Extended ground-hook-new concept of semi-active control of truck's suspension M Valášek, M Novak, Z Šika, O Vaculin Vehicle system dynamics 27 (5-6), 289-303, 1997 | 238 | 1997 |
Development of semi-active road-friendly truck suspensions M Valášek, W Kortüm, Z Šika, L Magdolen, O Vaculın Control Engineering Practice 6 (6), 735-744, 1998 | 130 | 1998 |
Vibration control of MR-damped vehicle suspension system using PID controller tuned by particle swarm optimization H Metered, A Elsawaf, T Vampola, Z Sika SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars-Mechanical Systems 8 (2015-01 …, 2015 | 44 | 2015 |
Design-by-optimization and control of redundantly actuated parallel kinematics sliding star M ValÁšek, VÁ Bauma, Z Šika, K Belda, P PÍša Multibody System Dynamics 14, 251-267, 2005 | 43 | 2005 |
Calibrability as additional design criterion of parallel kinematic machines Z Šika, V Hamrle, M Valášek, P Beneš Mechanism and Machine Theory 50, 48-63, 2012 | 36 | 2012 |
Dynamic model of truck for suspension control M Valášek, V Stejskal, Z Šika, O Vaculín, J Kovanda Vehicle System Dynamics 29 (S1), 496-505, 1998 | 33 | 1998 |
Two-dimensional delayed resonator for entire vibration absorption Z Šika, T Vyhlídal, Z Neusser Journal of Sound and Vibration 500, 116010, 2021 | 31 | 2021 |
Vibration control of a semi-active seat suspension system using magnetorheological damper H Metered, Z Šika 2014 IEEE/ASME 10th international conference on mechatronic and embedded …, 2014 | 29 | 2014 |
Gust load alleviation on a large blended wing body airliner A Wildschek, F Stroscher, T Klimmek, Z Šika, T Vampola, M Valášek, ... 27th international congress of the aeronautical sciences, Nice, France, 2010 | 27 | 2010 |
Software tools for mechatronic vehicles: Design through modelling and simulation M Valášek, P Breedveld, Z Šika, T Vampola The Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and on Tracks, 214-230, 2021 | 25 | 2021 |
Mechatronic robot arm with active vibration absorbers K Kraus, Z Šika, P Beneš, J Krivošej, T Vyhlídal Journal of Vibration and Control 26 (13-14), 1145-1156, 2020 | 23 | 2020 |
Transient Engine Model as a Tool for Predictive Control J Macek, M Polášek, Z Šika, M Valášek, M Florián, O Vítek SAE Technical Paper, 2006 | 23 | 2006 |
Evaluation of dynamic capabilities of machines and robots M Valášek, Z Šika Multibody System Dynamics 6, 183-202, 2001 | 23 | 2001 |
Analysis and optimized design of an actively controlled two-dimensional delayed resonator T Vyhlídal, W Michiels, Z Neusser, J Bušek, Z Šika Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 178, 109195, 2022 | 19 | 2022 |
From dexterity to calibrability of parallel kinematical structures M Valášek, Z Šika, V Hamrle Proceedings of 12th World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science [CD-ROM …, 2007 | 18 | 2007 |
Aktivní a poloaktivní snižování mechanického kmitání strojů Z Šika Habilitační práce, CTU in Prague, Prague, 2004 | 15 | 2004 |
Shavo control: the combination of the adjusted command shaping and feedback control for vibration suppression P Beneš, M Valášek, Z Šika, J Zavřel, J Pelikán Acta Mechanica 230 (5), 1891-1905, 2019 | 14 | 2019 |
Robust sliding mode control of redundantly actuated parallel mechanisms with respect to geometric imperfections F Procházka, M Valášek, Z Šika Multibody System Dynamics 36 (3), 221-236, 2016 | 14 | 2016 |
Model parameters influence of a simple mechanical system with fibre and pulley with respect to experimental measurements P Polach, M Hajžman, J Václavík, Z Šika, P Svatoš Proceedings of ECCOMAS thematic conference multibody dynamics, 473-482, 2013 | 14 | 2013 |
Residual modes for structure reduction and efficient coupling of substructures Z Šika, J Zavrel, M Valasek Bulletin of Applied Mechanics 5 (19), 54-59, 2009 | 12 | 2009 |