Nick Monk
Nick Monk
其他姓名Nicholas A M Monk
African Institute for Mathematical Sciences Ghana and University of Sheffield
在 sheffield.ac.uk 的电子邮件经过验证
Oscillatory expression of Hes1, p53, and NF-κB driven by transcriptional time delays
NAM Monk
Current biology 13 (16), 1409-1413, 2003
Pattern formation by lateral inhibition with feedback: a mathematical model of delta-notch intercellular signalling
JR Collier, NAM Monk, PK Maini, JH Lewis
Journal of theoretical Biology 183 (4), 429-446, 1996
Complex pattern formation in reaction–diffusion systems with spatially varying parameters
KM Page, PK Maini, NAM Monk
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 202 (1-2), 95-115, 2005
Bioattractors: dynamical systems theory and the evolution of regulatory processes
J Jaeger, N Monk
The Journal of physiology 592 (11), 2267-2281, 2014
Regulative feedback in pattern formation: towards a general relativistic theory of positional information
J Jaeger, D Irons, N Monk
Oxford University Press for The Company of Biologists Limited 135 (19), 3175 …, 2008
Pattern formation in spatially heterogeneous Turing reaction–diffusion models
K Page, PK Maini, NAM Monk
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 181 (1-2), 80-101, 2003
Gene expression time delays and Turing pattern formation systems
EA Gaffney, NAM Monk
Bulletin of mathematical biology 68, 99-130, 2006
A mutual support mechanism through intercellular movement of CAPRICE and GLABRA3 can pattern the Arabidopsis root epidermis
NS Savage, T Walker, Y Wieckowski, J Schiefelbein, L Dolan, NAM Monk
PLoS biology 6 (9), e235, 2008
On the structure of proten-protein interaction networks
A Thomas, R Cannings, NAM Monk, C Cannings
Biochemical Society Transactions 31, 1491-1496, 2003
leafprocessor: a new leaf phenotyping tool using contour bending energy and shape cluster analysis
A Backhaus, A Kuwabara, M Bauch, N Monk, G Sanguinetti, A Fleming
New phytologist 187 (1), 251-261, 2010
Modularity, criticality, and evolvability of a developmental gene regulatory network
B Verd, NAM Monk, J Jaeger
Elife 8, e42832, 2019
Dissecting the dynamics of the Hes1 genetic oscillator
H Momiji, NAM Monk
Journal of Theoretical Biology 254 (4), 784-798, 2008
The inheritance of process: a dynamical systems approach
J Jaeger, D Irons, N Monk
Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental …, 2012
Compensatory flux changes within an endocytic trafficking network maintain thermal robustness of Notch signaling
H Shimizu, SA Woodcock, MB Wilkin, B Trubenova, NAM Monk, M Baron
Cell 157 (5), 1160-1174, 2014
The influence of gene expression time delays on Gierer–Meinhardt pattern formation systems
S Seirin Lee, EA Gaffney, NAM Monk
Bulletin of mathematical biology 72, 2139-2160, 2010
Cellular interpretation of the long-range gradient of Four-jointed activity in the Drosophila wing
R Hale, AL Brittle, KH Fisher, NAM Monk, D Strutt
Elife 4, e05789, 2015
Everything flows: A process perspective on life
J Jaeger, N Monk
EMBO reports 16 (9), 1064-1067, 2015
Auxin influx importers modulate serration along the leaf margin
A Kasprzewska, R Carter, R Swarup, M Bennett, N Monk, JK Hobbs, ...
The Plant Journal 83 (4), 705-718, 2015
Oscillatory Notch-pathway activity in a delay model of neuronal differentiation
H Momiji, NAM Monk
Physical Review E 80 (2), 021930, 2009
Positional signaling and expression of ENHANCER OF TRY AND CPC1 are tuned to increase root hair density in response to phosphate deficiency in Arabidopsis thaliana
N Savage, TJW Yang, CY Chen, KL Lin, NAM Monk, W Schmidt
PLoS One 8 (10), e75452, 2013
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