Christa M Chewar
Christa M Chewar
Dept EECS, US Miliary Academy
在 westpoint.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
A model for notification systems evaluation—assessing user goals for multitasking activity
DS McCrickard, CM Chewar, JP Somervell, A Ndiwalana
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI) 10 (4), 312-338, 2003
Attuning notification design to user goals and attention costs
DS McCrickard, CM Chewar
Communications of the ACM 46 (3), 67-72, 2003
Establishing tradeoffs that leverage attention for utility: empirically evaluating information display in notification systems
DS McCrickard, R Catrambone, CM Chewar, JT Stasko
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 58 (5), 547-582, 2003
Design, science, and engineering topics? Teaching HCI with a unified method
DS McCrickard, CM Chewar, J Somervell
ACM SIGCSE Bulletin 36 (1), 31-35, 2004
Unpacking critical parameters for interface design: evaluating notification systems with the irc framework
CM Chewar, DS McCrickard, AG Sutcliffe
Proceedings of the 5th conference on Designing interactive systems …, 2004
Generalizing interface design knowledge: Lessons learned from developing a claims library
C Payne, CF Allgood, CM Chewar, C Holbrook, DS McCrickard
Proceedings Fifth IEEE Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications …, 2003
Automating a design reuse facility with critical parameters: Lessons learned in developing the LINK-UP system
CM Chewar, E Bachetti, DS McCrickard, JE Booker
Computer-Aided Design of User Interfaces IV: Proceedings of the Fifth …, 2005
Dynamic route descriptions: tradeoffs by usage goals and user characteristics
CM Chewar, DS McCrickard
Proceedings of the 2nd international symposium on Smart graphics, 71-78, 2002
Analyzing the social capital value chain in community network interfaces
CM Chewar, DS McCrickard, JM Carroll
Internet Research 15 (3), 262-280, 2005
Secondary task display attributes: Optimizing visualizations for cognitive task suitability and interference avoidance
CM Chewar, DS McCrickard, A Ndiwalana, C North, J Pryor, D Tessendorf
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series 22, 165-171, 2002
MY Vardi
Communications of the ACM 53 (7), 5-5, 2010
Links for a human-centered science of design: Integrated design knowledge environments for a software development process
CM Chewar, DS McCrickard
Proceedings of the 38th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System …, 2005
Infusing principles and practices for secure computing throughout an undergraduate computer science curriculum
JRS Blair, CM Chewar, RK Raj, E Sobiesk
Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in …, 2020
Designing the claims reuse library: Validating classification methods for notification systems
A Fabian, D Felton, M Grant, C Montabert, K Pious, N Rashidi, ...
Proceedings of the 42nd annual Southeast regional conference, 357-362, 2004
Persistent virtual identity in community networks: Impact to social capital value chains
CM Chewar, DS McCrickard, JM Carroll
Entering the Heart of Design: Relationships for Tracing Claim Evolution.
S Wahid, CF Allgood, CM Chewar, DS McCrickard
SEKE, 167-172, 2004
An ordering of secondary task display attributes
D Tessendorf, CM Chewar, A Ndiwalana, J Pryor, DS McCrickard, C North
CHI'02 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 600-601, 2002
Lights, camera, action! video deliverables for programming projects
C Chewar, SJ Matthews
Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges 31 (3), 8-17, 2016
Ubiquitous computing: By the people, for the people
A Ndiwalana, CM Chewar, J Somervell, DS McCrickard
CHI'03 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 968-969, 2003
Evaluating graphical vs. textual secondary displays for information notification
J Somervell, CM Chewar, DS McCrickard
Proceedings of the ACM Southeast Conference, Raleigh NC, 153-160, 2002
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