Michael Lettenmeier
Michael Lettenmeier
Post-doc researcher, Aalto University
在 d-mat.fi 的电子邮件经过验证
Transport reduction by crowdsourced deliveries–a library case in Finland
H Paloheimo, M Lettenmeier, H Waris
Journal of Cleaner Production 132, 240-251, 2016
Eight tons of material footprint—suggestion for a resource cap for household consumption in Finland
M Lettenmeier, C Liedtke, H Rohn
Resources 3 (3), 488-515, 2014
Resource productivity in 7 steps: how to develop eco-innovative products and services and improve their material footprint
M Lettenmeier, H Rohn, C Liedtke, F Schmidt-Bleek, K Bienge, ...
Wuppertal Spezial, 2009
Resource use in the production and consumption system—The MIPS approach
C Liedtke, K Bienge, K Wiesen, J Teubler, K Greiff, M Lettenmeier, ...
Resources 3 (3), 544-574, 2014
The nutritional footprint–integrated methodology using environmental and health indicators to indicate potential for absolute reduction of natural resource use in the field of …
M Lukas, H Rohn, M Lettenmeier, C Liedtke, K Wiesen
Journal of cleaner production 132, 161-170, 2016
1, 5 degree lifestyles: targets and options for reducing lifestyle carbon footprints
M Lettenmeier, L Akenji, V Toivio, R Koide, A Amellina
Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), 2019
1.5-degree lifestyles: Towards a fair consumption space for all
L Akenji, M Bengtsson, V Toivio, M Lettenmeier, T Fawcett, T Parag, ...
Hot or Cool, 2021
Household MIPS–Natural resource consumption of Finnish households and its reduction
E Kotakorpi, S Lähteenoja, M Lettenmeier
Ministry of the Environment, 2008
Der ökologische Rucksack: Wirtschaft für eine Zukunft mit Zukunft
F Schmidt-Bleek, M Lettenmeier, C Nettersheim
Hirzel, 2004
Material footprint of low-income households in Finland—Consequences for the sustainability debate
M Lettenmeier, T Hirvilammi, S Laakso, S Lähteenoja, K Aalto
Sustainability 4 (7), 1426-1447, 2012
Resource intensity in global food chains: the Hot Spot Analysis
C Liedtke, C Baedeker, S Kolberg, M Lettenmeier
British food journal 112 (10), 1138-1159, 2010
Calculating the material input per service unit using the ecoinvent database
K Wiesen, M Saurat, M Lettenmeier
Household-level transition methodology towards sustainable material footprints
S Laakso, M Lettenmeier
Journal of Cleaner Production 132, 184-191, 2016
Application of the MIPS method for assessing the sustainability of production–consumption systems of food
L Mancini, M Lettenmeier, H Rohn, C Liedtke
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 81 (3), 779-793, 2012
Lifestyle carbon footprints and changes in lifestyles to limit global warming to 1.5 C, and ways forward for related research
R Koide, M Lettenmeier, L Akenji, V Toivio, A Amellina, A Khodke, ...
Sustainability Science 16 (6), 2087-2099, 2021
Influence of vehicle type and road category on natural resource consumption in road transport
A Saari, M Lettenmeier, K Pusenius, E Hakkarainen
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 12 (1), 23-32, 2007
Resource efficiency potential of selected technologies, products and strategies
H Rohn, N Pastewski, M Lettenmeier, K Wiesen, K Bienge
Science of the total environment 473, 32-35, 2014
Sustainability hot spot analysis: a streamlined life cycle assessment towards sustainable food chains.
K Bienge, J Geibler, M Lettenmeier, B Biermann, O Adria, M Kuhndt
Carbon footprints and consumer lifestyles: an analysis of lifestyle factors and gap analysis by consumer segment in Japan
R Koide, M Lettenmeier, S Kojima, V Toivio, A Amellina, L Akenji
Sustainability 11 (21), 5983, 2019
Ekotehokkuus–Business as future
S Autio, M Lettenmeier
Yrityksen ekoteho-opas.(An eco-efficiency guide for business. In Finnish …, 2002
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