Katrina Falkner
Katrina Falkner
Professor, School of Computer Science, University of Adelaide
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{FLUSH+ RELOAD}: A high resolution, low noise, l3 cache {Side-Channel} attack
Y Yarom, K Falkner
23rd USENIX security symposium (USENIX security 14), 719-732, 2014
Systematic literature review: Self-Regulated Learning strategies using e-learning tools for Computer Science
R Garcia, K Falkner, R Vivian
Computers & Education 123, 150-163, 2018
Addressing the challenges of a new digital technologies curriculum: MOOCs as a scalable solution for teacher professional development
R Vivian, K Falkner, N Falkner
Co-Action Publishing, 2014
Amplifying side channels through performance degradation
T Allan, BB Brumley, K Falkner, J Van de Pol, Y Yarom
Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference on Computer Security Applications …, 2016
The Australian digital technologies curriculum: challenge and opportunity
K Falkner, R Vivian, N Falkner
Proceedings of the Sixteenth Australasian Computing Education Conference …, 2014
Computational thinking, the notional machine, pre-service teachers, and research opportunities
M Bower, K Falkner
Proceedings of the 17th Australasian computing education conference (ACE …, 2015
Kriging interpolation on high-performance computers
KE Kerry, KA Hawick
High-Performance Computing and Networking: International Conference and …, 1998
Identifying computer science self-regulated learning strategies
K Falkner, R Vivian, NJG Falkner
Proceedings of the 2014 conference on Innovation & technology in computer …, 2014
Engineering security into distributed systems: A survey of methodologies
A Uzunov, E Fernandez, K Falkner
Springer, 2012
DISCWorld: an environment for service-based matacomputing
KA Hawick, HA James, AJ Silis, DA Grove, CJ Patten, JA Mathew, ...
Future Generation Computer Systems 15 (5-6), 623-635, 1999
Securing distributed systems using patterns: A survey
AV Uzunov, EB Fernandez, K Falkner
Computers & Security 31 (5), 681-703, 2012
A comprehensive text analysis of lecture slides to generate concept maps
T Atapattu, K Falkner, N Falkner
Computers & Education 115, 96-113, 2017
Broadening participation not border protection: How universities can support women in computer science
D Michell, A Szorenyi, K Falkner, C Szabo
Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management 39 (4), 406-422, 2017
An international comparison of k-12 computer science education intended and enacted curricula
K Falkner, S Sentance, R Vivian, S Barksdale, L Busuttil, E Cole, C Liebe, ...
Proceedings of the 19th Koli calling international conference on computing …, 2019
Implementing asynchronous remote method invocation in Java
KEK Falkner, PD Coddington, MJ Oudshoorn
Proc. the Parallel and Real-Time Systems Conference, 1999
Gender gap in academia: perceptions of female computer science academics
K Falkner, C Szabo, D Michell, A Szorenyi, S Thyer
Proceedings of the 2015 ACM conference on innovation and technology in …, 2015
Increasing the effectiveness of automated assessment by increasing marking granularity and feedback units
N Falkner, R Vivian, D Piper, K Falkner
Proceedings of the 45th ACM technical symposium on Computer science …, 2014
A systematic review on literature-based discovery: general overview, methodology, & statistical analysis
M Thilakaratne, K Falkner, T Atapattu
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 52 (6), 1-34, 2019
Detecting cognitive engagement using word embeddings within an online teacher professional development community
T Atapattu, M Thilakaratne, R Vivian, K Falkner
Computers & Education 140, 103594, 2019
A fast measure for identifying at-risk students in computer science
NJG Falkner, KE Falkner
Proceedings of the ninth annual international conference on International …, 2012
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