Carolina Madeira
Carolina Madeira
UCIBIO - Unit on Applied Biomolecular Sciences, FCT-NOVA
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Predator traits determine food-web architecture across ecosystems
U Brose, P Archambault, AD Barnes, LF Bersier, T Boy, J Canning-Clode, ...
Nature ecology & evolution 3 (6), 919-927, 2019
Biogeography and biodiscovery hotspots of macroalgal marine natural products
MC Leal, MHG Munro, JW Blunt, J Puga, B Jesus, R Calado, R Rosa, ...
Natural product reports 30 (11), 1380-1390, 2013
Bioprospecting of marine invertebrates for new natural products—A chemical and zoogeographical perspective
MC Leal, C Madeira, CA Brandão, J Puga, R Calado
Molecules 17 (8), 9842-9854, 2012
Thermal acclimation in clownfish: an integrated biomarker response and multi-tissue experimental approach
C Madeira, D Madeira, MS Diniz, HN Cabral, C Vinagre
Ecological Indicators 71, 280-292, 2016
Thermal stress and energy metabolism in two circumtropical decapod crustaceans: responses to acute temperature events
C Madeira, MC Leal, MS Diniz, HN Cabral, C Vinagre
Marine environmental research 141, 148-158, 2018
Oxidative stress on scleractinian coral fragments following exposure to high temperature and low salinity
M Dias, C Madeira, N Jogee, A Ferreira, R Gouveia, H Cabral, M Diniz, ...
Ecological Indicators 107, 105586, 2019
Thermal stress, thermal safety margins and acclimation capacity in tropical shallow waters—An experimental approach testing multiple end-points in two common fish
C Madeira, V Mendonça, MC Leal, AAV Flores, HN Cabral, MS Diniz, ...
Ecological Indicators 81, 146-158, 2017
Environmental health assessment of warming coastal ecosystems in the tropics–application of integrative physiological indices
C Madeira, V Mendonça, MC Leal, AAV Flores, HN Cabral, MS Diniz, ...
Science of the Total Environment 643, 28-39, 2018
Genetic and morphological variation in two littorinid gastropods: evidence for recent population expansions along the East African coast
SE Silva, IC Silva, C Madeira, R Sallema, OS Paulo, J Paula
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 108 (3), 494-508, 2013
What's in a tide pool? Just as much food web network complexity as in large open ecosystems
V Mendonca, C Madeira, M Dias, F Vermandele, P Archambault, ...
PloS one 13 (7), e0200066, 2018
Food web of the intertidal rocky shore of the west Portuguese coast–determined by stable isotope analysis
C Vinagre, V Mendonça, L Narciso, C Madeira
Marine Environmental Research 110, 53-60, 2015
Comparing biomarker responses during thermal acclimation: A lethal vs non-lethal approach in a tropical reef clownfish
C Madeira, D Madeira, MS Diniz, HN Cabral, C Vinagre
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative …, 2017
Octocorals in a changing environment: Seasonal response of stress biomarkers in natural populations of Veretillum cynomorium
C Madeira, D Madeira, C Vinagre, M Diniz
Journal of Sea Research 103, 120-128, 2015
Long-term exposure to increasing temperatures on scleractinian coral fragments reveals oxidative stress
M Dias, A Ferreira, R Gouveia, C Madeira, N Jogee, H Cabral, M Diniz, ...
Marine environmental research 150, 104758, 2019
Integrative indices for health assessment in reef corals under thermal stress
M Dias, C Madeira, N Jogee, A Ferreira, R Gouveia, H Cabral, M Diniz, ...
Ecological Indicators 113, 106230, 2020
Different sensitivity to heatwaves across the life cycle of fish reflects phenotypic adaptation to environmental niche
D Madeira, C Madeira, PM Costa, C Vinagre, HO Pörtner, MS Diniz
Marine Environmental Research 162, 105192, 2020
Tracing geographical patterns of population differentiation in a widespread mangrove gastropod: genetic and geometric morphometrics surveys along the eastern African coast
C Madeira, MJ Alves, N Mesquita, SE Silva, J Paula
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 107 (3), 647-663, 2012
Molecular assessment of wild populations in the marine realm: importance of taxonomic, seasonal and habitat patterns in environmental monitoring
D Madeira, V Mendonça, C Madeira, C Gaiteiro, C Vinagre, MS Diniz
Science of the Total Environment 654, 250-263, 2019
Proteomics in systems toxicology
C Madeira, PM Costa
Advances in protein chemistry and structural biology 127, 55-91, 2021
Conserved fatty acid profiles and lipid metabolic pathways in a tropical reef fish exposed to ocean warming–An adaptation mechanism of tolerant species?
C Madeira, D Madeira, N Ladd, CJ Schubert, MS Diniz, C Vinagre, ...
Science of the Total Environment 782, 146738, 2021
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