Adam Kirrander
Adam Kirrander
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Imaging molecular motion: femtosecond x-ray scattering of an electrocyclic chemical reaction
MP Minitti, JM Budarz, A Kirrander, JS Robinson, D Ratner, TJ Lane, ...
Physical review letters 114 (25), 255501, 2015
The photochemical ring-opening of 1, 3-cyclohexadiene imaged by ultrafast electron diffraction
TJA Wolf, DM Sanchez, J Yang, RM Parrish, JPF Nunes, M Centurion, ...
Nature chemistry 11 (6), 504-509, 2019
Visualizing photochemical dynamics in solution through picosecond x-ray scattering
R Neutze, R Wouts, S Techert, J Davidsson, M Kocsis, A Kirrander, ...
Physical review letters 87 (19), 195508, 2001
Ultrafast X-ray scattering reveals vibrational coherence following Rydberg excitation
B Stankus, H Yong, N Zotev, JM Ruddock, D Bellshaw, TJ Lane, M Liang, ...
Nature chemistry 11 (8), 716-721, 2019
From the (1B) spectroscopic state to the photochemical product of the ultrafast ring-opening of 1, 3-cyclohexadiene: a spectral observation of the complete reaction path
CC Pemberton, Y Zhang, K Saita, A Kirrander, PM Weber
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 119 (33), 8832-8845, 2015
Observation of femtosecond molecular dynamics via pump–probe gas phase x-ray scattering
JM Budarz, MP Minitti, DV Cofer-Shabica, B Stankus, A Kirrander, ...
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 49 (3), 034001, 2016
Ultrafast X-ray scattering from molecules
A Kirrander, K Saita, DV Shalashilin
Journal of chemical theory and computation 12 (3), 957-967, 2016
Toward structural femtosecond chemical dynamics: imaging chemistry in space and time
MP Minitti, JM Budarz, A Kirrander, J Robinson, TJ Lane, D Ratner, ...
Faraday Discussions 171, 81-91, 2014
Observation of the molecular response to light upon photoexcitation
H Yong, N Zotev, JM Ruddock, B Stankus, M Simmermacher, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 2157, 2020
Electronic coherence in ultrafast X-ray scattering from molecular wave packets
M Simmermacher, NE Henriksen, KB Møller, A Moreno Carrascosa, ...
Physical review letters 122 (7), 073003, 2019
Mapping the complete reaction path of a complex photochemical reaction
AD Smith, EM Warne, D Bellshaw, DA Horke, M Tudorovskya, E Springate, ...
Physical review letters 120 (18), 183003, 2018
Ab Initio Calculation of Molecular Diffraction
T Northey, N Zotev, A Kirrander
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 10 (11), 4911-4920, 2014
Determining orientations of optical transition dipole moments using ultrafast x-ray scattering
H Yong, N Zotev, B Stankus, JM Ruddock, D Bellshaw, S Boutet, TJ Lane, ...
The journal of physical chemistry letters 9 (22), 6556-6562, 2018
A deep UV trigger for ground-state ring-opening dynamics of 1, 3-cyclohexadiene
JM Ruddock, H Yong, B Stankus, W Du, N Goff, Y Chang, A Odate, ...
Science advances 5 (9), eaax6625, 2019
Ab initio calculation of total x-ray scattering from molecules
A Moreno Carrascosa, H Yong, DL Crittenden, PM Weber, A Kirrander
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 15 (5), 2836-2846, 2019
Quantum dynamics with fermion coupled coherent states: Theory and application to electron dynamics in laser fields
A Kirrander, DV Shalashilin
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 84 (3), 033406, 2011
Mechanisms of double ionization in strong laser field from simulation with Coupled Coherent States: Beyond reduced dimensionality models
DV Shalashilin, MS Child, A Kirrander
Chemical physics 347 (1-3), 257-262, 2008
Simplicity beneath complexity: Counting molecular electrons reveals transients and kinetics of photodissociation reactions
JM Ruddock, N Zotev, B Stankus, H Yong, D Bellshaw, S Boutet, TJ Lane, ...
Angewandte Chemie 131 (19), 6437-6441, 2019
Elastic X-ray scattering from state-selected molecules
T Northey, A Moreno Carrascosa, S Schäfer, A Kirrander
The Journal of Chemical Physics 145 (15), 2016
Theory of ultrafast x-ray scattering by molecules in the gas phase
M Simmermacher, A Moreno Carrascosa, N E Henriksen, K B Møller, ...
The Journal of chemical physics 151 (17), 2019
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