Karyn Doba
Karyn Doba
PhD-HDR Maître de Conférences en Psychopathologie UMR CNRS 9193 SCALab Université Lille
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Autobiographical memory deficit in anorexia nervosa: Emotion regulation and effect of duration of illness
JL Nandrino, K Doba, A Lesne, V Christophe, L Pezard
Journal of Psychosomatic Research 61 (4), 537-543, 2006
Emotion regulation and empathic abilities in young adults: The role of attachment styles
S Henschel, JL Nandrino, K Doba
Personality and Individual Differences 156, 109763, 2020
Self-differentiation and eating disorders in early and middle adolescence: A cross-sectional path analysis
K Doba, G Berna, E Constant, JL Nandrino
Eating behaviors 29, 75-82, 2018
Is there a family profile of addictive behaviors? Family functioning in anorexia nervosa and drug dependence disorder
K Doba, JL Nandrino, V Dodin, P Antoine
Journal of Clinical Psychology 70 (1), 107-117, 2014
Grasping the mechanisms of narratives' incoherence in schizophrenia: an analysis of the temporal structure of patients' life story
MC Allé, MC Gandolphe, K Doba, C Köber, J Potheegadoo, R Coutelle, ...
Comprehensive psychiatry 69, 20-29, 2016
Emotion regulation processes and psychoform and somatoform dissociation in adolescents and young adults with cumulative maltreatment
S Henschel, K Doba, JL Nandrino
Journal of Trauma & Dissociation 20 (2), 197-211, 2019
Childhood trauma and posttraumatic stress symptoms in adolescents and young adults: The mediating role of mentalizing and emotion regulation strategies
K Doba, X Saloppé, F Choukri, JL Nandrino
Child Abuse & Neglect 132, 105815, 2022
Interoceptive reliance as a major determinant of emotional eating in adult obesity
C Willem, JL Nandrino, K Doba, M Roussel, C Triquet, H Verkindt, ...
Journal of Health Psychology 26 (12), 2118-2130, 2021
Eating in case of emotion dys‐regulation, depression and anxiety: Different pathways to emotional eating in moderate and severe obesity
C Willem, MC Gandolphe, K Doba, M Roussel, H Verkindt, F Pattou, ...
Clinical obesity 10 (5), e12388, 2020
Organization of the narrative components in autobiographical speech of anorexic adolescents: A statistical and non-linear dynamical analysis
K Doba, JL Nandrino, A Lesne, C Humez, L Pezard
New Ideas in Psychology 26 (2), 295-308, 2008
Dynamics of emotional expression in autobiographic speech of patients with anorexia nervosa
K Doba, L Pezard, A Lesne, J Vignau, V Christophe, JL Nandrino
Psychological Reports 101 (1), 237-249, 2007
Existe-t-il une typologie familiale dans les pathologies addictives? Revue critique de la littérature sur les familles d’adolescents présentant des troubles alimentaires ou des …
K Doba, JL Nandrino
Psychologie française 55 (4), 355-371, 2010
Living as a couple with anorexia nervosa: a dyadic interpretative phenomenological analysis
P Antoine, B Flinois, K Doba, JL Nandrino, V Dodin, M Hendrickx
Journal of Health Psychology 23 (14), 1842-1852, 2018
Cognitive and emotional empathy in anorexia nervosa: the role of attachment insecurity, intrapersonal, and interpersonal emotional competences
K Doba, JL Nandrino
The Journal of nervous and mental disease 208 (4), 312-318, 2020
Is there a family typology of addictive behaviors? Critical review of the literature in the families of adolescents with an eating disorder or with a substance-dependence
K Doba, JL Nandrino
Psychologie Francaise 55 (4), 355-371, 2010
Profil psychologique et comportemental de vulnérabilité à la dépendance à l’exercice et au risque de pratiques dopantes chez les sportifs amateurs: l’exemple des semi-marathoniens
JL Nandrino, JD Escande, S Faure, K Doba, E Vandeweeghe
Annales Médico-psychologiques, revue psychiatrique 166 (10), 772-778, 2008
Quantifying the dynamics of emotional expressions in family therapy of patients with anorexia nervosa
L Pezard, K Doba, A Lesne, JL Nandrino
Psychiatry research 253, 49-57, 2017
Affiliative behaviour and conflictual communication during brief family therapy of patients with anorexia nervosa
K Doba, L Pezard, G Berna, J Vignau, JL Nandrino
Plos one 8 (8), e70389, 2013
The influence of attachment styles on autonomic correlates of perspective-taking
S Henschel, JL Nandrino, L Pezard, L Ott, L Vulliez-Coady, K Doba
Biological psychology 154, 107908, 2020
How do maternal emotional regulation difficulties modulate the mother–infant behavioral synchrony?
K Doba, L Pezard, JL Nandrino
Infancy 27 (3), 582-608, 2022
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