Feliciano Giustino
Feliciano Giustino
Moncrief Chair of Quantum Materials Engineering, University of Texas
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Advanced capabilities for materials modelling with Quantum ESPRESSO
P Giannozzi, O Andreussi, T Brumme, O Bunau, MB Nardelli, M Calandra, ...
Journal of physics: Condensed matter 29 (46), 465901, 2017
Perovskite-perovskite tandem photovoltaics with optimized band gaps
GE Eperon, T Leijtens, KA Bush, R Prasanna, T Green, JTW Wang, ...
Science 354 (6314), 861-865, 2016
Electron-phonon interactions from first principles
F Giustino
Reviews of Modern Physics 89 (1), 015003, 2017
Electron–phonon coupling in hybrid lead halide perovskites
AD Wright, C Verdi, RL Milot, GE Eperon, MA Pérez-Osorio, HJ Snaith, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 11755, 2016
EPW: Electron–phonon coupling, transport and superconducting properties using maximally localized Wannier functions
S Poncé, ER Margine, C Verdi, F Giustino
Computer Physics Communications 209, 116-133, 2016
Steric engineering of metal-halide perovskites with tunable optical band gaps
MR Filip, GE Eperon, HJ Snaith, F Giustino
Nature Communications 5, 5757, 2014
Toward Lead-free Perovskite Solar Cells
F Giustino, HJ Snaith
ACS Energy Letters 1, 1233-1240, 2016
Lead-free halide double perovskites via heterovalent substitution of noble metals
G Volonakis, MR Filip, AA Haghighirad, N Sakai, B Wenger, HJ Snaith, ...
The journal of physical chemistry letters 7 (7), 1254-1259, 2016
Cs2InAgCl6: A new lead-free halide double perovskite with direct band gap
G Volonakis, AA Haghighirad, RL Milot, WH Sio, MR Filip, B Wenger, ...
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 8 (4), 772-778, 2017
Electron-phonon interaction using Wannier functions
F Giustino, ML Cohen, SG Louie
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 76 (16), 165108, 2007
TiO2 Anatase with a Bandgap in the Visible Region
C Dette, MA Pérez-Osorio, CS Kley, P Punke, CE Patrick, P Jacobson, ...
Nano letters 14 (11), 6533-6538, 2014
Band Gaps of the Lead-Free Halide Double Perovskites Cs2BiAgCl6 and Cs2BiAgBr6 from Theory and Experiment
MR Filip, S Hillman, AA Haghighirad, HJ Snaith, F Giustino
The journal of physical chemistry letters 7 (13), 2579-2585, 2016
Cubic or Orthorhombic? Revealing the Crystal Structure of Metastable Black-Phase CsPbI3 by Theory and Experiment
RJ Sutton, MR Filip, AA Haghighirad, N Sakai, B Wenger, F Giustino, ...
ACS Energy Letters 3 (8), 1787-1794, 2018
Oxygen redox chemistry without excess alkali-metal ions in Na2/3[Mg0.28Mn0.72]O2
U Maitra, RA House, JW Somerville, N Tapia-Ruiz, JG Lozano, N Guerrini, ...
Nature chemistry 10 (3), 288-295, 2018
Materials modelling using density functional theory: properties and predictions
F Giustino
Oxford University Press, 2014
EPW: A program for calculating the electron–phonon coupling using maximally localized Wannier functions
J Noffsinger, F Giustino, BD Malone, CH Park, SG Louie, ML Cohen
Computer Physics Communications 181 (12), 2140-2148, 2010
Dislocation-Driven Deformations in Graphene
JH Warner, ER Margine, M Mukai, AW Robertson, F Giustino, AI Kirkland
Science 337 (6091), 209-212, 2012
Vibrational Properties of the Organic–Inorganic Halide Perovskite CH3NH3PbI3 from Theory and Experiment: Factor Group Analysis, First-Principles Calculations …
MA Pérez-Osorio, RL Milot, MR Filip, JB Patel, LM Herz, MB Johnston, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119 (46), 25703-25718, 2015
Bimolecular recombination in methylammonium lead triiodide perovskite is an inverse absorption process
CL Davies, MR Filip, JB Patel, TW Crothers, C Verdi, AD Wright, RL Milot, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 293, 2018
Confinement effects in low-dimensional lead iodide perovskite hybrids
ME Kamminga, HH Fang, MR Filip, F Giustino, J Baas, GR Blake, MA Loi, ...
Chemistry of materials 28 (13), 4554-4562, 2016
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