Student Housing, 2011
Perspectives from graduate students on effective teaching methods: a case study from a Vietnamese Transnational University
CW Yao, C Collins
Journal of Further and Higher Education 43 (7), 959-974, 2019
Role of student affairs in international student transition and success
CW Yao, CA George Mwangi
International students in their own country: Motivation of Vietnamese graduate students to attend a collaborative transnational university
CW Yao, CE Garcia
Living-learning programs through the years: A reflection on partnerships between students, faculty, and student affairs
KJ Buell, VL Love, CW Yao
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