Minho Kim
Minho Kim
Catholic University of Pusan
在 cup.ac.kr 的电子邮件经过验证
Deep learning-based context-sensitive spelling typing error correction
JH Lee, M Kim, HC Kwon
IEEE Access 8, 152565-152578, 2020
Lyrics-based emotion classification using feature selection by partial syntactic analysis
M Kim, HC Kwon
2011 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Tools with Artificial …, 2011
Statistical context-sensitive spelling correction using typing error rate
M Kim, J Jin, HC Kwon, A Yoon
2013 IEEE 16th International Conference on Computational Science and …, 2013
Word sense disambiguation using semantic relations in Korean WordNet
M Kim, HC Kwon
Journal of KIISE: Software and Applications 38 (10), 554-564, 2011
Context-sensitive spelling error correction using Eojeol N-gram
M Kim, H Kwon, S Choi
Journal of KIISE 41 (12), 1081-1089, 2014
Improved statistical language model for context-sensitive spelling error candidates
JH Lee, M Kim, HC Kwon
Journal of Korea Multimedia Society 20 (2), 371-381, 2017
An avatar-based weather forecast sign language system for the hearing-impaired
J Oh, S Jeon, M Kim, H Kwon, I Kim
Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations: 10th IFIP WG 12.5 …, 2014
Word sense disambiguation using prior probability estimation based on the Korean WordNet
M Kim, HC Kwon
Electronics 10 (23), 2938, 2021
The utilization of local document information to improve statistical context-sensitive spelling error correction
JH Lee, M Kim, HC Kwon
KIISE Transactions on Computing Practices 23 (7), 446-451, 2017
Adaptive context-sensitive spelling error correction techniques for the extremely unpredictable error generating language environments
M Kim, SK Choi, J Jin, HC Kwon
2015 IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology …, 2015
Word sense disambiguation of predicate using Sejong electronic dictionary and KorLex
S Kang, M Kim, H Kwon, SK Jeon, J Oh
KIISE Transactions on Computing Practices 21 (7), 500-505, 2015
Context-sensitive spelling error correction using inter-word semantic relation analysis
M Kim, SK Choi, HC Kwon
2014 International Conference on Information Science & Applications (ICISA), 1-4, 2014
Generalization of Context-sensitive Spelling Correction Rules using Korean WordNet
M Kim, HC Kwon, H Choi, A Yoon
Journal of KIISE: Computing Practices and Letters 20 (2), 106-110, 2014
Avatar-based sign language interpretations for weather forecast and other TV programs
J Oh, S Jeon, B Kim, M Kim, S Kang, H Kwon, I Kim, Y Song
SMPTE Motion Imaging Journal 126 (1), 57-62, 2017
Machine reading comprehension-based question and answering system for search and analysis of safety standards
M Kim, S Cho, D Park, HC Kwon
Journal of Korea Multimedia Society 23 (2), 351-360, 2020
Rules-based Korean Dependency Parsing using Sentence Pattern Informations.
ST Kim, MH Kim, H Kim, HC Kwon
Annual Conference on Human and Language Technology, 139-143, 2019
Prediction of Korean prosodic phrase boundary by efficient feature selection in machine learning
M Kim, Y Jung, HC Kwon
2009 21st IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial …, 2009
Hybrid word sense disambiguation using language resources for transliteration of Arabic numerals in Korean
M Kim, Y Jung, HC Kwon
Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Hybrid Information …, 2009
Table Question Answering based on Pre-trained Language Model using TAPAS
S Cho, M Kim, HC Kwon
Annual Conference on Human and Language Technology, 87-90, 2020
Development of Automatic Sign Language Translation System using Korean WordNet
M Kim, SK Choi, HC Kwon
Proceedings of the Korea Information Processing Society Conference, 1358-1361, 2013
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