The Water Footprint as an indicator of environmental sustainability in water use at the river basin level F Pellicer-Martínez, JM Martínez-Paz Science of the Total Environment 571, 561-574, 2016 | 139 | 2016 |
Pharmaceutical grey water footprint: Accounting, influence of wastewater treatment plants and implications of the reuse I Martínez-Alcalá, F Pellicer-Martínez, C Fernández-López Water Research 135, 278-287, 2018 | 90 | 2018 |
Grey water footprint assessment at the river basin level: Accounting method and case study in the Segura River Basin, Spain F Pellicer-Martínez, JM Martínez-Paz Ecological Indicators 60, 1173-1183, 2016 | 89 | 2016 |
A probabilistic approach for the socioeconomic assessment of urban river rehabilitation projects J Martínez-Paz, F Pellicer-Martínez, J Colino Land use policy 36, 468-477, 2014 | 62 | 2014 |
Climate change effects on the hydrology of the headwaters of the Tagus River: Implications for the management of the Tagus–Segura transfer F Pellicer-Martínez, JM Martínez-Paz Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 22 (12), 6473-6491, 2018 | 47 | 2018 |
Probabilistic evaluation of the water footprint of a river basin: Accounting method and case study in the Segura River Basin, Spain F Pellicer-Martínez, JM Martínez-Paz Science of the Total Environment 627, 28-38, 2018 | 46 | 2018 |
Appraisal of the water footprint of irrigated agriculture in a semi-arid area: The Segura River Basin JM Martínez-Paz, F Gomariz-Castillo, F Pellicer-Martínez PLoS One 13 (11), e0206852, 2018 | 22 | 2018 |
Analysis of incorporating groundwater exchanges in hydrological models F Pellicer‐Martínez, I González‐Soto, JM Martínez‐Paz Hydrological Processes 29 (19), 4361-4366, 2015 | 19 | 2015 |
Assessment of interbasin groundwater flows between catchments using a semi-distributed water balance model F Pellicer-Martínez, JM Martínez-Paz Journal of Hydrology 519, 1848-1858, 2014 | 19 | 2014 |
Contrast and transferability of parameters of lumped water balance models in the S egura R iver B asin (S pain) F Pellicer‐Martinez, JM Martínez‐Paz Water and Environment Journal 29 (1), 43-50, 2015 | 12 | 2015 |
Environmentally friendly use of rice husk ash and recycled glass waste to produce ultra-high-performance concrete J Abellan-Garcia, DM Martinez, MI Khan, YM Abbas, F Pellicer-Martínez Journal of Materials Research and Technology 25, 1869-1881, 2023 | 11 | 2023 |
Valoración económica de los fallos de suministro en los regadíos de la cuenca del Segura JMM Paz, Á Perni, PR Campuzano, FP Martínez Revista española de estudios agrosociales y pesqueros 244, 35-67, 2016 | 11 | 2016 |
Análisis Coste Beneficio de la recuperación ambiental del río Segura a su paso por la ciudad de Murcia F Pellicer-Martínez, JM Martínez-Paz II Jornadas de Inicio a la Investigación de Estudiantes de la Facultad de …, 2020 | 5 | 2020 |
ANOVA-guided assessment of waste glass and limestone powder influence on ultra-high-performance concrete properties J Abellan-Garcia, YM Abbas, MI Khan, F Pellicer-Martínez Case Studies in Construction Materials 20, e03231, 2024 | 3 | 2024 |
Modulation of the goodness of fit in hydrological modelling based on inner balance errors F Pellicer-Martínez, F Gomariz-Castillo, MM Portela, IM Martínez-Alcalá, ... PloS one 16 (11), e0260117, 2021 | 2 | 2021 |
Huella hídrica y planificación hidrológica: aplicación en la demarcación hidrográfica del Segura F Pellicer Martínez Proyecto de investigación:, 2014 | 2 | 2014 |
La Evaluación de La Huella Hídrica Gris En Una Demarcación Hidrográfica F Pellicer-Martínez, JM Martínez Paz Congreso Nacional Del Medioambiente; Conama: Madrid, Spain 26, 2014 | 2 | 2014 |
La Huella Hídrica total de una cuenca: el caso de la Demarcación Hidrográfica del Segura. FP Martínez, Á Perni, JMM Paz º Congresso Ibérico de Gestão e Planeamento da Água, 507-517, 2013 | 2 | 2013 |
Predicting the flowability of UHPC and identifying its significant influencing factors using an accurate ANN model JA García, MI Khan, YM Abbas, F Pellicer-Martínez DYNA: revista de la Facultad de Minas. Universidad Nacional de Colombia …, 2024 | 1 | 2024 |
Mesocosm Evaluation of the Safety of the Use of Reclaimed Water Regarding Emerging Pollutants in Murcia, Spain I Martínez-Alcalá, MP Bernal, R Clemente, F Pellicer-Martínez, A Lahora Sustainability 15 (5), 4536, 2023 | 1 | 2023 |