Wei-zhen Liang
Influence of cerium oxide nanoparticles on the soil enzyme activities in a soil-grass microcosm system
B Li, Y Chen, W Liang, L Mu, WC Bridges, AR Jacobson, CJG Darnault
Geoderma 299, 54-62, 2017
Estimation of soybean leaf area, edge, and defoliation using color image analysis
W Liang, KR Kirk, JK Greene
Computers and electronics in agriculture 150, 41-51, 2018
Evaluation of artificial intelligence algorithms with sensor data assimilation in estimating crop evapotranspiration and crop water stress index for irrigation water management
A Katimbo, DR Rudnick, J Zhang, Y Ge, KC DeJonge, TE Franz, Y Shi, ...
Smart Agricultural Technology 4, 100176, 2023
Ammonia fate and transport mechanisms in broiler litter
W Liang, JJ Classen, SB Shah, R Sharma-Shivappa
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 225, 1-9, 2014
Preferential flow in the vadose zone and interface dynamics: Impact of microbial exudates
B Li, AR Pales, HM Clifford, S Kupis, S Hennessy, WZ Liang, S Moysey, ...
Journal of Hydrology 558, 72-89, 2018
Modeling of dynamic ammonia concentrations in two commercial layer hen houses
S Liu, JQ Ni, AJ Heber, WZ Liang
Journal of Environmental Informatics 33 (1), 56-67, 2019
Utilizing digital image processing and two-source energy balance model for the estimation of evapotranspiration of dry edible beans in western Nebraska
W Liang, I Possignolo, X Qiao, K DeJonge, S Irmak, D Heeren, D Rudnick
Irrigation Science 39, 617-631, 2021
Effects of silica-based nanostructures with raspberry-like morphology and surfactant on the interfacial behavior of light, medium, and heavy crude oils at oil-aqueous interfaces
L Bai, C Li, C Korte, BMJ Huibers, AR Pales, W Liang, D Ladner, H Daigle, ...
Applied Nanoscience 7, 947-972, 2017
Innovative extension methods in the US to promote irrigation water management
DR Rudnick, M Stockton, S Taghvaeian, J Warren, MD Dukes, A Kremen, ...
Transactions of the ASABE 63 (5), 1549-1558, 2020
The national air emissions monitoring study’s southeast layer site: Part V. Hydrogen sulfide and volatile organic compounds
K Wang, Q Li, L Wang-Li, E Cortus, BW Bogan, I Kilic, WZ Liang, CH Xiao, ...
Transactions of the ASABE 59 (2), 681-693, 2016
Mechanisms Controlling Ammonia/um Dynamics in Broiler Litter.
WZ Liang
An Edge-computing flow meter reading recognition algorithm optimized for agricultural IoT network
L Liu, X Qiao, W Liang, J Oboamah, J Wang, DR Rudnick, H Yang, ...
Smart Agricultural Technology 5, 100236, 2023
CanopyCAM–an edge-computing sensing unit for continuous measurement of canopy cover percentage of dry edible beans
W Liang, J Oboamah, X Qiao, Y Ge, B Harveson, DR Rudnick, J Wang, ...
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 204, 107498, 2023
Preferential flow systems amended with biogeochemical components: imaging of a two-dimensional study
AR Pales, B Li, HM Clifford, S Kupis, N Edayilam, D Montgomery, W Liang, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 22 (4), 2487-2509, 2018
Modeling ammonium adsorption on broiler litter and cake
W Liang, SB Shah, JJ Classen, R Sharma-Shivappa
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 224, 1-15, 2013
Two source energy balance maize evapotranspiration estimates using close-canopy mobile infrared sensors and upscaling methods under variable water stress conditions
A Katimbo, DR Rudnick, W Liang, KC DeJonge, TH Lo, TE Franz, Y Ge, ...
Agricultural Water Management 274, 107972, 2022
Ammonia emission model for high-rise layer houses
W Liang
Purdue University, 2015
High rise layer house ammonia emissions measured by the NAEMS
W Liang, AJ Heber, JQ Ni, EL Cortus, BW Bogan, K Wang, L Wang-Li, ...
Emissions of gas and dust from livestock, 260, 2013
Dissociation constant of ammonium and Henry’s law constant of ammonia in broiler litter
W Liang, SB Shah, JJ Classen, R Sharma-Shivappa
2011 Louisville, Kentucky, August 7-10, 2011, 1, 2011
Ammonium and ammonia sorption on Broiler Litter and Cake
W Liang, SB Shah, JJ Classen, R Sharma-Shivappa
2011 Louisville, Kentucky, August 7-10, 2011, 1, 2011
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